1. When you sit with him, you give him precedence
And you move aside for him on the cushion
١. فَإِذا جالَستَهُ صَدَّرتَهُ
وَتَنَحَّيتَ لَهُ في الحاشِيَه
2. And when you walk with him, you let him go first
And you walk behind with those who come later
٢. وَإِذا سايَرتَهُ قَدَّمتَهُ
وَتَأَخَّرتَ مَعَ المُستَأنِيَه
3. And when he makes things easy for you, you find him
Gentle in manners, sound in health
٣. وَإِذا ياسَرتَهُ صادَفتَهُ
سَلِسَ الخُلقِ سَليمَ الناحِيَه
4. And when he makes things difficult for you, you find him
Stubborn in opinion, obstinate in his ways
٤. وَإِذا عاسَرتَه أَلفَيتَهُ
شَرِسَ الرَأيِ أَبِيّاً داهِيَه
5. So thank Allah for his companionship
And ask the Merciful One for wellbeing from Him
٥. فَاِحمَدِ اللَهَ عَلى صُحبَتِهِ
وَاِسأَلِ الرَحمَنَ مِنهُ العافِيَه