1. Tahir departed after having stayed,
Neither hosting nor being hosted.
١. تَوَلّى طاهِرٌ مِن بَعدِ أَن قَد
أَقامَ فَلا يُسامُ وَلا يَسومُ
2. And he left behind amongst us three,
Marvels that confound reasonable minds.
٢. وَأَبقى بَعدَهُ فينا ثَلاثاً
عَجائِبَ تُستَخَفُّ لَها الحُلومُ
3. Three worshippers of a father and mother,
Distinguished from their ilk, honorable.
٣. ثَلاثَةُ أَعبُدٍ لِأَبٍ وَأُمٍّ
تَمَيَّزُ عَن ثَلاثَتِهِم أَرومُ
4. One claims "Quraysh is my tribe,"
Though they disown him in heart and soul.
٤. فَبَعضُهُمُ يَقولُ قُرَيشُ قَومي
وَتَدفَعُهُ المَوالي وَالصَميمُ
5. Another found refuge with Khuza'ah,
An ancient, uncontested kinship.
٥. وَبَعضٌ في خُزاعَةَ مُنتَماهُ
وَلاءٌ غَيرُ مَجهولٍ قَديمُ
6. And another cowers before the house of Chosroes,
Claiming a despicable foreign lineage.
٦. وَبَعضُهُمُ يَهَشُّ لِآلِ كِسرى
وَيَزعُمُ أَنَّهُ عِلجٌ لَئيمُ
7. Indeed, their allegiances have multiplied against us,
And each one remains in a miserable state.
٧. لَقَد كَثُرَت مَناسِبُهُم عَلَينا
فَكُلُّهُمُ عَلى حالٍ زَنيمُ