
Have you not seen time's tyranny on the house of Barmak,

ألم تر صرف الدهر في آل برمك

1. Have you not seen time's tyranny on the house of Barmak,
And on the son of Nuhayk and the ages long ago?

١. أَلَم تَرَ صَرفَ الدَهرَ في آلِ بَرمَكٍ
وَفي اِبنِ نَهيكٍ وَالقُرونِ الَّتي تَخلو

2. Truly they were planted like palms, established and firm.
Yet they were harvested like onions pulled from the soil.

٢. لَقَد غُرِسوا غَرسَ النَخيلِ تَمَكُّناً
وَما حُصِدوا إِلّا كَما حُصِدَ البَقلُ