1. The head of the son of Muhammad's daughter and his successor,
Oh what great men lie on the bier raised up.
١. رَأسُ اِبنِ بِنتِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَوَصِيِّهِ
يا لِلرِجالِ عَلى قَناةٍ يُرفَعُ
2. While the Muslims look on, hearing and seeing,
None frightened of this, and none humble.
٢. وَالمُسلِمونَ بِمَنظَرٍ وَبِمَسمَعٍ
لا جازِعٌ مِن ذا وَلا مُتَخَشِّعُ
3. You awakened eyelids while you were to them a protection,
And let sleep eyes that were not with you lulled.
٣. أَيقَظتَ أَجفاناً وَكُنتَ لَها كَرىً
وَأَنَمتَ عَيناً لَم تَكُن بِكَ تَهجَعُ
4. With your sight, eyes were darkened totally,
And the news of your death deafened every ear that hears.
٤. كُحِلَت بِمَنظَرِكَ العُيونُ عَمايَةً
وَأَصَمَّ نَعيُكَ كُلَّ أُذنٍ تَسمَعُ
5. No garden wished except that it
For your resting place, and for the line of your grave, was a spot.
٥. ما رَوضَةٌ إِلّا تَمَنَّت أَنَّها
لَكَ مَضجَعٌ وَلِخَطِّ قَبرِكَ مَوضِعُ