
They came from ill-omened Damascus, its people

جاؤوا من الشام المشومة أهلها

1. They came from ill-omened Damascus, its people
Led by Iblis with their army of misfortunes

١. جاؤوا مِنَ الشامِ المَشومَةِ أَهلُها
بِالشُؤمِ يَقدُمُ جُندَهُم إِبليسُ

2. Cursed were they and again cursed for killing their Imam
Abandoning him, mutilated and bleeding

٢. لُعِنوا وَقَد لُعِنوا بِقَتلِ إِمامِهِم
تَرَكوهُ وَهوَ مُبَضَّعٌ مَحموسُ

3. They took the daughters of Muhammad captive
My tears flowing copiously, they had no clothing

٣. وَسَبَوا فَواحَزَني بَناتِ مُحَمَّدٍ
عَبرى حَواسِرَ ما لَهُنَّ لَبوسُ

4. Woe unto you, oh how evil you are, you were satisfied
With hellfire, therein the imprisoned one

٤. تَبّاً لَكُم يا وَيلَكُم أَرَضيتُمُ
بِالنارِ ذَلَّ هُنالِكَ المَحبوسُ

5. You sold eternal life ignorantly for this world
How precious yet life is, though brief

٥. بِعتُم لِدُنيا غَيرِكُم جَهلاً لَكُم
عِزَّ الحَياةِ وَإِنَّهُ لَنَفيسُ

6. More losing than the pledge to the Umayyads
Cursed are they and the share of the pledgers is paltry

٦. أَخسِر بِها مِن بَيعَةٍ أَمَوِيَّةٍ
لُعِنَت وَحَظُّ البايِعينَ خَسيسُ

7. Wretched are those you pledged to, it's as if I
Were, amidst your Imam, in hell, captive

٧. بُؤساً لِمَن بايَعتُمُ وَكَأَنَّني
بِاِمامِكُم وَسطَ الجَحيمِ حَبيسُ

8. Oh House of Ahmad, none you met after him
Were a horde, by comparison Magians

٨. يا آلَ أَحمَدَ ما لَقيتُم بَعدَهُ
مِن عُصبَةٍ هُم في القِياسِ مَجوسُ

9. How many tears spilled for you and souls
Were torn apart at Karbala over Hussein

٩. كَم عَبرَةٍ فاضَت لَكُم وَتَقَطَّعَت
يَومَ الطُفوفِ عَلى الحُسَينِ نُفوسُ

10. Alas for you, bodies lying in the sands
With severed heads atop the withered ones

١٠. واحَسرَتاهُ لَكُم جُسومٌ بِالعَرا
فيها وَفَوقَ الذابِلاتِ رُؤوسُ

11. Patience, my loyal friends, soon there will come
A day of frowns upon the accursed folk

١١. صَبراً مَوالينا فَسَوفَ يُديلُكُم
يَومٌ عَلى آلِ اللَعينِ عَبوسُ

12. I persist following you and your order
While I live my soul remains enchanted

١٢. ما زِلتُ مُتَّبِعاً لَكُم وَلِأَمرِكُم
وَعَلَيهِ نَفسي ما حَيِيتُ أَسوسُ