
All people strive for their needs

الناس كلهم يسعى لحاجته

1. All people strive for their needs
Between those happy and those worried

١. الناسُ كُلُّهُمُ يَسعى لِحاجَتِهِ
ما بَينَ ذي فَرَحٍ مِنهُم وَمَهمومِ

2. And an owner remains busy with his percentage
Seeking from it a ruin not lamented

٢. وَمالِكٌ ظَلَّ مَشغولاً بِنِسبَتِهِ
يَرُمُّ مِنها خَراباً غَيرَ مَرمومِ

3. He builds ruined homes, no companion in them
Between a necklace and the life of Amr ibn Kulthum

٣. يَبني بُيوتاً خَراباً لا أَنيسَ بِها
ما بَينَ طَوقٍ إِلى عَمرِو اِبنِ كُلثومِ