
My neighbor lamented when she saw my white hair

تأسفت جارتي لما رأت زوري

1. My neighbor lamented when she saw my white hair
And considered forbearance to be an unforgivable sin

١. تَأَسَّفَت جارَتي لَمّا رَأَت زَوَري
وَعَدَّتِ الحِلمَ ذَنباً غَيرَ مُغتَفَرِ

2. She longs for youth after her locks have greyed
And time has flowed freely in the arena of old age

٢. تَرجو الصِبا بَعدَ ما شابَت ذَوائِبُها
وَقَد جَرَت طَلَقاً في حَلبَةِ الكِبَرِ

3. My neighbor, the white hair of my head has burdened me
With thoughts of the hereafter and reconciled me to fate

٣. أَجارَتي إِنَّ شَيبَ الرَأسِ ثَقَّلَني
ذِكرَ المَعادِ وَأَرضاني عَنِ القَدَرِ

4. Had I clung to this world and its adornments
I would have wept for those of my comrades now passed

٤. لَو كُنتُ أَركَنُ لِلدُنيا وَزينَتِها
إِذَن بَكَيتُ عَلى الماضينَ مِن نَفَري

5. Time has been harsh to my family and shattered them
Like a wineskin smashed by the blow of a stone

٥. أَخنى الزَمانُ عَلى أَهلي فَصَدَّعَهُم
تَصَدُّعَ القَعبِ لاقى صَدمَةَ الحَجَرِ

6. Some remain while others departed
At the call of death and the rest follow in their tracks

٦. بَعضٌ أَقامَ وَبَعضٌ قَد أَهابَ بِهِ
داعي المَنِيَّةِ وَالباقي عَلى الأَثَرِ

7. As for those who remain, I fear their leaving me
And I do not hope for the return of those who have turned away

٧. أَمّا المُقيمُ فَأَخشى أَن يُفارِقَني
وَلَستُ أَوبَةَ مَن وَلّى بِمُنتَظِرِ

8. I have come to speak of my family and my children
Like a dreamer relating a vision after contemplation

٨. أَصبَحتُ أُخبِرُ عَن أَهلي وَعَن وَلَدي
كَحالِمٍ قَصَّ رُؤيا بَعدَ مُدَّكَرِ

9. Had I not been preoccupied with the Ahlulbayt
I would not have found solace after their loss

٩. لَولا تَشاغُلُ نَفسي بِالأُلى سَلَفوا
مِن أَهلِ بَيتِ رَسولِ اللَهِ لَم أَقِرِ

10. And in your dependents, O sorrowful one, lies occupation
To prevent your spending the night weeping over the lost

١٠. وَفي مَواليكَ لِلمَحزونِ مَشغَلَةٌ
مِن أَن تَبيتَ لِمَفقودٍ عَلى أَثَرِ

11. How many arms of theirs with bangles lie exposed
And forearms emerging from the dust, broken

١١. كَم مِن ذِراعٍ لَهُم بِالطَفِّ بائِنَةٍ
وَعارِضٍ مِن صَعيدِ التُربِ مُنعَفِرِ

12. Shall I forget Husayn and his family's tragedy
As they cry "This is the master of all mankind"?

١٢. أَنسى الحُسَينَ وَمَسراهُم لِمَقتَلِهِ
وَهُم يَقولونَ هَذا سَيِّدُ البَشَرِ

13. O wicked nation, how you recompensed Ahmad
For his excellent delivery of the Quran and Surahs

١٣. يا أُمَّةَ السوءِ ما جازَيتِ أَحمَدَ عَن
حُسنِ البَلاءِ عَلى التَنزيلِ وَالسُوَرِ

14. When he passed, you succeeded him
With the caliphate of the wolf among cattle

١٤. خَلَفتَموهُ عَلى الأَبناءِ حينَ مَضى
خِلافَةَ الذِئبِ في أَبقارِ ذي بَقَرِ

15. Of those alive today, we know of none
From the tribes of Yemen, Bakr and Mudar

١٥. وَلَيسَ حَيٌّ مِنَ الأَحياءِ نَعلَمَهُ
مِن ذي يَمانٍ وَمِن بَكرٍ وَمِن مُضَرِ

16. Except they shared in their blood
As partners, upon islands

١٦. إِلّا وَهُم شُرَكاءٌ في دِمائِهُمُ
كَما تَشارَكَ أَيسارٌ عَلى جُزُرِ

17. Killing, captivity, burning, plundering
Did the invaders in the lands of Rome and Khazar

١٧. قَتلاً وَأَسراً وَتَحريقاً وَمَنهَبَةً
فِعلَ الغُزاةِ بِأَرضِ الرومِ وَالخَزَرِ

18. I see the Umayyads as excused if they killed
But I see no excuse for the Abbasids

١٨. أَرى أُمَيَّةَ مَعذورينَ إِن قَتَلوا
وَلا أَرى لِبَني العَبّاسِ مِن عُذرِ

19. The sons of Harb, Marwan and their ilk
The clan of Mu'ayt, wardens of rancor and hatred

١٩. أَبناءُ حَربٍ وَوَمَروانٍ وَأُسرَتُهُم
بَنو مُعَيطٍ وُلاةُ الحِقدِ وَالوَغَرِ

20. A people who killed the pioneers of Islam
Until when empowered, they rewarded unbelief

٢٠. قَومٌ قَتَلتُم عَلى الإِسلامِ أَوَّلَهُم
حَتّى إِذا اِستَمكَنوا جازَوا عَلى الكُفُرِ

21. Four domes erected over the pious one's grave
Do you claim any religion with insolence?

٢١. أَربَع بِطوسٍ عَلى قَبرِ الزَكِيِّ بِها
إِن كُنتَ تَربَعُ مِن دينٍ عَلى وَطَرِ

22. Two graves in Tus - the best of mankind entire
And the grave of their worst, a lesson

٢٢. قَبرانِ في طوسَ خَيرُ الخَلقِ كُلِّهِمُ
وَقَبرُ شَرِّهِمُ هَذا مِنَ العِبَرِ

23. Of no benefit to the filth is the pious one's proximity
Nor any harm upon the pious one from the filth's nearness

٢٣. ما يَنفَعُ الرِجسَ مِن قُربِ الزَكِيِّ وَما
عَلى الزَكِيِّ بِقُربِ الرِجسِ مِن ضَرَرِ

24. Alas, every person is hostage to what his hands reaped
So take what you will or leave it be

٢٤. هَيهاتَ كُلُّ اِمرِىءٍ رَهنٌ بِما كَسَبَت
لَهُ يَداهُ فَحُذ ما شِئتَ أَو فَذَرِ