
If you visit him, you will find him to be generous

إن زرته ألفيته متبذلا

1. If you visit him, you will find him to be generous
Fresh as the morning dew, lush as meadow grass

١. إِن زُرتَهُ أَلفَيتَهُ مُتَبَذِّلاً
رَطبَ النَدى عَشِبَ الجَنابِ مَريعا

2. Slow to take offense at what hurts his friend
And quick to rush to the aid of his foe

٢. مُتَثاقِلاً عَمّا يَسوءُ صَديقَهُ
وَإِلى الَّتي تُشجي العَدُوَّ سَريعا

3. Lofty aspirations drove him far from the herd
A road less traveled he walked with pride

٣. قَذَفَت بِهِ الغَرَضَ البَعيدَ مِنَ العُلا
هِمَمٌ تَرَكنَ طَريقَهُ مَتبوعا