
With envy he backbites me when he cannot see

وذي حسد يغتابني حين لا يرى

1. With envy he backbites me when he cannot see
My place, and speaks well of me when I hear.

١. وَذي حَسَدٍ يَغتابُني حينَ لا يَرى
مَكاني وَيُثني صالِحاً حينَ أَسَمعُ

2. I hesitated to backbite him in return
While he did not hesitate to backbite me.

٢. تَوَرَّعتُ أَن أَغتابَهُ مِن وَرائِهِ
وَما هُوَ أَن يَغتابَني مُتَوَرِّعُ

3. He smiles in my face when we meet
And stings me in secret behind my back.

٣. وَيَضحَكُ في وَجهي إِذا ما لَقيتُهُ
وَيَهمِزُني بِالغَيبِ سِرّاً وَيَلسَعُ

4. I gave him wide berth until it was as though
The vastness of the earth was narrow for him when I appeared.

٤. مَلَأتُ عَلَيهِ الأَرضَ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
يَضيقُ عَلَيهِ رُحبُها حينَ أَطلُعُ