
I am he whom you knew, if called upon for a raid

أنا من علمت إذا دعيت لغارة

1. I am he whom you knew, if called upon for a raid
In stabbing livers and striking necks

١. أَنا مَن عَلِمتَ إِذا دُعيتُ لِغارَةٍ
في طَعنِ أَكبادٍ وَضَربِ رِقابِ

2. And when the north wind howls violently
How I keep watch for the guest among my companions

٢. وَإِذا تَناوَحَتِ الشِمالُ بِشَتوَةٍ
كَيفَ اِرتِقابي الضَيفَ في أَصحابي

3. And guide my guest in the darkness towards the homes
The radiance of my fire or the barking of my dogs

٣. وَيَدُلُّ ضَيفي في الظَلامِ عَلى القِرى
إِشراقُ ناري أَو نُباحُ كِلابي

4. Until when he faces them and meets them
They greet him with the tips of their tails

٤. حَتّى إِذا واجَهنَهُ وَلَقينَهُ
حَيَّينَهُ بِبَصابِصِ الأَذنابِ

5. So that they almost reveal, from knowing what they are accustomed to
From that, with a welcoming

٥. فَتَكادُ مِن عِرفانِ ما قَد عُوِّدَت
مِن ذاكَ أَن يُفصِحنَ بِالتَرحابِ