1. O Abu Makhlad we were allies of affection
Loving and our hearts together as one
١. أَبا مَخلَدٍ كُنّا حَليفَي مَوَدَّةٍ
هَوانا وَقَلبانا جَميعاً مَعاً مَعا
2. I surround you with the love that you surround me
And I ache with concern that you may ache too
٢. أَحوطُكَ بِالوُدِّ الَّذي أَنتَ حائِطي
وَأَيجَعَ إِشفاقاً لِأَن تَتَوَجَّعا
3. So after your betrayal you made me accused
By myself I frighten all people combined
٣. فَصَيَّرَتَني بَعدَ اِنتِكاثِكَ مُتهِماً
لِنَفسي عَلَيها أَرهَبُ الخَلقَ أَجمَعا
4. You immersed love until its roots collapsed
Between us and you cheapened union until it was severed
٤. غَشَشتَ الهَوى حَتّى تَداعَت أُصولُه
بِنا وَاِبتَذَلتَ الوَصلَ حَتّى تَقَطَّعا
5. And you brought down from the souls and the minds
A hoard of love that had long been denied
٥. وَأَنزَلتَ مِن بَينِ الجَوانِحِ وَالحَشا
ذَخيرَةَ وُدٍّ طالَما قَد تَمَنَّعا
6. So do not blame me, I have no hope in you
You are torn beyond mending or patching anew
٦. فَلا تَعذِلَنّي لَيسَ لي فيكَ مَطمَعٌ
تَخَرَّقتَ حَتّى لَم أَجِد لَكَ مَرقَعا
7. So by my troth that has been rendered futile
I have steeled my heart, though in fragments it flew
٧. فَهَبكَ يَميني اِستَأكَلَت فَاِحتَسَبتُها
وَجَشَّمتُ قَلبي قَطعَها فَتَشَجَّعا