
I did not abandon you out of ingratitude

هجرتك لم أهجرك من كفر نعمة

1. I did not abandon you out of ingratitude
For who hopes to gain more by showing ingratitude?

١. هَجَرتُكَ لَم أَهجُركَ مِن كُفرِ نِعمَةٍ
وَهَل يُرتَجى نَيلُ الزِيادَةِ بِالكُفرِ

2. Rather, when I came to you as a visitor
And you were extremely kind to me, I was unable to show gratitude

٢. وَلَكِنَّني لَمّا أَتَيتُكَ زائِراً
وَأَفرَطتَ في بِرّي عَجَزتُ عَنِ الشُكرِ

3. So now I only come to you in complete submission
I visit you one day each month, and one day each year

٣. فَمِ الآنَ لا آتيكَ إِلّا مُسَلِّماً
أَزورُكَ في الشَهرَينِ يَوماً وَفي الشَهرِ

4. If you increase your kindness, I will increase my aloofness
So we will not meet for the rest of our lives until the Day of Resurrection

٤. فَإِن زِدتَني بِرّاً تَزَيَّدتُ جَفوَةً
فَلا نَلتَقي طولَ الحَياةِ إِلى الحَشرِ