
O my knees of a green lizard and legs of an ostrich

يا ركبتي خزر وساق نعامة

1. O my knees of a green lizard and legs of an ostrich
And jug of a wine-maker and head of a camel

١. يا رُكبَتي خَزرٍ وَساقَ نَعامَةٍ
وَزَبيلَ كَنّاسٍ وَرَأسَ بَعيرِ

2. O she who I liken to raging fever
That cuts the back with wheezing breath

٢. يا مَن أُشَبِهُها بِحُمّى نافِضٍ
قَطّاعَةٍ لِلظَهرِ ذاتِ زَفيرِ

3. Your cheeks are chafed and your throat is dry
And your chest from you is like the crop of a tambourine

٣. صُدغاكِ قَد شَمِطا وَنَحرُكِ يابِسٌ
وَالصَدرُ مِنكِ كَجُؤجُؤُ الطَنبورِ

4. O she who embraces her spends the night as though
In a prison of lice and dung

٤. يا مَن مُعانِقُها يَبيتُ كَأَنَّهُ
في مَحبِسٍ قَمِلٍ وَفي ساجورِ

5. I kissed her and found the sting of her spittle
Above the tongue like the sting of a wasp

٥. قَبَّلتُها فَوَجدتُ لَدغَةَ ريقِها
فَوقَ اللِسانِ كَلَسعَةِ الزَنبورِ