
O you who stand weeping for the bereaved while reciting elegies

يا واقفا يبكي الطلول وينشد

1. O you who stand weeping for the bereaved while reciting elegies
By God you went astray; the guide is lost to you

١. يا واقِفاً يَبكي الطُلولَ وَيُنشِدُ
بِاللَهِ تِهتَ وَغابَ عَنكَ المُرشِدُ

2. How much sorrow do you pretend while you are heedless?
If you were grieved why then do you slumber?

٢. كَم تَدَّعي حُزناً وَأَنتَ مُرَفَّهٌ
إِن كُنتَ مَحزوناً فَما لَكَ تَرقُدُ

3. Why did you not weep for Husayn and his household?
Why did you not weep for the one wept for by Muhammad?

٣. هَلّا بَكَيتَ عَلى الحُسَينِ وَأَهلِهِ
هَلّا بَكَيتَ لِمَن بَكاهُ مُحَمَّدُ

4. The angels wept for him in the heavens
Choice ones bowing and prostrating

٤. فَلَقَد بَكَتهُ في السَماءِ مَلائِكٌ
زُهرٌ كِرامٌ راكِعونَ وَسُجَّدُ

5. And Islam was shaken on the day of his affliction
So religion laments his loss and the devout weep

٥. وَتَضَعضَعَ الاِسلامُ يَومَ مُصابِهِ
فَالدينُ يَبكي فَقدَهُ وَالسُؤدُدُ

6. Have you forgotten when legions came against him
Among them the son of Sa`d and the tyrannous deniers

٦. أَنَسيتَ إِذ صارَت إِلَيهِ كَتائِبٌ
فيها اِبنُ سَعدٍ وَالطُغاةُ الجُحَّدُ

7. Who did not respect the right of the Prophet Muhammad
When they made him drink scalding water that does not cool

٧. لَم يَحفَظوا حَقَّ النَبِيِّ مُحَمَّدٍ
إِذ جَرَّعوهُ حَرارَةً لا تَبرُدُ

8. They killed Husayn and orphaned him through his grandson
So separation after Husayn is scattered

٨. قَتَلوا الحُسَينَ وَأَثكَلوهُ بِسِبطِهِ
فَالثُكلُ مِن بَعدِ الحُسَينِ مُبَدَّدُ

9. How can you be settled when among the captives is Zaynab
Crying with intense heat: O Ahmad!

٩. كَيفَ القَرارُ وَفي السَبايا زَينَبٌ
تَدعو بِفَرطِ حَرارَةٍ يا أَحمَدُ

10. This is Husayn ripped open by swords
While his blood stains the martyred one

١٠. هَذا حُسَينٌ بِالسُيوفِ مُبَضَّعٌ
وَمُلَطَّخٌ بِدِمائِهِ مُستَشهَدُ

11. Bare and slain on the ground
Between hooves and lances abased

١١. عارٍ بِلا ثَوبٍ صَريعٌ في الثَرى
بَينَ الحَوافِرِ وَالسَنابِكِ يُخضَدُ

12. And your good sons slain around him
Above the dust, far-flung, unburied

١٢. وَالطَيِّبونَ بَنوكَ قَتلى حَولَهُ
فَوقَ التُرابِ ضَواحِياً لا تُلحَدُ

13. The shining sun and moon both
Wept around the stars bitterly and blinked

١٣. وَالشَمسُ وَالقَمَرُ المُنيرُ كِلاهُما
حَولَ النُجومِ تَباكِيا وَالفَرقَدُ

14. Have you forgotten the killing of the two grandsons at Karbala
Slaughtered around Husayn, unburied

١٤. أَنَسيتَ قَتلَ المُصطَفَينَ بِكَربَلا
حَولَ الحُسَينِ ذَبائِحاً لَم يُلحَدوا

15. They made him drink from the cup of death openly
While the foe against him multiplied and the fortunate few waned

١٥. فَسَقَوهُ مِن جُرَعِ الحُتوفِ بِمَشهَدٍ
كَثُرَ العَدُوُّ بِهِ وَقَلَّ المُسعِدُ

16. Then they deemed the pure women fair game
So the kin after Husayn is scattered

١٦. ثُمَّ اِستَباحوا الطاهِراتِ حَواسِرا
فَالشَملُ مِن بَعدِ الحُسَينِ مُبَدَّدُ

17. Among the children - orphaned brothers - gather me
Deprived in humiliation, stripped bare

١٧. بِالطَفِّ حَولي مِن يَتامى إِخوَتي
في الذُلِّ قَد سُلِبوا القِناعَ وَجُرِّدوا

18. O grandfather, they were denied the Euphrates and killed
Thirsty, so for them there is no watering place

١٨. يا جَدُّ قَد مُنَعوا الفُراتَ وَقُتِّلوا
عَطَشاً فَلَيسَ لَهُم هُنالِكَ مَورِدُ

19. O grandfather, while the dog drinks safely
Gulping, we are barred from the Euphrates

١٩. يا جَدُّ إِنَّ الكَلبَ يَشرَبُ آمِناً
رِيّاً وَنَحنُ عَنِ الفُراتِ نُطَرَّدُ

20. O grandfather, your grandson Zayd now
Of what befell me I rise and sit

٢٠. يا جَدُّ قَد أَمسَيتُ مِمّا نالَني
وَلِما أُعانيهِ أَقومُ وَأَقعُدُ

21. O grandfather, if you could see me and behold me
With my cheek streaming blood, gashed

٢١. يا جَدُّ لَو أَبصَرتَني وَرَأَيتَني
وَالخَدُّ مِنّي بِالدِماءِ مُخَدَّدُ

22. O grandfather, this is the bloodied neck of Husayn
While the noble body is denuded

٢٢. يا جَدُّ ذا نَحرُ الحُسَينِ مُضَرَّجٌ
بِالدَمِ وَالجِسمُ الشَريفُ مُجَرَّدُ

23. O grandfather, this is the chest of Husayn gouged
As the cavalry tramples up and down on it

٢٣. يا جَدُّ ذا صَدرُ الحُسَينِ مُرَضَّضٌ
وَالخَيلُ تَنزِلُ مِن عَلَيهِ وَتَصعَدُ

24. O grandfather, this is the chained son of Husayn
Shackled in his bonds, fettered

٢٤. يا جَدُّ ذا نَجلُ الحُسَينِ مُعَلَّلٌ
وَمُغَلَّلٌ في قَيدِهِ وَمُصَفَّدُ

25. Yearning for his father and his state
While the sons of Umayya in blindness did not guide

٢٥. يَرنو لِوالِدِهِ وَيَرنو حالَهُ
وَبَنو أُمَيَّةَ في العَمى لَم يَهتَدوا

26. O grandfather, here is Shimr striving
To slaughter Husayn; so which eye will slumber?

٢٦. يا جَدُّ ذا شَمِرٌ يَرومُ بِفَتكِهِ
ذَبحَ الحُسَينِ فَأَيُّ عَينٍ تَجمُدُ

27. To gain the prize of the damned;
Cursed by the Overseer be what he strives for!

٢٧. لِيَحوزَ جائِزَةَ اللَعينِ
لَعَنَ المُهَيمِنُ ما بِهِ يَتَضَهَّدُ

28. When he brought down his sword upon him
He called in the softest voice: O Only Son!

٢٨. حَتّى إِذا أَهوى عَلَيهِ بِسَيفِهِ
نادى بِأَخفَضِ صَوتِهِ يا أَوحَدُ

29. O my Creator You watch over them
In their act of wrong while You witness

٢٩. يا خالِقي أَنتَ الرَقيبُ عَلَيهِمُ
في فِعلِهِم ظُلماً وَإِنَّكَ تَشهَدُ

30. You shall swiftly reckon with the Prophet
O father mine, O giver to `Ali al-Murtada

٣٠. وَتَعُجُّ طوراً بِالنَبِيِّ المُصطَفى
يا والِدي الساقي عَلِيِّ المُرتَضى

31. The foe has secured from us what they schemed
O mother mine, O Fatima the Radiant, rise and count

٣١. نالَ العَدُوُّ بِنا كَما قَد مَهَّدوا
يا أُميَ الزَهراءَ قومي عَدِّدي

32. My possessions in the heavens will assist you
This is your beloved ripped limb from limb

٣٢. وَجَميعُ أَملاكِ السَما لَكِ تُنجِدُ
هَذَا حَبيبُكِ بِالنُصولِ مُقَطَّعٌ

33. None has been afflicted with the like of his affliction
Ever among all mankind except

٣٣. هَذا مُصابٌ ما أُصيبَ بِمِثلِهِ
بَشَرٌ مِنَ المَخلوقِ إِلّا

34. From your Household, and unto you
Some prosody, hopefully in it to delight

٣٤. وَإِلَيكُمُ مِن
بَعضِ النِظامِ عَساهُ فيهِ يَسعَدُ

35. God bless you, O Household, for as long
As birds in the sky sing their trills

٣٥. صَلّى الاِلَهُ عَلَيكُمُ يا مَن
ما دامَ طَيرٌ في السَماءِ يُغَرِّدُ