
May God not let the days laugh long if they laugh

لا أضحك الله سن الدهر إن ضحكت

1. May God not let the days laugh long if they laugh
The family of Ahmed are oppressed, overpowered

١. لا أَضحَكَ اللَهُ سِنَّ الدَهرِ إِن ضَحِكَت
وَآلُ أَحمَدَ مَظلومونَ قَد قُهِروا

2. Scattered, exiled from the homes they love
As if they have committed what cannot be forgiven

٢. مُشَرَّدونَ نُفوا عَن عُقرِ دارِهِمُ
كَأَنَّهُم قَد جَنَوا ما لَيسَ يُغتَفَرُ