1. He used to forbid, so he forbade when he was done,
And the oblivions of youth departed from him.
١. كانَ يُنهى فَنَهى حينَ اِنتَهى
وَاِنجَلَت عَنهُ غَياباتُ الصِبا
2. He cast off playfulness and took to wearing
Ample robes, excelling in virtuous behavior.
٢. خَلَعَ اللَهوَ وَأَضحى مُسبِلاً
لِلنُهى فَضلَ قَميصٍ وَرِدا
3. How can one whose beginning is white hope for white hairs -
In the eyes of the white-haired his beginning is but folly!
٣. كَيفَ يَرجو البيضَ مَن أَوَّلُهُ
في عُيونِ البيضِ شَيبٌ وَجَلا
4. Once the collyrium for her eyes, now with his white hair
He has become a speck that vexes her eyes!
٤. كانَ كُحلاً لِمَآقيها فَقَد
صارَ بِالشَيبِ لِعَينَيها قَذى