1. He cast down his staff and loosened his turban
And said, "A guest," so I said, "Old age," he said, "Yes indeed."
١. أَلقى عَصاهُ وَأَرخى مِن عِمامَتِهِ
وَقالَ ضَيفٌ فَقُلتُ الشَيبُ قالَ أَجَل
2. So I said, "You missed the abode of the living," he said, "And why?"
"You’ve passed forty, exuberant hair has descended."
٢. فَقُلتُ أَخطَأتَ دارَ الحَيِّ قالَ وَلِم
مَضَت لَكَ الأَربَعونَ الوُفرُ ثُمَّ نَزَل
3. So I was not saddened by anything, not saddened
As if blocked from it was the parting of my head by a mountain.
٣. فَما شَجيتُ بِشَيءٍ ما شَجيتُ بِهِ
كَأَنَّما اِعتَمَّ مِنهُ مَفرِقي بِجَبَل