
Whoever is stingy with the little they have

إن من ضن بالكنيف على الضيف

1. Whoever is stingy with the little they have
How can they be generous with what they don't?

١. إِنَّ مَن ضَنَّ بِالكَنيفِ عَلى الضَي
فِ بِغَيرِ الكَنيفِ كَيفَ يَجودُ

2. We have never seen or heard of such meanness -
His door has a lock but no key.

٢. ما رَأَينا وَلا سَمِعنا بِحُشٍّ
قَبلَ هَذا لِبابِهِ إِقليدُ

3. If there is anything hidden in this stinginess,
I have plenty more, if you want.

٣. إِن يَكُن في الكَنيفِ شَيءٌ تَخَبّا
هُ فَعِندي إِن شِئتَ فيهِ مَزيدُ