1. Khuza'a once filled the earth, wherever it spread,
But the passing nights have shortened its borders.
١. كانَت خُزاعَةُ مِلءَ الأَرضِ ما اِتَّسَعَت
فَقَصَّ مَرُّ اللَيالي مِن حَواشيها
2. Over whom the winds blow from its ridges.
The winds have blown knowing that he cannot withstand them,
٢. هَذا أَبو القاسِمِ الثاوي بِبَلقَعَةٍ
تَسفي الرِياحُ عَلَيهِ مِن سَوافيها
3. Though they may become disgraced when contending with him.
He has become a land of death since death descended upon him,
٣. هَبَّت وَقَد عَلِمَت أَن لا هُبوبَ بِهِ
وَقَد تَكونُ حَسيراً إِذ يُباريها
4. And in days of old he made it flourish.
When destruction bared the arrow within it,
٤. أَضحى قِرىً لِلمَنايا إِذ نَزَلنَ بِهِ
وَكانَ في سالِفِ الأَيّامِ يَقريها
5. Khuza'a cast off the bow of its glory.
٥. رَمَت خُزاعَةُ عَنها قَوسَ نَجدَتِها
لَمّا أَماطَ الرَدى السَهمَ الَّذي فيها