
O sons of Malik, guard your eyes from sleep

بني مالك صونوا الجفون عن الكرى

1. O sons of Malik, guard your eyes from sleep
And do not slumber after the son of Nasr, son of Malik

١. بَني مالِكٍ صونوا الجُفونَ عَنِ الكَرى
وَلا تَرقُدوا بَعدَ اِبنِ نَصرِ اِبنِ مالِكِ

2. For a mare has carried him to the graves
Pacing gently with him to your door

٢. فَقَد حَمَلَتهُ لِلقُبورِ مَطِيَّةٌ
أَنافَت بِهاديهِ عَلى شَخصِ بابَكِ

3. And ask every weeping, keen-sighted one
To quickly make preparations for the departed

٣. وَسُلّوا مِنَ الأَجفانِ كُلَّ مُهَنَّدٍ
بَصيرٍ بِضَربٍ لِلطُلى مُتَدارِكِ

4. Hold a funeral for the Hashimites
With loud wailing that makes every laugher weep

٤. يَقومُ بِهِ لِلهاشِمِيّاتِ مَأتَمٌ
لَهُ ضَجَّةٌ يَبكي بِها كُلُّ ضاحِكِ

5. Reminding them of the dead at Badr, torn apart
By beasts and birds of prey, ripping them open

٥. تُذَكِّرُهُم قَتلى بِبَدرٍ تَنوشُهُم
سِباعٌ وَطَيرٌ مِن سِباعِ بَوارِكِ

6. As their swords did to Muhammad
And shook apart his solid, firm throne

٦. كَما فَتَكَت أَسيافُهُم بِمُحَمَّدٍ
وَهَدَّت مَباني عَرشِهِ المُتَماسِكِ

7. So the blood of the deposed pours out
And his treasures and jewelry are pillaged

٧. فَطُلَّ دَمُ المَخلوعِ وَاِنتُهِكَت لَهُ
ذَخائِرُ مِن مَنقوشِهِ وَسَبايِكِ

8. If Harun is pained by his uncle's death
Then every other loss and death is easier

٨. فَإِن غُصَّ هَرونٌ بِجُرعَةِ عَمِّهِ
فَأَيسَرُ مَفقودٍ وَأَهوَنُ هالِكِ