
Though passion is but one of life's vanities

أما والهوى وهو إحدى الملل

1. Though passion is but one of life's vanities,
Your stature has grown until it reached its zenith.

١. أما والهوى وَهْوَ إحْدَى المِلَلْ
لقد طَالَ قَدُّكَ حتى اعتدلْ

2. Your face shone brightly for those who blamed you
Until they saw how difficult it was to blame.

٢. وأَشرَقَ وجْهُكَ للعاذلاتِ
حتَّى رأتْ كيفَ يُعْصى العَذَلْ

3. Yet I have not seen eyelashes more deadly than yours
Though I'm quite familiar with eyeliner.

٣. ولم أَرَ أفتكَ من مُقْلَتَيْهِ
على أنَّ لي خِبْرَةً بالمُقَل

4. You lined them with a fatal passion
And said that the ruin of passion is in kohl.

٤. كحلتَهُما بهوىً قاتِلٍ
وقلت الهوى خَتْلُهُ في الكَحَل

5. And though I pretend to be experienced,
I know full well how to string a rope.

٥. وأني وإن كنت داهنتني
لأعلم كيف تكون الحبل

6. I do not question your eyes about me,
But about the pact of acceptance - what happened?

٦. ولستُ أُسائِلُ عينيك بي
ولكنْ بعهد الرِّضي ما فعل

7. I have not seen a more impossible pursuit
When it is denied by a deadly fortune.

٧. ولم أرَ أبْعَدَ من مَطْلَبٍ
إذا أُبْتَ عنه بحظٍّ قَتَلْ

8. The stars of turmoil or the stars of nightfall
Could water you, even with my blood.

٨. سَقَتْكَ ولو بدما مُهْجَتي
نجومُ الوَغى أو نجومُ الكِلَل

9. The stars of the sky have lied to me
Or the Taurus on their behalf has lied to Aries.

٩. فقد كَذَبَتْني نُجُومُ السماءِ
أو كَذَّبَ الثورُ عنها الحمل

10. I see that love begins with desire
Unleashed or an infatuation that is toyed with.

١٠. ارى الحبُّ أوَّلُهُ شهوةٌ
تُسَلَّطُ أو غِرَّةٌ تُهتَبَل

11. And it ends with a chronic illness
Which is death or something like it.

١١. وآخِرُهُ سَقَمٌ مُدْنِفٌ
هو الموتُ أو هو مِنْهُ بَدَل

12. I yearn for the days of my exuberant youth
When your glances in them were afflictions.

١٢. ألهفِي على زَمَنٍ راهقٍ
سَرضتْ لحظاتُكَ فيه عِلَل

13. And I yearn for a glance at the sand dunes
When I gave my love through it what he asked.

١٣. ولهفي على نظرةٍ بالكثيبِ
أَعْطَيْتُ غيّي بها ما سَأل

14. Youth refused to return to me
While passion and poetry returned.

١٤. أَبتْ أن ترد عليَّ الشبابَ
وردتْ عليَّ الهَوَى والغزل

15. And you reached the flirtations after old age
Stratagems that fall short of overcoming them.

١٥. وَوَصْلث الكواعبِ بَعْدَ المشيبِ
مَرضامٌ تُقَصّرُ عنه الحِيَل

16. I rationalize you with what cannot be
And I congratulate you on what I have not attained.

١٦. أُعَلَّلُ فيكَ بما لا يكون
وأُغْبَطُ مِنكَ بما لمْ أنَلْ

17. Is there not a fair judge between us
Even if he is my lifetime that has not been fair?

١٧. أمَا بيننا حَكَمٌ عادل
ولو أنّه زمني مَا عَدل

18. Would he be fair to you while you are life
And unfair to you while you are death?

١٨. أيُنْصِفُ منكَ وأنت الحياةُ
وَيُعْدِي عليكَ وأنت الأَجَل

19. But you have persecuted me when I was weak
Why not fulfill while there is room for tolerance?

١٩. ولكنْ تهحاملَ لما ضعفتُ
فهلاَّ وَفَى وَلَهُ مُحْتَمَلْ

20. O the one I missed between bygone friends
And solitude that parted and youth that departed

٢٠. ويا ضيعتا بين رَبْعٍ عَفَا
وخلٍّ جفا وَشَبَابٍ رَحَل

21. And my peers envied me for my excellence
Their hearts like the hearts of foxes

٢١. وبي معشرٌ حَسَدُوني العُلا
صُدُورُهُمُ كصدورِ الأسَل

22. Their glances cut me off
So the winds of the roads cannot reach me

٢٢. تَقَطعُ دونيَ ألحاظُهُمْ
فما تستطيعُ رياحُ السَّبَل

23. If they see me they do not speak
And if I am absent they clamor “Alas!” and “Woe!”

٢٣. إذا ما رأونيَ لم ينبسوا
وإن غبت ضجُّوا بهلاَّ وَهَلْ

24. And they get angry if the highborn ask about me
To you - and excellence did not befit you

٢٤. وغضبانَ إن سُؤتُهُ حالني
إليك وإن العلا لم تحل

25. And he knew glory, no doubt
But neglected it so as not to wilt

٢٥. وقد عرَفَ المجدَ لا شك فيه
ولكن تبالَهْ كي لا يُبَلْ

26. He wished me well in my request
And singled me out for the job

٢٦. تمنَّى وسَامَحَني في الطِّلابِ
وقال وأفْرَدَني بالعمل

27. We split fortunes and I appointed him
To glory – he set out at a run and got ahead

٢٧. قَسمنا الحظوظ وَحَاكَمْتُهُ
إلى المجدِ روَّى بنا وارتجَلْ

28. So I became like the bright star on the forehead
And he became like the splash under the shade

٢٨. فأصبحتُ كالناجِ تحتَ الجبين
وأصبح كالفَقْعِ تحت الأظَل

29. I will prepare you when the virgin gets up
Dead in determination, alive in hope

٢٩. أجِدَّك ما يستفيقُ العذولُ
ميتَ العزائمِ حيَّ الأمل

30. He hesitated so when glory raised him
He poured in his obstinacy or was laden with it

٣٠. تَوَانَى فلما شأتْهُ العُلاَ
صَبَا في تَعَنُّتِه أو شُمِل

31. None can match his glory
Even if he is in its extended meadows

٣١. وليس بِثَانِيْهِ عن شَأْوِهِ
ولو أنَّهُ في مَداهُ الزَّلَل

32. I see time has not known me since I knew it
While I taught it what it did not know

٣٢. ارى الدهر جهَلَني ما علمتُ
على حينَ عَلَّمْتُهُ ما جَهِل

33. I vow I will not demand it
Except by the sword of the eternal Prince

٣٣. لَوَانشي وأقسمتُ لا أقْتَضيه
إلاّ بسيفِ الأميرِ الأجل

34. Those eyes have been cleared of it
Wavering between hills and mounds

٣٤. وقد بَرِئَتْ منهُ تلكَ الجفونُ
تَلَدَّدُ بينَ الطُّلى والقُلَل

35. And a death called the French disease has circulated
Debilitating its body as if it did not mature

٣٥. وقد جالَ موتٌ يُسَمَّى الفرنْدَ
عللا مَتْنُهُ وكأنْ لم يَجُل

36. And the souls of the whole world poured over it
Making it more intricate than it tangled

٣٦. وَسَالتْ عليه نفوسُ الكماةِ
فأشكلَ أكثرَ مما اشْتَكَل

37. Like the tattoo of a young maiden on a cheek
When it appears, diffidence mixes into it

٣٧. كوشمِ عِذَارٍ على وَجْنَةٍ
إذا لاح مَاراكَ فيه الخجل

38. Its exterior wanders into jewelry
While its interior is infected with unemployment

٣٨. تتايَهَ ظاهرُه بِالحُلِيِّ
وقد جُنَّ باطنُهُ بالعَطَل

39. The sun has its sultanate at sunrise
Be it beautiful at dawn or in origin

٣٩. وللشمسِ سُلْطانُها بالهجيرِ
وإن حَسُنَت في الضّحى والأصُل

40. Joy may laugh after pleasure
About beauty among trinkets and garments

٤٠. وقد تَضْحَكُ الراحُ بعد المزاجِ
عنِ الحُسْنِ بين الحُلَى والحُلَل

41. But it leaned toward it before
Even if they mixed it with the saliva of kisses

٤١. ولكن تَحَنَّى بها قَبْلَهُ
ولو مَزَجُوها بِخَلْسِ القُبَل

42. Emaciation depicts it to the eyes
When the eye arises from whom it descended from

٤٢. يَصُوْرُ العيونَ إليها النحولُ
إذا نَبَتِ العينُ عَنْ مَن نَحَل

43. How many a friend have I skipped over
Who would have reconciled if deciding one day

٤٣. فكم من رفيقٍ تَخَطّيْتُهُ
ولو عَزَمَ الأمْرَ يوماً لحل

44. These terms may require
Meanings beyond what sentences can encompass

٤٤. وقد تقتضي هذه المفرداتُ
معانيَ تَقْصُرُ عنها الجُمَل

45. If you reconcile one day with the notable tribes
Or else excellence has not reconciled

٤٥. إذا صُلْتَ يوماً نبا المَشْرفيُّ
وإلا فإنَّ العُلا لم تَصُل

46. Does death discard him or repeal him?
So whoever wills gains prominence and whoever wills is debased

٤٦. هل الموتُ تَرْمي به أو تَرُدُّ
فَمَنْ شاءَ عَزَّ وَمَنْ شاءَ ذل

47. O horseman of steeds and war, it is assumed
Either fame or an assumption to be taken

٤٧. أيا فارسَ الخيلِ والبأسُ ظَنٌّ
يُرَجَّمُ أو ظِنَّةُ تُنْتَحل

48. And death rolled up its sleeve
As you calculated from its laziness

٤٨. وقد شَمَّر الموتُ عن ساقِهِ
على ما حسبتَ به من كسل

49. And war clarified its situation
So the coward died and the hero lived

٤٩. وأعربتِ الحربُ عن حالِها
فماتَ الجبانُ وعاشَ البطل

50. And white glimmered in a cheek
From death, diffusing until it departed

٥٠. وأومضتِ البيضُ في عارضٍ
من الموتِ ما عنَّ حتى رَحَل

51. It quenched the earth more than its irrigation
While having no moisture within

٥١. سَقَى الأَرْضَ أكثرَ منْ رِيِّها
على أنَّه ليس فيه بَلَل

52. And eclipsed the sun from its horizons
Beaming, but finding no shade in it

٥٢. وَسَدَّ على الشمسِ آفاقَها
ولو ضَحَيتْ لم تَجِدْ فيه ظل

53. To restore the peninsula it demolished
To a state whose cycles it worshiped

٥٣. ليهنِ الجزيرةَ إهلالها
إلى دولة عَبَدتَهْا الدول

54. You set out to it with the notable tribes
Yet you were most worthy of precedence

٥٤. هببتَ إليها مع المشرفيّ
وكنتض أحَقَّ بِسَبْقِ العَذَل

55. A group of people turned away from kindness
But they were created hasty

٥٥. وقد راغَ قومٌ عن المكرماتِ
ولكنهم خُلِقُوا من عجل

56. You made way while the intention was unfamiliarity
The journeys there are too narrow for travels

٥٦. فَسَحْتَ لها والنوى غَرْبَةٌ
تضيقُ الرِّحالُ بها والرِّحَل

57. And I knew when I sensed its approach
With what powerful, glorious this renunciation was done

٥٧. وقد علمتُ حين لبيتها
بأيِّ قُوَى ماجدٍ تَنصل

58. It is seriousness, not the heedlessness of kings
Between purposefulness and haste

٥٨. هو الجدُّ لا غَفَلاتُ الملوكِ
بين الأَناةِ وبين العَجَل

59. Nor their confusion in the depths of impossibilities
Seeking rescue – perhaps or maybe

٥٩. ولا خَوْضُهُمْ غمراتِ المُحَالِ
يستنجدونَ عسى أو لعل

60. Good fortune has been granted to those who request you
Even if the buyer sulks or pulls back

٦٠. فَسَعْدَكَ يستنجحُ الطالبونَ
وإن رَغِمَ المُشْترِي أو زُحَل

61. And you are the one the panegyrists praise
Of various interests and various paths

٦١. وإيَّاكَ يمتدحُ المادحونَ
شَتَّى المآربِ شَتَّى السبل

62. You have taken the high ground with the swords
Time has granted it or been stingy of it

٦٢. وأنت أخذتَ العلا بالسيوفِ
جادَ الزمان بها أو بخل

63. You appeared to them like the rise of death
So they let go of the reins of demise and failure

٦٣. طلعتَ عليهم طُلُوع المنونِ
فألْقَوْا بأيدي الوَنَى والفَشَل

64. With determination twisting if they implicated it
It fulfilled and if they tasked it, it carried

٦٤. بعزم كظنِّ الأديبِ الأريبِ
وجيشٍ كَذَيْلِ الأَياةِ الخَصِل

65. Its money gets divided among the impoverished
So if there is surplus, then the surplus is his

٦٥. وهمة أَلْوَى إذا ضَمّنُوْهُ
وَفَى وإذا حَمّلُوهُ حَمَل

66. And its swords wreak havoc among the enemies
So if they are thirsty, then the afflictions are upon it

٦٦. تُقَسَّمُ أمْوَالُهُ في العُفَاةِ
فإن فَضَلَتْ فَلَهُ ما فَضَل

67. Ask the sea about its generosity when it raged
And its shores about its violence when it lurked

٦٧. وتنهلُ أسيافُهُ في العداةِ
فإن ظَمِئَتْ فَعليه العَلَل

68. It manifested between both its states
So ask it, has it seen a sea or a mountain?

٦٨. سلِ البحْرَ عن جُودِهِ إذ طما
وَشَطَّيْهِ عن بَأْسِهِ إذ أطَل

69. And it used to recognize it out of ignorance of it
But when it saw it, it foretold or recoiled

٦٩. تَجَلَّى له بين حاليهما
فَسَلْهُ أبحرٌ رَأى أمْ جبل

70. And it deliberately avoided its extent for it
Either to be valued or to see who is debased

٧٠. وقد كان باراه جَهْلاً به
فلما رآهُ نَبَا أو نَكَل

71. Abu Bakr, repay those debts
For time has caused harm beyond what lingered

٧١. وَعَمْداً تَجَافَى له عَنْ مَدَاهُ
ليعتزَّ أو لِيَرى منْ أذَل

72. You sought the heights in the shadows of spears
As staves have been lacking in the shadows of turbans

٧٢. أبا بكرٍ اقتضِ تلك الديونَ
فقد أبأَسَ الدهرُ مما مَطَل

73. And guard the sanctity of the kingdom from violation
Especially for kingdoms to be debased

٧٣. تَوَخَّ العُلا في ظلالِ الرِّماحِ
فقد أعوزتْ في ظِلالِ الكِلل

74. I see that every army loves conquest
So from where has the man fallen short?

٧٤. وَصُنْ حَرَمَ الملك أنْ يُسْتَباح
فسيما الممالكِ أنْ تُبْتَذَل

75. I thanked you with the gratitude of lively meadows
That you have frequented between softness and firmness

٧٥. أرى كلَّ جيشٍ يحبُّ الغِلاَبِ
فمنْ أين قصَّر عَنْهُ الرجل

76. I have alleviated the sorrow of the envious by mentioning you
If he died it would neither increase nor diminish

٧٦. شَكَرْتُكَ شُكْرَ الرياضِ الحيا
تَعَاهَدَها بين وَبْلٍ وَطَل

77. My illness walks slowly during my times of weakness
Which are humiliation while it sees them as laziness

٧٧. أطَلْتُ بذكرِكَ غَمَّ الحسودِ
فلو ماتَ ما زادَ أو ما عضل

78. Abu Bakr secured the lives of Muslims
For oppression had trickled down upon them and overflowed

٧٨. يسيرُ غليّ على فَتْرَةٍ
هي الذُلُّ وهو يَراها الكَسَل

79. You were entrenched in the ways of magnanimity
Of vast overtures and an immense abode

٧٩. تَدَارَكْ أبا بكرٍ المسلمينَ
فقد نَهِلَ الضيمُ منهمْ وَعَل

80. So time stood by you, aromatic
And generosity walked with you the course of an exemplar

٨٠. تَغَلْغَلْتَ في طُرُقِ المَكْرُماتِ
ضخمَ الدَّسَائع رَحْبَ المحل

٨١. فقامَ بكَ الدهر طيبَ النَّدى
وسار بك الجودُ سَيْرَ المثل