
Exhaust your tears, for ecstasy is lost,

استنفد الدمع إن الوجد قد فقدا

1. Exhaust your tears, for ecstasy is lost,
Time will never mock it as before.

١. استنفدِ الدمعَ إنَّ الوَجْدَ قد فُقِدَا
لا يُحْسِنُ الدَّهْرُ رُزْءاً مِثْلَهُ أبَدا

2. And tell the fates in their relentless race,
"You have covered every stretch of road."

٢. وَقُلْ لِصَرْفِ الزمانِ اختلْ على ثِقَةٍ
من السّباقِ فقد أحْرَزْتَ كلَّ مَدَى

3. Today when glory is shrouded in its winding sheet,
My soul is a sacrifice if it had not covered you earlier.

٣. اليومَ حينَ لففتَ المجدَ في كَفَنٍ
نفسي الفداءُ على أنْ لاتَ حين فِدَا

4. Oh how sorrow sprouted in my breast an ember,
Nothing hurts it more than to persist.

٤. يا حسرةً نَشَأَتْ بين الضُّلوعِ جَوىً
ما ضرَّ لاعِجَها أنْ لا يكونَ ردى

5. By God's will, whenever I pass a grave,
I steal sorrow, even if I had not died as widely.

٥. في ذمَّةِ الله قَبْرٌ ما مَرَرْتُ به
إلا اختُلِسْت أسىً إنْ لم أمُتْ كمدا

6. It embodied religion and life in their entirety,
As well as determination, wisdom, faith and integrity.

٦. تَضَمَّنَ الدينَ والدُّنْيا بأَسرِهمَا
والعزمَ والحزمَ والإيمانَ والرَّشدا

7. And flowing generosity spread like its canopy,
The sun would lean on it if it were a pillar.

٧. والسؤددَ الضخمَ مضروباً سُرادِقُه
قد ودَّتِ الشمسُ لو كانتْ له عمدا

8. Filled with majesty that filled eyes with light,
And war with courage and sides of the noble with bounty.

٨. ملء القلوب جلالاً والعيونِ سناً
والحرب بأساً وأكناف النديِّ ندى

9. One who does not step forward unless for the lofty,
And does not extend his hand except for acts of grace.

٩. منْ لا يُقدِّمُ في غير العلا قدماً
ولا يمدُّ لغير المكرماتِ يدا

10. Time has waned, yet how could it subdue a knight
Who has wandered long in pursuit of its morrows and yesterdays.

١٠. أوْدى الزمانُ وكيف اسطاعَهُ بفتىً
قد طالَ ما راحَ في أتباعه وغدا

11. As if he had a blood feud he sought by night,
Until he saw him, so none could match him.

١١. كأنَّه كان ثأراً باتَ يَطْلُبُهُ
حتّى رآه فلم يَعْدِلْ به أحدا

12. Oh day of Ubaidallah's death, what sorrow
Lies in my breast that refuses to answer a call!

١٢. يا يوْمَ مَنْعَى عبيد الله أيُّ أسىً
بينَ الجوانحِ يأبى أن يُجيبَ ندا

13. And what abundant misfortune whose palm
Cannot restrain my abated tears and weary breaths.

١٣. وأي غرب مصاب لا يكو كفه
دمعي الهتون ولا أنفاسي الصعدا

14. Nor can the doves in pairs and singles,
Who have drawn swords or sharpened blades the whole night.

١٤. ولا البلابلُ مِنْ مثنى وواحدةٍ
باتَتْ تُسلُّ سُيوفاً أو تُسنُّ مُدى

15. Nor can worries though their afflictions have wearied me,
As if they have conspired against me or against the darkness.

١٥. ولا الهمومُ وقد أعْيت طوارقها
كأنما بِتنَ لي أوْ للدُّجَى رصدا

16. Alas the canal of faith is demolished,
When the glorious one left no tracks upon its surface.

١٦. ألاَ لِتَبْكِ قَنَاةُ الدِّينِ حَطْمَتَها
لماجدٍ لم يَدَعْ في مَتْنِهَا أوَدَا

17. Well-mannered, glory never shook his cloak,
Except it fluttered with more glory and nobility.

١٧. مُهَذَّبٌ لم يهزَّ الحمدُ مِعْطَفَهُ
إلا تَهَلَّلَ مجداً واستهلَّ جدا

18. The eggs of hopes always yearn,
If the steeds neighed among its broodnests.

١٨. تودُّ بيضُ الأماني كلَّما سَنَحتْ
لو حاسَنَ الحَلْيَ في أجيادها غَيدَا

19. Tell the darkness as its shadows have gathered,
Even if the downpour were aimed at it, it would not abate.

١٩. قلْ للدُّجَى وقد التفَّتْ غَيَاهِبُهَا
فلو تَصَوَّبَ فيها الماءُ ما اطَّردا

20. Verily the meteor we used to kindle,
Its embers have faded in the soil or extinguished.

٢٠. إنَّ الشّهابَ الذي كُنَّا نجوبُ به
أجوازَهخا قد خبا في التُّرْبِ أو خَمدا

21. My craving and the craving of the lofty haunt me,
The turns of fate have shown me a curious goal.

٢١. لهفي ولهف المعالي جار بي وبها
صَرْفُ الرَّددى وأرانا أيَّةً قَصَدا

22. Oh my companions, do not be detained by thirst,
Prolonged ecstasy, here are my tears to slake it.

٢٢. يا صاحبيَّ ولا يحبسْكُما ظمأٌ
طال الهُيَامُ وهذي أدْمُعي فَرِدا

23. And tell me of the lofty ones since they have been spurned,
Whether its familiar pillars or its unique columns.

٢٣. وحدِّثانيْ عن العَلْيا وقد رُزِئَتْ
مسنونَها اللدنَ أو مصقولَها الفَرِدَا

24. I find it has turned away from remembering it
After hoping that it would yearn and seek it.

٢٤. أجِدَّها قد عداها بعد أوْبتِهِ
عن أنْ تهيمَ بذكراه وأن تَجِدَا

25. Alas it has lost its zest, then realized
That it cannot gain a mind or purpose from it.

٢٥. واهاً وُتِرَتْهُ ثم قد عَلِمَتْ
أن لا تنالَ به عَقْلاً ولا قَوَدا

26. And battle trenches have not ceased around it
To surge with steeds, chaos and the goal of spears.

٢٦. ولم تزلْ حولها للحربِ أوديةٌ
تموجُ بالخيلِ فوْضى والقنا قِصَدا

27. Are my efforts and all my hopes lies?
Say to it today, "Do not distance, though you have distanced."

٢٧. هل نافعي والأماني كلُّها خُدَعٌ
قولي له اليومَ لا تَبْعَدْ وقد بَعُدا

28. Does my circling sorrow reach it
When its home is not a refuge, distancing distancing?

٢٨. وهل أتاهُ وليست داره صَدَداً
أنّي أُداري عليه لوعةً صَدَدا

29. Has it tasted this blight out of anxiety?
The affliction carried by it is manifold more than what settled.

٢٩. وهل تَذَمَّمَ هذا الرزءُ من قَلَقٍ
قام المصابُ به أضْعافَ ما قعدا

30. But, by the day you passed away Ubaidallah, and what sorrow,
Death has chosen you and taken you.

٣٠. أما ويَوْمش عبيدِ الله وهو اسى
لقد تخيّرَ هذا الموتُ وانْتَقدا

31. O glorious one, you have fulfilled the promise of the lofty,
Today has death fulfilled in you what it promised?

٣١. يا ماجداً أنجزَ العلياءَ مَوْعِدَها
أَليومَ انجزَ فيكَ الموتُ ما وعدا

32. Verily the heart you dwelled
Has been deserted after you until it became desolate.

٣٢. إن الفؤادَ الذي مازلت تَعْمُرُهُ
قد رِيعَ بَعْدَكَ حتى صار مُفتأَدا

33. You left my eyes brimming with tears
That do not sleep, though the one who slept suffers no harm.

٣٣. غادرتَ عينيَّ ملآوينِ من عِبَر
لا تَرْقُدَانِ ولا بؤسَى لِمنْ رَقَدا

34. The sun of glory whose rising you were witness to,
How angry you were if it were to set fruitlessly!

٣٤. شمسَ المعالي وقِدماً كنتَ شامتَهَا
فكمْ غضِبْتَ لها من أن تَظلْ سُدى

35. Alas, by your magnanimity you promised us
That we would not die while in your companionship.

٣٥. إيذَنْ بجدواكَ تُدْرِكْنا وكيفَ با
وقد ضَمِنْتَ لنا أن لا نموتَ صدا

36. But no! Death has proclaimed your tale,
Sufficient for time to break what it pledged.

٣٦. هيهاتِ صَرَّحَ فيك الموتُ عنْ نبأٍ
كَنَى الزمانُ به عن نَقْضِ ما عَهِدَا

37. If the steeds of tears gallop forth with it,
An overwhelming ecstasy has no end to it.

٣٧. إذا وَنَتْ فيكَ خَيْلُ الدَّمْعِ جَدَّ بها
مُجْرٍ من الشَّوقِ لم يَحْدُدْ لها أمَدا

38. And if the nightbirds appear to it,
It is miserable life that has wasted the soul and body.

٣٨. وإنْ تراءى لها السُّلوانُ طَالَعَها
ضَنْكٌ من العيشِ سلَّ الروحَ والجسدا

39. Oh how I wish I knew, can mourning temper fate
When numbness returns in its armor and appears?

٣٩. يا ليت شعري وهل يَثني الرّدى جَزَعٌ
عاد التبلُّدُ في سَوْراته وَبَدَا

40. Can a recurrent stream return what has passed
When no resilience remains for what is to come?

٤٠. وهل يعودُ على الماضي بعائدةٍ
إذ لا تجلُّدَ للباقي ولا جَلَدا

41. When will the torments of love for him multiply?
It saddens him, though perhaps it could have ink for it.

٤١. متى تَكاثَرُ لوعاتُ الغرام به
يهَنيه إنْ ربمَّا كانتْ لها مَدَادا

42. O you who passed away when nothing could stand up to him,
Either fate has hastened you when you evaded.

٤٢. يا غادياً لم يكن شيءٌ يقومُ له
إما تَوَقَّاكَ صَرْفُ الدهرِ حين عدا

43. I cry for you, though without shame or fault,
You were guidance whose marks and light I followed.

٤٣. تبكي عليكَ ولا عارٌ ولا حَرجٌ
هدايةٌ كنتَ من إعلامِهَا وهدى

44. O Abu Hussein, I invoke none but the wearer
Of burdens, when he has helped loved ones and resisted enemies.

٤٤. أبا الحسينِ ولا ادعو سوى وَزَرٍ
قد طال ما غاثَ أحباباً وغاظَ عِدَا

45. And O exalted Abu Hakam in his ambition
To magnanimity, no retreat or hesitation.

٤٥. ويا أبا الحَكَمِ السَّامِي بهمَّتِهِ
إلى المكارمِ لا نِكْساً ولا جَمِدَا

46. And O felicitous Abu Qasim, his steed
Soaring through whatever time has blamed or praised.

٤٦. ويا أبا القاسمِ الميمون طائرُهُ
في كلِّ ما ذمّ منه الدهرُ أو حَمَدا

47. Your condolence is that the world and its vanity
Is an ocean we have floated on its harmful foam.

٤٧. عزاءَكم إنَّما الدنيا وزينَتُها
بحرٌ طَفوْنا على آذيهِ زَبَدا

48. And be patient with it, a vigorous and highborn horse
That nights cannot untie what it has knotted.

٤٨. واستشعرِوا الصبرَ عنه فارساً نَدِساً
لا تستطيعُ الليالي حلّ ما عَقَدا

49. An affliction that the lofty spurn in it
That has filled their breasts with agonizing torment.

٤٩. رزءٌ تداري المعالي فيه أنْفُسها
عن لوعةٍ ملأت أحشاءَها زُؤدا

50. His wealth flowed abundantly, layered,
Almost filling with its cascades the valley of prosperity.

٥٠. جادتْ ثراهُ فروّتهُ مجلجلةٌ
تكادُ تروي صداهُ العيشةَ الرغدا

51. Whoever beautiful one has inhabited a land,
Except the soil of his grave sighed and called him.

٥١. منْ كلِّ غاديةٍ ما باشرَتْ بلداً
إلا ترنَّحَ ضاحي تُرْبِهِ وشدا

52. Ask death with knowledge and experience,
What thing did man desire or envy in it?

٥٢. سَلِ المنايا على علمٍ وتَجْرِبَةٍ
في أيِّ شيءٍ بغى الإنسان أو حسدا

53. People compete in the world though they know
That its pleasures will kill them time and again.

٥٣. تَنافَسَ الناسُ في الدنيا وقد علموا
أن سوف تقتلُهُمْ لذّاتُهُمْ بددا

54. They covet it though decline has drawn near them
And vie for it though it has counted them.

٥٤. تبادَرُوها وقد آدَنْهُم فَشلاً
وكاثرُوها وقد أحصتهمُ عددا

55. Tell the one who speaks of Luqman or Lobed,
Time has left no Luqman or Lobed.

٥٥. قلْ للمحدِّثِ عنْ لقمانَ أو لُبَدٍ
لم يتركِ الدهرُ لقماناً ولا لبدا

56. And the one whose ambition is raising buildings,
Fate has surely left no lion in humankind.

٥٦. وَللَّذي هَمُّهُ البنيانُ يَرْفَعُهُ
إنّ الردى لم يغادرْ في الشَّرَى أَسَدا

57. Nothing that the son of Adam desires is everlasting,
He hopes for tomorrow though perhaps he will not live till tomorrow.

٥٧. ما لابنِ آدمَ لا تَفْنَى مَطَالِبُهُ
يَرْجُو غداً وعسى أنْ لا يعيشَ غدا