
The morning breeze, you were no spirit, no towering height,

نسيم الصبا لا كنت روحا ولا سمت

1. The morning breeze, you were no spirit, no towering height,
No sweet perfume for you but sighing, wistful plight,

١. نسيم الصَّبا لا كنتَ رَوْحاً ولا سَمَتْ
لك المُزْنُ إلا وَهْيَ هِيمٌ حوائمُ

2. Though the garden made you bear its scent, and water gave
The hidden passions of desire a chance to rise and rave.

٢. ولا استودعَتْكَ الروضُ طيباً وإن سقتْ
رسيسَ الهوى المكتومِ تلك النمائم

3. You never told about your brother, though his troth was sure
Binding many plighted faiths, and oaths to reassure,

٣. كما لم تبلّغْ عن أخيكَ وقد قضتْ
له حُرُماتٌ جمَّةٌ ومحارمُ

4. Perhaps since we showed trust in you, you turned aside, grew numb,
The wolves drew after you, the dark your steps would come,

٤. لعلَّكَ إذ خِلْناك أخللتَ صمَّمت
إليك الظُّبَا أو أوْثَقَتْكَ الأداهم

5. Else rights are lost, hopes fail, ties snapped, foundations swept,
Means gone, and structures ruined, purposes unkept.

٥. وإلا فقد ضاعتْ حقوقٌ وأخفقت
وسائل وانهدَّتْ بُنَىً ودعائمُ

6. Enough—do not denial now from blame exempt,
For if it still is there, assuredly, it has not left.

٦. فحسبُكَ لا تسْتَنْكِرِ العُذْرَ بَعْدَها
وإن يَكُ بَغْياً فهو لا شَكَّ لازمُ