
I say, as my cup gained from him

أقول لما فاز قدحي به

1. I say, as my cup gained from him
Some wine, and left me careless in my sorrow,

١. أقولُ لما فازَ قِدْحِي به
منْ لكمُ بي والسُّها دوني

2. The full moon rose before me, so greetings to it,
Rising fortune-blessed and well-matched.

٢. قد طلع البدرُ فأهلاً به
مُطالِعاً بالسَّعْدِ مَقْرُون

3. It is a plentiful rain in a garden of glory,
Whatever you wish of honor and strength.

٣. غيثٌ هي بالمجدِ في رَوْضَةٍ
ما شئتَ منْ عزٍّ وتمكين

4. So they split, spreading the fragrance of piety - indeed it
Is sweeter than the scent of meadows.

٤. فانتشقا نَشْرَ التُّقَى إنَّهُ
أطْيَبُ مِنْ نَشْرِ الرَّياحين

5. And they wiped away the flowers of ascension - indeed it
Brought more radiance than garden blooms.

٥. والتمحا زَهْرَ العُلا إنه
أَوْما إلى زهْرِ البساتين

6. By my father, how you two glittered,
Beyond all hope and security.

٦. وبأبي كيفَ تجلَّيْتُما
عن كلِّ تأميلٍ وتأمين

7. And how they brought you the morning sun
While night was clothed in its gown.

٧. وكيف جاءوك بشمسِ الضحى
والليلَ في أثوابهِ الجون

8. They brought you magic, not from Babylon,
And musk, not from the horizon's houses.

٨. جاءوك بالسّحْرِ ولا بابلٌ
والمسكِ لا من أُفْقِ دارين

9. And they entrusted you to a dome whose ceiling
Is the wings of sheltering birds.

٩. واستودعوها قُبّةً سَمْكُها
أجْنِحةُ الطَّيرِ المآمين

10. Unless it were Eden, in its shade,
You and one of its maidens with dark eyes.

١٠. إلا تكنْ عدناً ففي ظلّها
أنتَ وإحدى حُورِها العِين

11. Alas! O Abu Bakr, these wishes
Seduce me into fantasies.

١١. إيهٍ أبا بكرٍ وهذي المنى
تَفْتَنُّ منها في أفانين

12. O essence of knowledge and its details
Of every duty and tradition!

١٢. يا جُمْلَةَ العلم وتفصيلَه
منْ كل مَفْروضٍ ومسنون

13. If a people come with their records,
You are the record of records.

١٣. إن جيءَ قومٌ بدواوينهمْ
فأنتَ ديوانُ الدواوين

14. With whom do people compete against their foes,
In every gathering enraptured by you?

١٤. بمنْ يباهي القوم أعداءهم
في كلِّ حَفْلٍ منكَ مفتون

15. Our battlefields have been emptied of you
And become other than battlefields.

١٥. قد أقْفَرَتْ منكَ ميادينُنَا
فأصبَحَتْ غيرَ ميادين

16. You bite your hands in longing and regret,
For one enraptured, and overcome with passion.

١٦. تَعَضُّ من شوقٍ ومنْ حسرةٍ
على يَدَيْ لهفانَ مغبون

17. And whenever you traveled to a country,
It called out in the loudest voice, "Enough for me!"

١٧. وكلما سِرْتَ إلى بلدةٍ
نادتْ بأعلى الصوتِ يكفيني

18. Until you came and stayed in Homs, there came
A watching of the flanks of Korah.

١٨. حتى إذا أُوطِئْتَ حمصاً أتتْ
تَنْظُرُ في أعْطافِ قارون

19. Vie for honor, though unfortified,
From all embellishment and fortification.

١٩. زاحمْ بركنٍ غيرِ مَوْهُونِ
منْ كلِّ تحسينٍ وتحصين

20. For your life is now clear, so enjoy it,
Since it is a possession, not forever.

٢٠. فقد صفا عيشُكَ فانْعَمْ به
فهو متاعٌ لا إلى حين