1. Are we not a branch that you knew to be supported
And a highland from which its floods split off
١. أَلَسنا بِفُرعٍ قَد عَلِمتُم دِعامَةً
وَرابِيَةً تَنشَقُّ عَنها سُيولُها
2. And Sa'd bin Dhubyan had known that we
Are the pasture to which its grazing livestock return
٢. وَقَد عَلِمَت سَعدُ بنُ ذُبيانَ أَنَّنا
رَحاها الَّذي تَأوي إِلَيها وُجولُها
3. If you are not harmed in affairs and are not
For a violent war, having one who makes it rage
٣. إِذا لَم تَسئَكُم في الأُمورِ وَلَم تَكُن
لِحَربٍ عَوانٍ لامِحٍ مَن يَثولُها
4. Then you are not more guided in the lands than she who
Wanders confused when her guide was lost
٤. فَلَستُم بِأَهدى في البِلادِ مِنَ الَّتي
تَرَدَّدُ حَيرى حينَ غابَ دَليلُها
5. The best part of Jarbu' called ‘Aqil for an incident
Of the matter, so he was indifferent and his intellect failed him
٥. دَعَت جُلُّ يَربوعٍ عَقيلاً لِحادِثٍ
مِنَ الأَمرِ فَاِستَخفى وَأَعيا عَقيلُها
6. So I said to him, why didn't you respond to a tribe
Whose night visitor came when its messenger came
٦. فَقُلتُ لَهُ هَلّا أَجَبتَ عَشيرَةً
لِطارِقِ لَيلٍ حينَ جاءَ رَسولُها
7. And we will have from Rabwah which your
Horses cannot reach or Jurthumah which your raiding parties cannot raid
٧. وَكائِنٌ لَنا مِن رَبوَةٍ لا تَنالُها
مَراقيكَ أَو جُرثومَةٌ لا تَطولُها
8. So you fell for days not yours, and their glory
Is well-known, and their mature she-camels
٨. فَخَرَّتَ بِأَيّامٍ لِغَيرِكَ فَخرُها
وَغُرَّتُها مَعروفَةٌ وَحُجولُها
9. When people recoil from evil, the clan of Jabir
Set out for it, their youth and their elders
٩. إِذا الناسُ هابوا سوءَةً عِمَدَت لَها
بَنو جابِرٍ شُبّانُها وَكُهولُها
10. Why don't the clan of Sa‘d attack with a raid
In numbers, after its runoff has flowed
١٠. فَهَلّا بَني سَعدٍ صَبَحتَ بِغارَةٍ
مُسَوَّمَةٍ قَد طارَ عَنها نَسيلُها
11. So you can catch up to a heavily laden camel when the unweaner calls
And catch up to dead people whose minds were not complete
١١. فَتُدرِكَ وِتراً عِندَ أَلأُمِ واتِرٍ
وَتُدرِكَ قَتلى لَم تُتَمَّ عُقولُها