1. As though the maiden of the Bedouin, when first she showed herself
In the valley of Qura, scared the minds of the gardeners there,
١. كَأَنَّ اِبنَةَ العُذرِيِّ يَومَ بَدَت لَنا
بِوادي القُرى رَوعى الجِنانِ سَليبُ
2. Her wrists were shackled with adamant and she broke loose and escaped
While in her body was a quality causing pallor and leanness.
٢. مِنَ الأَدمِ ضَمَّتها الحِبالُ فَأَفلَتَت
وَفي الجِسمِ مِنها عِلَّةٌ وَشُحوبُ