
Al-Mawsili has departed, and thus departed

تولى الموصلي فقد تولت

1. Al-Mawsili has departed, and thus departed
The blossoms of flowers and the cups of wine,

١. تَولَّى المَوْصِلِيّ فقد تَوَلَّتْ
بَشَاشاتُ المَزَاهِر والقيَانِ

2. And what playfulness remains to remain
The life of Al-Mawsili in time?

٢. وأيُّ مَلاَحَةٍ بقيَتْ فَتَبْقى
حياةُ المَوْصِلي على الزَّمانِ

3. The flowers will weep for him and the delights,
And will gladden them the embrace of affection,

٣. سَتْبكيهِ المَزَاهِرُ والمَلاَهي
وُيُسْعدُهُنَّ عاتقةُ الدَّنان

4. And the coquette will weep for him when he departed
But she who recites the Quran will not weep for him

٤. وَتبكِيهِ الغَوّيةُ إذ تَوَلَّى
ولا تبكيهِ تاليةُ القُران