
May Abu al-Abbas be congratulated, he saw the vision of his leader,

ليهن أبا العباس رأى إمامه

1. May Abu al-Abbas be congratulated, he saw the vision of his leader,
And what he decided exceeded all expectations,

١. لِيَهْنِ أبا العباسِ رَأىُ إِمامِهِ
وما عِنَدهُ منهُ القَضا بمَزيدِ

2. The Commander of the Faithful called him to take up a task,
That surpassed what any towering figure could accomplish,

٢. دَعاهُ أميرُ المؤمنين إلى التي
يُقصِّر عنها ظَلُّ كلِّ عَميدِ

3. So he readily responded with wisdom, decisiveness and eloquence,
The insight of Abu al-Abbas is truly judicious,

٣. فبادَرَها بالرّأي والحَزمِ والحجى
وَرَأيُ أبي العباس رأي سَديدِ

4. You took up what exhausted even the strongest men,
And you, with blessings and fortune, were prepared and ready,

٤. نَهضْتَ بما أعيا الرِّجالُ بحملِهِ
وَأنتَ بِسَعدٍ حاضِرٍ وسعيدِ

5. With it you turned back the proudest raiders,
The like of you returning even the veteran warrior to renewed zeal,

٥. رَدَدتَ بها لَّلرائدين أعَزّهُم
ومثلِكَ والى طارفاً بتليدِ

6. It is enough that a lion constrained the passes and straits,
And was a protector over them like Yazid,

٦. كفى أسَداً ضيقَ الكبول وكَرْبها
وكانَ عليهِ عاطفاً كيزيدِ

7. And achieved in them what a fierce, angry lion,
The father of Ashbal, the long-armed Abd al-Dhiyaf, would.

٧. وحَصَّلَهُ فيها كَليثٍ غضَنْفَرٍ
أبي أشْبُلٍ عْبلِ الذِّراع مَديدِ