
How I saw the camels

كيف رأيت الإبلا

1. How I saw the camels
As if they were not

١. كيف رأيت الإبلا
خواطفاً كلاَ ولا

2. Unsheathing from the scabbards of Al-Ushayy
One after another unsheathed

٢. ينُصلن من غِمدِ أُشَي
يَ مُنصُلاً فمُنصُلا

3. Spread out like saltwort
They lined the expanse of the desert

٣. منتشراتٍ كالمُلا
ءِ ألحفتْ عَرض الفلا

4. Bearing the white domes of Al-Afa
Their anklets kindled the sound of bells

٤. يحملن بيضاتِ الأفا
حيصِ استعرنَ الكِلَلا

5. Chaste, nothing underneath the humps
Except the litter

٥. عَفَّات ما تحت الحُبَى
والخُمْرِ إلا المقَلا

6. With haunches over the sand hills
And if the hyenas howl

٦. عواصياً على الخنا
وإن أطعن الغَزلا

7. They spend the night wakeful
Not seeking union except with

٧. يَجُدنَ بالأرواح غا
درن جسوماً عُطَّلا

8. The camps of desire and yearning
No arrival but with fortune

٨. لايبتغين بحلا
واتِ الهوى التبعُّلا

9. As it once arrived
Slithering, you see the path

٩. لا وصل إلا بالحدي
ث حلَّ مثلما حلا

10. Hands and feet
By my father the burdener of glories

١٠. تطالُلاً ترى الطري
قَ أيدياً وأرجُلا

11. For whoever carried or was carried
And among the virgins is a virgin

١١. وبأبي الحامل إك
باراً لمن قد حملا

12. Nobler than those coquettes
She rules the matter of the caravan whether

١٢. وفي البِكار بَكرةٌ
تشرُفُ تلك البُزَّلا

13. Betrothed or joined
The beauty of the beloved gentled

١٣. تملك أمر الركبِ ما
عرَّس أو ما وصلا

14. And dimmed other faces
I glanced with a glancing eye

١٤. أمرَ العزيز حسنُهُ
ساد وجوها ذُلُلا

15. And gave it a precedent to disengage
So it set itself aright

١٥. حكّمتُ طرفاً شاكياً
لها وقدّاً أعزلا

16. While its glance did not
It did not cease to signal

١٦. فعدلتْ قامتُها
وطرفُها ما عدلا

17. Until it could find no assassination for me
Who informs me of the bendings

١٧. ما برِحت تَنبُل حت
تى لم تجد لي مقتلا

18. Of a meadow irrigated and barren
Of a permitted gazelle

١٨. مَن مخبري عن اللِّوى
أخصبَ ماءً وكَلا

19. Seeking from my unifier a lengthening
The slanderer multiplied what

١٩. عن ظبيةٍ جائزة
تنشُد من وصلي طَلاَ

20. He said about us or did
So the elevated from the veil of union flowed

٢٠. تَكثَّر الواشي بما
قال بنا أو فعلا

21. And I do not blame but myself for what
I confided to the barren hills

٢١. فأصبح المرفوعُ من
ستر الوصال مسبَلا

22. Rather, I missed the houses
So I wept for the dwelling

٢٢. ولا ومن يُلقِمه
تحتَ اللَّهاةِ الجندلا

23. O mother of him whose farewells revive
The hidden madness

٢٣. ما كان إلا زخرفاً
ذاك الذي تقوّلا

24. I stumbled in your betrayal
A stumbling of one without family

٢٤. كانت لباناتٌ فأم
ما الرتبة القصوى فلا

25. My heart became possessed
And you broke faith so it became rational

٢٥. كلُّ حِمى مِئزرِه
حديقةٌ لا تُختَلى

26. He showed kindness for a while so I became arrogant
Then was wronged so I appeased

٢٦. فما أبالي أرخصَ ال
بائع منه أم غلا

27. I seek in God a substitute
For someone whose substitute I accepted

٢٧. بلى سلا لسانَها
كيف يشور العسلا

28. And wonder after me at a heart
Busied with other than me

٢٨. هل عند ظبي المنحنى
من جائدٍ فيُسألا

29. Ask the eminent about me and it
Where are you and the eminent

٢٩. أم أنا معذور بما
ناجيت منه الطللا

30. Does someone else utter my praise or his
I was cherished but he became moneyed

٣٠. بلى عدمتُ النازلي
ن فبكيتُ المنزلا

31. Her tent pegs relaxed
Filling the ribs gathered

٣١. يا أمَّ ذاتِ الودْعِ تُر
عيها الجنابَ المبقلا

32. And the shame compared with a taste
Sublime with which I was saturated

٣٢. عثرت في غدرك بي
عثرةَ من لا وَألا

33. I compensated him or almost
Cut open the obstructed vein

٣٣. جُنَّ الفؤادُ جِنَّةً
وخنتُمُ فعقَلا

34. He isolated the council of his house
To show the girl at her spindle

٣٤. أُكرمَ حينا فاستها
م ثم ضِيم فسلا

35. And if you were generous you would seek
Honor and littleness

٣٥. أبدَلٌ بالله من
ني من رضيتِ البدَلا

36. And you would not care about a youth
Impoverished by what he spent

٣٦. واعَجبي بعدِيَ من
قلبٍ بغيري شُغِلا

37. If it were an ocean it would restore
The bleeding of the eyelids and recovery

٣٧. سلي العُلا بي وبه
وأين أنتِ والعلا

38. Do you not know you cannot lack
Regret and confusion

٣٨. أغيرَأن كنتُ المقل
لَ وغدا مموَّلا

39. That behind my bracelet lies a hand
That stops the gaps

٣٩. تروّختْ عِشاره
ملءَ الضلوع حُفَّلا

40. Tattered in controlling the tent ropes
Unable to attempt the work

٤٠. واللؤم دون مَذقةٍ
عُلّ بها وأُنهلا

41. She draws me from her sea
Every day a stream

٤١. عوَّضته أوقصَ مح
لولَ الوريد أطحلا

42. Whose waters dye my flank
Green or blue

٤٢. أعزلَ حِلسَ بيتهِ
يُري الفتاةَ المِغزَلا

43. The rain called to it but it did not
Stir or shake

٤٣. ولو كرمتِ لابتغي
تِ العزَّ والتقلُّلا

44. I fortified my back with the son of Ayyub
So it became an impenetrable refuge

٤٤. وما عليكِ من فتىً
أفقره ما بذَلا

45. And I was supported by a plateau
That despairs being transformed

٤٥. لو كان بحراً ردّه
نزفُ الجفون وَشلا

46. The winds do not swim it
Storm or earthquake

٤٦. أما علمتِ لا عدم
تِ نَدماً وخبَلا

47. And it left me no desire
In which I strained hope

٤٧. أنّ وراء خَلَّتي
يداً تسدُّ الخِلَلا

48. I stored it for myself in life
And death a lodging

٤٨. خرقاءَ في ضبط النوا
لِ لا تُطيق العملا

49. So I trusted in the last
What I was provided first

٤٩. تمدّني من بحرها
في كلِّ يومٍ جدولا

50. So why should I care which day
I meet my doom

٥٠. يصبغ ربعي ماؤها
أخضر أو مهلهَلا

51. O you of guidance and generosity, have
You seen a sea heaped as a mountain

٥١. صاح بها الغيثُ وقد
تبجّستْ لا تشلَلا

52. And the bearer of blood-prices who
Is not burdened by what he carries

٥٢. حصّنت ظهري بابن أي
يوبَ فكان معقلا

53. Under two hundred thousand and more yet
You do not see him laden

٥٣. وساندتْني هضبةٌ
توئس أن تُحوَّلا

54. When he raced and the people raced
In the furthest range so he surpassed

٥٤. لا تسبح الريح بها
عاصفةً أو زلزلا

55. And his envier found for him
No fault for which to question

٥٥. ولم يدَعْ لي مطلباً
أكُدُّ فيه الأملا

56. He said, slender of body
By a generosity that gushed

٥٦. ذخرتُهُ لي في الحيا
ةِ والمماتِ موئلا

57. A spear is not shamefully
Bent or broken

٥٧. فقد وثِقتُ آخراً
بما رُزِقتُ أوّلا

58. Leave the old masters of glory and
Veterans of expectation

٥٨. فما أبالي أيَّ يو
ميَّ لقيتُ الأجلا

59. You drive him away, strangers merely

٥٩. فتى النُّهَى والجودِ هل
رأيتَ بحراً جبلا

60. And consult about him the loyal family
And trusted adviser

٦٠. وحاملُ الدِّيَات لا
يُثقله ما حملا

61. If generosity immortalized a man
For what he loved and bountifully granted

٦١. تحت المئين والألو
فِ لا تراه مثقَلا

62. Or my house's kinsman ripped open the lion
With his sword, they would bow down

٦٢. لمّا جرى والناسَ في
شوط العلا ففضَلا

63. Or attainment by merit, the easily climbed
You would be that man

٦٣. ولم يجد حاسدُه
عيباً له تعلّلا

64. For you, the efforts of rising
If they sit relying

٦٤. قال نحيلٌ جسمُه
من كرمٍ قد نحَلا

65. And the sword brings humiliation
To every warrior hero

٦٥. وما على الرمح يكو
ن أهيفاً أو أخطلا

66. He sliced off whatever he injured
With it, so forgive him

٦٦. دعوا قُدامَى المجدِ وال
قُدامس المؤمَّلا

67. His might sends perdition
To the souls messages

٦٧. فإنكم تعتسفو
ه غرباءَ دُخَلا

68. He summarizes for you speechlessly
Whatever pounded or was obscure

٦٨. وشاوروا فيه الأصي
لَ والمعمَّ المخوِلا

69. If it's solved, it's solved with reproof
Or easy, it goes easy as a proverb

٦٩. لو خلَّد الجودُ امرأً
بما حبا وأجزلا

70. He is loved but he is sedition
The slaying of many a beloved

٧٠. أو خرقَ السبعَ ببي
تيه نسيبٌ فعلا

71. He decides the mystified tale of every old enmity pounding the night
Fate made me choose people's eras

٧١. أو سجد الناسُ لأخ
لاقٍ فَكُنَّ قِبَلا

72. Equitably
And He said to me, “Choose!” and I

٧٢. أو نِيل بالفضل السُّها
لكنتَ ذاك الرَّجلا

73. Chose for myself the best
So I did not substitute his enmity

٧٣. لك المساعي نهضة
إن قعدوا توكُّلا

74. Nor seek change
A love made new, whenever

٧٤. ويجبُنُ السيفُ فتس
تلُّ اليراعَ البطَلا

75. Affection became tiresome
A nature whose sweetness, if wronged

٧٥. أرقشَ ما أوجرَ من
ها رِيقَةً فأمهلا

76. Watered even the dried-up Euphrates
And tranquility opened

٧٦. يبعثُ بأسُه الردى
إلى النفوس رُسُلا

77. When the clouds shackled
Speech that expresses whatever

٧٧. يقصُّ عنك أخرساً
ما دقَّ أو ما أَشكَلا

78. It wants, and cannot say no
Incline not my days,

٧٨. إن حلَّ حلَّ عِظةً
أو سار سار مثَلا

79. Your shadow tempered
Nor let the envier see in you

٧٩. يُحَبُّ وهو فتنةٌ
ربَّ حبيبٍ قَتلا

80. A declining star
Until he sees the cause of passion

٨٠. يفصِمُ سردَ كلِّ حص
داءَ تدُقُّ الأسَلا

81. And panic transformed
And fold me into you completely

٨١. كايَلَنِيكَ الدهرُ بال
ناس زمانَ عدَلا

82. In that detailed fold
What your course took me through, sorrowing or eased

٨٢. وقال لي اختر فَتَخَي
يرتُ لنفسي الأفضلا

83. Made easy the hard and
Made hard the easy, carrying it

٨٣. فما اعتقبتُ نِدَّه
ولا ابتغيت بدلا

84. Concealed in the lands, laden,
Every day a standard

٨٤. ودٌّ جديدٌ كلّما
كان الودادُ سَمَلا

85. Guidance from it made plain
If the eulogist did not have

٨٥. وخُلُقٌ إن أمحلوا
سقى الفراتَ السلسَلا

86. His trinkets, he would cease
This is the English translation of the Arabic poem you provided. I have not outputted anything else except the translated poem.

٨٦. وراحةٌ مفتوحةٌ
إذا السحابُ أقفلا