1. A poem locked in restraint
Or have you visited our dwellings, now desolate?
١. ألطيمةٌ حُبستْ بكاظمةٍ
أم أنتِ زرتِ رحالَنا وهْنا
2. Disheveled are you - they recalled their bounty
And terrified, did you chance upon their safety?
٢. شُعْثٌ بك ادّكروا نعيمَهمُ
ومروّعون أزرتِهم أمْنا
3. They pitched camp, each valley is a footprint
Each cheek has a forearm that bends
٣. حطّوا فكلُّ حوِيّة نَمطٌ
ولكلّ خدٍّ ساعدٌ يُثنَى
4. You harbored naught but sorrow for them
Perchance your forgiveness was but sorrow
٤. أحفيتِ غيرَ ضنينةٍ بهمُ
ولقد يكون سماحُكِ الضَّنّا
5. O you whose eyes contract when you saw
A gleam, so the lightning seemed watchful
٥. يا مطبقا عينيه حين رأى
ضوءاً فخال البرقَ معتنّا
6. Open your eyelids, our visitor
Has pulled down his veil and bared his teeth
٦. اِفتح جفونَك إنّ زائرنا
حسَر القناعَ وأبرزَ السِّنّا
7. Highest are you in your distance, blaming
Folding the plains, alone in sadness
٧. أعلى البعاد وأنتِ عاتبةٌ
تَطوينَ سهلا وحدَكَ الحَزْنا
8. Grant me your aloofness, you left it generously
Why then does your faith leave cowardice?
٨. وهبي الجفاءَ تَركتِه كرما
فعلام يترك دِينُك الجُبنا
9. Still you unite opposites
Until you united injustice and benefaction
٩. ما زلتِ للأضداد جامعةً
حتى جمعتِ الجَورَ والحُسْنَى
10. Great is the difference between your hindrance amidst us
In al-Mana, and your connection in the bend of ad-Dahna
١٠. شتانَ صدُّكِ بين أظهرِنا
بمِنىً ووصلُكِ في لوى الدَّهنْا
11. O night of the full moon's grace
If only the sun had tarried from us
١١. يا ليلةً للبدرِ مِنَّتُها
والشمسِ لو قد أبطأتْ عنّا
12. Their parting would gather us
Until, when convened, we would disperse
١٢. كان افتراقُهما تجمعُّنا
حتى إذا اجتمعا تفرَّقنا
13. We stayed at ad-Dahna, drinking from
Its withered ground, its drought eats away at us
١٣. بتنا على الدَّهناء نشربُ من
ثمداءَ يأكل جَدْبُها مِنَّا
14. And at al-Mana, immaculate abodes
With fertility, bees sip nectar and clarified butter
١٤. وعلى مِنىً أبياتُ طاهرةٍ
بالخصبِ تَقرِي الشّهدَ والسَّمْنا
15. Pure water, untainted by wine
Musk without pounding, meaningless
١٥. لمياءُ ما للخمر خالطَها
مسكٌ بغير رُضابها معنى
16. You captivated hearts, so in their fingers
Its blood shows you it was henna
١٦. سبتِ القلوب ففي أناملها
دَمُها يُرينَك إنه الحِنّا
17. Her glances and stance grew intense
Did you teach the spear to stab?
١٧. واحتدَّ لحظاها وقامتها
أفأنتِ علّمتِ القنا الطعنا
18. I fear to name the forearms
And say: "The place of Zainab is Lubna"
١٨. أخشى الأراقمَ أن أُسمِّيَها
فأقولُ موضعَ زينبٍ لُبْنَى
19. And yet I see, though the eye forgets
A meadow that recalls sadness
١٩. ولقد أرى والعينُ ناسيةٌ
ربعاً برامةَ يذكر الحَزْنا
20. There we were, in the year of passion, a trunk
Days of nothingness like we were!
٢٠. كنَّا به عامَ الهوى جَذَعٌ
أيّامَ لا شيءٌ كما كنّا
21. The rapture of youth, and he took from my body
The onslaught of tribulations from that rapture
٢١. مغنَى الشبابِ وكان من جسدي
أخْذُ البلى من ذلك المغنَى
22. An enclosure that denied after recognition
The doves wept there as they had sung
٢٢. طللٌ تنكَّر بعد معرفةٍ
وبكى الحمامُ به كما غنَّى
23. Our she-camels shied from it
As though the humans were replaced by Jinn
٢٣. نفَرَتْ تَجنَّبُهُ رواحلُنا
فكأن إنسَك بُدِّلوا جِنّا
24. We would lean, surrendering to it
Yet today we surrendered without bending
٢٤. كنّا نعوجُ مسلِّمين به
فاليومَ سلَّمنا وما عُجنا
25. Will you deny, and you are distant
Watering the lowliest of your flock?
٢٥. أفتنكرين وأنتِ قاصيةٌ
صبّاً رعَى لكِ رعيَةَ الأدنى
26. If one from watchfulness visits your abode
Greet him, and if he did not visit, yearn!
٢٦. إن زار دارك عن مراقبةٍ
حَيَّا وإن هو لم يزر حَنَّا
27. The hidden flags are neglected
With stupidity, its pole scorned from flagging
٢٧. وخفيّة الأعلامِ مهملة
بلهاء ينكِرُ ضَبُّها المَكْنا
28. No stealthy coward milked it
I gathered its bounty, the hand of one strong-armed
٢٨. لم يفترعْها خُفُّ يعمَلةٍ
أنهبتُ وجنتَها يدَ الوجنا
29. Burdened, in custody of the innocent
Falling heavily in my hand and weight
٢٩. في ذمّة البيضاء قد ثقُلتْ
وقعا وخفَّتْ في يدي وزنا
30. Like a seed, time preserved it
In its sheath, unlike what it destroyed
٣٠. كالبقلة استبقَى الزمانُ بها
في غمدها دون الذي أفنَى
31. Mute, hiding its tinkling, then when
It bleated at the parting of forelocks, it bleated
٣١. خرساء تكتُم جَرسَها فإذا
طَنَّتْ بمفرَق هامةٍ طنَّا
32. Another she-camel walks proudly, erected
Plunging in it, you'd think it eyeliner
٣٢. يستاق أُخرَى الرأسِ قائمُها
ويغورُ فيه يظنُّه الجفنا
33. A rain cloud passed for it,
Successors of a wet nurse through it are sated
٣٣. وعميمة مَرَتِ السماءُ لها
أخلافَ مرضِعةٍ بها تَغْنَى
34. The foot walks on it, steady,
What its branch embraces of branches
٣٤. تمشي عليها الرِّجلُ ثابتةً
مما يلاحِمُ غصنُها الغصنا
35. She gathered and lengthened what she sought and went
On her way, so I left her growth as fodder
٣٥. جمّت فطالت ما ابتغت ومضت
عُرْضا فخلتُ نباتَها تبنا
36. The chambers walk through it, intertwining with it
Some emerging, deemed a fortress
٣٦. تمضِي الحجورُ بها تصاهِلُها
منها شخوصٌ تُحسب الحُصْنا
37. The living thronged it, lodging
Away from it, so it is not herded or harvested
٣٧. من دونها الحيُّ الحُلُول حَمَوا
عنها فما تُرعَى ولا تُجنَى
38. They forbade, at the fringes of the spear
Its dangling grass and the yielding
٣٨. منعوا بأطراف القنا لُدْناً
من عشبها المتهدِّلَ اللَّدنا
39. I fed it to my camels who were satiated by it
A herdsman whose burnous is warm
٣٩. أطعمتُها إبلى يرود بها
راعٍ بوسم عِلاطهِ يُعنَى
40. And a brother whose nature I tested
And I rewarded it with a donation or produce
٤٠. وأخ لبثت على خلائقه
وأجزتُها صُرَحاء أو هُجْنا
41. Its mirror is my face when it yellows
Its hand and strength when it enriches
٤١. مِرآته وجهي إذا صفِرتْ
يده ولَقْوته إذا استَغنى
42. Its limbs cast it aside, cold
While its heart blazes, kindling
٤٢. ألقاه باردةً جوارحُهُ
وفؤاده متوهِّجٌ ضِغْنا
43. It shows me affection, and it angers him
My grace upon it, so the rift shows
٤٣. يُبدي المودةَ لي ويُغضبه
فضلي عليه فيظهر الشَّحْنا
44. I tamed it and watched it
To regain through my pledge the loss
٤٤. داريتُه وصبَرت أنظرُه
أن يستعيدَ ببيعتي الغَبْنا
45. Sound the lutes of estrangement to me
For after me, the years will sound
٤٥. اِقرعْ ظنابيبَ القطيعةِ لي
فلَتقرعَنْ من بعديَ السِّنّا
46. Were it not for the son of Ayyub,
The mother of loyalty would not have birthed, perfected a son
٤٦. لولا ابنُ أيوب لما ولَدتْ
أمُّ الوفاء على التمامِ ابْنا
47. None remained to whom a hand praises
A necklace, but one came, unique
٤٧. لم يبقَ من تُثنَى عليه يدٌ
عَقْدا ولكن جاء مستثنَى
48. I was once peerless, unfit for a brother
For a time, then through his affection became a pair
٤٨. قد كنتُ فردا لا أليق أخا
زمنا فصرتُ بودّه مَثنَى
49. I praise the world for what it granted me
Of sweetness and bliss from it
٤٩. أُثنِي على الدنيا بما وهبت
لي منه ما أحلَى وما أهنا
50. And besides it, I struggled with its sorrows
The rubbing of the stripped flank is disgraced
٥٠. وسواه قد عاركتُ خلَّته
عَرك المُنَقَّب جنبُه يُهنَا
51. Burdensome, I accommodated it as though my hands
Patched its nature with cracklings
٥١. نَغِلا أُلفِّقُه كأنَّ يدي
رقَعتْ على أخلاقه شَنَّا
52. And I turned these people's faces
Dorsal and the secrets of their hearts ventral
٥٢. وقلبتُ هذا الناسَ أوجُهَهُم
ظَهراً وسِرَّ قلوبِهم بطنَا
53. I found him most faithful of them
Palmfuls and most forgiving of offense, eyelid
٥٣. فوجدتُه أوفاهُمُ بندىً
كفًّاً وأغضَى عن أذىً جفنا
54. And most loving in spreading repute
And most veiling towards a wink
٥٤. وأحبَّهم نشرا لمنقبَةٍ
وأشدَّهم لغميزةٍ دفنا
55. By God, from it and clarity a brother
The era grew wise through it, though mad
٥٥. لله منه وللصفاء أخٌ
عَقَلَ الزمانُ به وقد جُنّا
56. Through Muhammad were the forces of my hope unbound
My hopes were shepherded and fattened
٥٦. بمحمَّدٍ فُتلتْ قُوَى أملي
ورَعين آمالي وأُسمنَّا
57. The most high rider on a bed
In which he trains its rugged mounts
٥٧. الراكب العُليا على تَرَفٍ
فيه يروض ظُهورَها الخُشْنا
58. Tired in pursuing glory, gathering it
From here and there and here and there
٥٨. تعِبا وراءَ المجد يجمعه
ما شُلَّ من هنّا ومن هنّا
59. Enamored with perfection, no eye upon
Its estrangement rested or slept
٥٩. عشِق الكمالَ فما تبيتُ له
عينٌ على هِجرانه وسنَى
60. If he spoke, actions verified him, if
He gave, despite his paucity he sufficed
٦٠. إن قال صدَّقه الفعالُ وإن
أعطى على إقلاله أسنَى
61. Debauchery does not cling to what he strove for
From his gown, dragging tail or train
٦١. لا تعلَقُ الفحشاءُ ما اجتهدت
من ثوبه ذيلا ولا رُدْنا
62. Tolerant in glory, preceding
What the most high established, so he likewise did
٦٢. متقبلٌ في المجد سالفةً
سَنَّت له العَلياءَ فاستَنّا
63. As though for seekers of his goal
In merit he shut before it, on deposit
٦٣. فكأنه لطلابِ غايتهِ
في الفضل أغلقَ دونها رهْنا
64. His fingers were eloquent in an opening
In scripture, its phrasing encapsulated meaning
٦٤. شَجَّتْ أناملُه بنافذةٍ
في الصحف طبَّق لفظُها المعنى
65. The clarion voices of eloquence were not satisfied
For their elocution to divulge secrets
٦٥. فضّاحة الفُصحاء ما قنِعت
لبيانها أن تفضَح اللُّكنا
66. He found progress and arms through it
The day of battle, and found no match
٦٦. وجدَ التقدّمَ والسلاحَ بها
يوم النزال ولم يجد قِرنا
67. They retreated backwards, routed,
Strides I made you a fortress below it
٦٧. رجعَتْ على الأعقاب ناكصةً
نوبٌ جعلتُك دونها حِصنا
68. I found your affection and uprightness
A relief upon it, my ribs bend
٦٨. ووجدتُ ودَّك واستقامتَه
بَرْداً عليه أضالعي تُحنى
69. You burdened me to support it irresistibly
And you can see my probity suffices
٦٩. حمّلتَني للرِّفد أقبلهُ
ولقد تراه نزاهتي أقنى
70. I carried your kindness to me on a
Neck unbending, to carry gifting
٧٠. وحملتُ لطفَك بي على عُنُقٍ
خَوَّارةٍ أن تحمِل المَنّا
71. So may every traveller reward you
Roaming lands and exploring dunes
٧١. فلتجزيَنَّك كلُّ سائرةٍ
تسَع البلادَ وتُظْلع البُدْنا
72. A digger from every problem
An asker requiring no permission
٧٢. خرّاجةٍ من كلّ مشكلةٍ
ولَّاجةٍ لا تسأل الإذنا
73. From every house amongst your homes
Incapable, failing the text
٧٣. من كلّ بيتٍ في بيوتكُمُ
عَجُزٌ له لا تخذُلُ المتْنا
74. Watered yet unseen, so the hearer
Of its voice, his eye envies the ear
٧٤. تُروَى وليس تُرَى فسامعُها
للصوتِ تحسُد عينُه الأُذْنا
75. Marked by you, its oddities
If borrowed, we would have recognized it
٧٥. موسومة بكُمُ غرائبُها
فلو استُعِرنَ لقد تعرَّفنا
76. I think ill, though it is beneficent
Unlike the sinister, good of thought
٧٦. وأسيءُ ظنَّا وهي محسنةٌ
لا كالمسيء ويُحسنُ الظنَّا