1. I asked a gazelle who captured my heart about his name
He defended it, then said and concealed it
١. سألتُ غزالا شفَّ قلبي عن اسمه
فدافعَ عنه ثمَّ قال وعمَّاهُ
2. It is a name the righteous dislike hearing
Because the one who loves it, Allah hates him
٢. هو اسمٌ يَعاف الصاحلون استماعَه
لأن الذي يهواه يبغضُهُ اللهُ
3. And mispronouncing it is bitter to one's taste
Bitter to the hearing of the generous, so he refuses it
٣. وتصحيفُه مُرٌّ على المرء طعمهُ
يمُرُّ على سمع الكريم فيأباهُ
4. And if I was told a third of the deeds of its companion
I would shun him after what I used to love him
٤. ولو قيلَ لي ثلثاه من فعلِ صاحب
تجافيتُه من بعد ما كنت أهواهُ
5. And if it was said in another I heard a scream
Of a sleepless night's vigil, overwhelmed by worries
٥. ولو قيل في أخرَى سمعتَ بصيحةٍ
لساهرِ ليلٍ بالهموم تغشَّاهُ
6. But if you likened it to the name of a returning one
That is what you desire and approve of
٦. ولكن إذا شبّهتَه باسم غادةٍ
فذلك مما تشتهيهِ وترضاهُ