
Who will convey from me - if access is denied -

من مبلغ عني وإن تعذرت

1. Who will convey from me - if access is denied -
Kindness, as she ruled against me with her judgments,

١. مَن مبلغٌ عنّي وإن تعذَّرت
عَوْفاً وجارت بيَ في أحكامِها

2. And denied me half while it is her debt,
And spent without ending her life?

٢. ومنعَتْنِي النَّصف وهو دِينها
وبذلَها من غير ما إعدامِها

3. And she discarded my covenant among the pebbles
Upon the Preserver from her reins,

٣. وطرحَتْ بين مَنابذ الحصى
عهدي على المحفوظ من ذِمامِها

4. Where the kingdom feels reassured in its domes
And the world is folded into its tents,

٤. حيث اطمأنَّ الملكُ في قِبابها
وضَفت الدنيا على خيامِها

5. And from her commands and prohibitions
Are suspended by the peak of the lofty or its milestones.

٥. وعُلِّقتْ من أمرها ونَهيها
بذروة العلياء أو سَنامِها

6. No tribe transgresses her rule,
Nor takes it past its judgments.

٦. لا تتعدّى حكمَها قبيلةٌ
ولا تُعدّيها إلى أحكامِها

7. Rulership - if glory hears of it -
Will stand as my attorney in its dispute.

٧. ألوكةً إن سمِع المجدُ بها
قام وكيلاً ليَ في خصامِها

8. And the brides of dew were shy before it
So they lowered the covering from their veils.

٨. وخجِلتْ منها أسرَّةُ الندى
فردّت المحدورَ من لثامِها

9. After you sent it as motives
The torrents of flood collide in their accumulation,

٩. أبعدَ أن أرسلتَها دوافعاً
ينثالُ حَشدُ السيل في ازدحامها

10. Cutting across the expanse of grace
Between its precipices to its pinnacles.

١٠. قاطعةً بمدحكم عرضَ الفلا
بين مَهاويها إلى آكامِها

11. Blended with the mention of you is its mark
On horses and camels above their emblem.

١١. معلوطةً بذكركم وُسومها
في الخيل والإبل على وسامِها

12. In your peace its verses are recited over your cups
And war between its whites and darks.

١٢. في سلمكم تُتلَى على كؤسكم
والحربِ بين بِيضها ولامِها

13. Every eloquent tongue thanked
Or the words of old in their inarticulateness.

١٣. كَلَّ لسانٌ أفصحت بشكره
أوابدُ القول على إعجامِها

14. It pleases you and angers the enemy
What hurts the limbs in their contraction.

١٤. تسرُّكم وللعدا من غيظها
ما يؤلم الأطرافَ باصطلامِها

15. They never heard the like of it for your glory
In the history of the world, neither before it.

١٥. لم يسمعوا لمجدكم بمثلها
في سالف الدنيا ولا قُدّامِها

16. Tongues envy it and doubt it
That never turned in their speech.

١٦. تحسدُكم فيها وتستغربُها
ألسنةٌ ما دُرنَ في كلامِها

17. The fire of its sharpness flashed with your hands
And whatever feathers I had shot missed their mark.

١٧. نبا بأيديكم مضاءُ حدّها
وطاش ما ريَّشتُ من سهامِها

18. Its rhythms turned back captive
Crying over their days for their orphans.

١٨. ورجعَتْ قهقرةً أبياتُها
تبكى أياماها على أيتامِها

19. You had its bride unlawfully without dowry
Unjustly insisting on the unlawful.

١٩. أحللتُمُ بغير مهرٍ بُضْعَها
ظلماً وإصراراً على حرامِها

20. Convey what I mandated from its listening
Kindly and what I gave you from its understandings.

٢٠. أَبلغْ بما أرعتك من أسماعها
عَطفاً وما أولتك من أفهامِها

21. For if it showed hostility, tell its sea
And the crescent born from its clouds:

٢١. فإن لوت صدّاً فقل لبحرِها
والقمرِ المشتقِّ من غمامِها

22. Stand in the middle of its grove and greet alive
With love and reverence, O pillar of its pillars!

٢٢. قف وسط ناديها فحيّ قائماً
حبّاً وإعظاماً أبا قِوامِها

23. A message from one loyal in his affection,
Doting with passions consumed by yearning,

٢٣. رسالةً من كلِفٍ بودّه
متيّمِ الأشواق مستهامِها

24. Pleased with estrangement and connection in it,
And with the opening and closing of palms,

٢٤. راضٍ عن الإعراضِ والوصلِ به
وفي انطلاقِ الكف وانضمامِها

25. Thankful for its rain if it rains for a day
Or is delayed for a year.

٢٥. وشاكرٍ ديمتَه إن مطرَتْ
ليومها أو مطَلتْ بعامِها

26. Trusting that the ropes of his covenant
Are to one who never wearies of its knitting,

٢٦. عن ثقةٍ أنّ حبالَ عهدِه
لفاتلٍ لم يألُ في إبرامِها

27. That if days expand for me promises
Then for the straitness and modesty,

٢٧. وأنه إن بسط الأيامَ لي
وعداً فللضيقة واحتشامِها

28. Or if the cups of his generosity missed me today,
Then I have tomorrow whatever I want from its abundance.

٢٨. أو فاتت اليومَ نطافُ جوده
فلي غداً ما شئتُ من جِمامِها

29. And that the debt of poetry is in his custody
A law he commits to upholding.

٢٩. وأنّ دَينَ الشعر في ذمّته
شريعةٌ يدين بالتزامِها

30. As for the protector of its sanctuary, the lion, and its prey
I have recognized the mark from its flags.

٣٠. أمّا حماه أسد وصِيدُها
فقد عرفتُ الشمّ من أعلامِها

31. I took positions for it that show
What the path writes of its days.

٣١. قمت لها موَاقفاً تُبصرُ ما
تُعدّه السيرةُ من أيامِها

32. And it saw what the elders wrote
Of courage and forbearance from you in its youth.

٣٢. وأبصرتْ ما خطَّ من أشياخها
بأساً وحلماً منك في غلامِها

33. If it donated, you were the plentiful sea of it
Or it was in awe, you were the flames of its swords.

٣٣. إن وهبتْ كنتَ عُبابَ بحرها
أو رُهبتْ كنت شَبا حسامِها

34. Or if it sought through you an end in the air
You made it beneath the dust of its feet.

٣٤. أو طلبتْ في الجوّ بك غايةً
جعلتَها تحت ثرى أقدامِها

35. You rose as a sun for the morning of increase
And a star ignited in its darkness.

٣٥. طلعتَ شمساً لصباح مَزْيدٍ
وكوكباً يُوقَدُ في ظلامها

36. If it dipped into generosity with its hands
You were disappointed though palms were in sleeves.

٣٦. إن غمستْ في كرمٍ أيديَها
حَسرتَ والأكفُّ في أكمامِها

37. Or if the bowls of its channel were too short to reach
With an arm that threshes through its completion.

٣٧. أو قَصُرتْ بُوعُ قناها نُطْتَها
بساعدٍ يَذرَع في تمامِها

38. Or if it pushed you away in enmity
And cut ties from its wombs...

٣٨. أو دفعتْك حسداً عن سؤددٍ
وقطعَتْ وصلتَ من أرحامِها

39. If a position made you a recluse
Sluggishness that cannot but have embers.

٣٩. إن مقاماً حايدوك دونه
خامدةٌ لا بدّ من ضِرامِها

40. If the fates sat still from it
It is they that will stand in its rising.

٤٠. إن قعدتْ عنك المقاديرُ بها
فهي التي تنهَض في قيامِها

41. A stockpile for the next day, its rule
Returning from you to its system.

٤١. ذخيرةٌ عند غدٍ دولتُها
صائرةٌ منك إلى نظامِها

42. There, so preserve me with what I took on credit
Rhymes I wore out in their bindings,

٤٢. هناك فاحفظني بما أُسلفتَه
قوافياً أبليتُ في إحكامِها

43. And secure for what I neglected from its rights
A fine that cools from its passions,

٤٣. واضمن لما أهملتَ من حقوقها
غَرامةً تَبْرُدُ من غرامِها

44. Thank for it the beloved of its meadows
In the days of presence and its leadership,

٤٤. واشكر لها المحبوبَ من طروقها
في زمن المحْلِ وفي إلمامِها

45. And do not - God forbid - be like its spiller
On the ground who did not grasp the strength of its binding,

٤٥. ولا تكن حاشاك كمُريقِها
بالقاعِ لم يضبِطْ قُوى عِصامِها

46. Whom the cradles turn back from what it shepherds
From the loftiness of the high and its storming.

٤٦. تُنكِصه البِطنةُ فيما يرتعِي
عن حَومة العلياء واقتحامِها

47. So pour on what this one imagined
With a token that steeps from its motherliness,

٤٧. فانضح على ما خيّلتْ لهذه
ببلّةٍ تُنقِع من أُوامِها

48. That the generous one hosts his guests
As much as ability allows honoring them.

٤٨. إن الكريم مَنْ قَرَى أضيافَهُ
ما يسَعُ الإمكانُ من إكرامها