
He who ascended is not afflicted like one who fell

ما نازل بمن علا

1. He who ascended is not afflicted like one who fell
And one who fell is not like one who ascended

١. ما نازل بمن علا
وصاعدٌ بمن هبَطْ

2. Judging by the opinion of the envious
And if he deviates, he deviates

٢. دانٍ على رأي العيو
ن وهو إن ريمَ شططْ

3. For if his rank is
Above, below or in between

٣. فهو إذا درجتَه
فوق وتحت ووسَطْ

4. A body that has two faces however beauty wanted and stipulated
And eyes that cannot be counted precisely

٤. جسم له وجهان ما
شاء الجمالُ واشترطْ

5. In them the affliction is little
And many mistakes

٥. وأعين لم يحصهن
نَ بحسابٍ من ضبطْ

6. The world cannot encompass
Part of him, nor can his path be determined

٦. يقلّ فيهن المصي
بُ والكثيرُ من غلطْ