1. I had mercy on a people whose necks were not bent
Beneath the yoke, yet they thought they had borne it.
١. رحِمتُ قوماً وما مالت رقابُهمُ
تحت القريض فظنُّوا أنهم حَمَلوا
2. They clamored at its doors till they fancied
That the length of the din meant their call was effective.
٢. وقعقعوا دونه الأبوابَ فاعتقدوا
بطول ما قروعها أنهم وصلوا
3. Their share in it was like bees' share in the nectar;
To suck what they could from the bitter colocynth.
٣. وحظُّهم منه حظّ الناقِفاتِ رجتْ
أن يُجتنَى من هبيدِ الحنظلِ العسلُ
4. They rushed into seas where its billows were frothed
While the fountain of sweet water was ours and was hid.
٤. تسرَّعوا في بحورٍ منه طاميةٍ
والمنبعُ العذبُ فيها بيننا وشَلُ
5. A lucid signpost, its white finger concealed;
Yet they wandered the mirage that lured their vain eyes.
٥. محجَّةٌ سُبْلُها البيضاءُ خافيةٌ
وكلّها في مرائي أعينٍ سُبُلُ
6. The records were full and the writers weary
Transcribing the words brought them by every chance talker.
٦. والصحفُ تُملأ والأقلامُ متعَبةٌ
وكلّما سمعوا من خاطبٍ نقلوا
7. Opinion and censure were made in one mold—
Few ears as the mouths where crude notions originate.
٧. والقولُ والنقدُ مخلوقانِ في عَدَدٍ
قُلٍّ كما تُخلَق الأسماعُ والمُقَلُ
8. No cloak of instruction, tradition avails them.
No science, no toil brings them gain or achievement.
٨. لا يُكسبان بتقليدٍ ولا أدبٍ
ولايفيدهما علمٌ ولا عملُ