1. If he had wanted, he could have stopped the departure one night,
Yet he who knows my right denies and refuses to admit.
١. لو شاء سارٍ ليلةَ النعف وقفْ
وعارفٌ يُنكر حقيِّ لاعترفْ
2. Since we parted and fantasies have fluttered around it
So dreams fall as nonsense that cannot be grasped.
٢. عهد تفرَّقْنا وحلّقتْ به
فتخاء طاح هَدَراً ما تختطِفْ
3. With eyes that slip, who seeks what is lost
Except with regret, will not attain it.
٣. بمزلق من العيون ما لمن
يطلبها فائتة إلا الأسفْ
4. He has kept me awake while he who promised me
Slept in the calm of desire and inclination.
٤. أسهرني ونام من عاهدني
بنجوةٍ من رغبة ومنحرِفْ
5. Whenever he renews a wrong that has oppressed me
I pardon his past wrongs and those that came before.
٥. أكلّما استأنف ذنباً ظالمي
عفوتُ من ذنوبه عما سلفْ
6. If it were said the people of passion and their actions
Offended me, my heart would shudder and tremble.
٦. لو قيل سكانُ الحمى وفعلُهم
بي فعلُهم نزا فؤادي ورجَفْ
7. Ask the lightning, the most vigilant of the vigilant,
Speaking of the living, how it hides.
٧. سل بارقاً أذكى الغضا على الغضا
محدِّثاً عن الحيا كيف يكِفْ
8. Was it from the eyelids of the settled ones it was taken
Or from the bosoms of the settled women it was snatched?
٨. أمن جفون العامريين انتضى
أم من ثنايا العامريّات خطَفْ
9. Ask a branch among them about whom I complain of ardour
And its heaviness when he walks complaining of frailty.
٩. واسأل بغصن منهُمُ أشكو الجوى
وثقلَه إذا مشى يشكو الهيَفْ
10. He made me doubtful about what was straightforward and bent,
Does not killing me please him or intimacy?
١٠. شككني فيما استقام وانثنى
ألامُهُ أقتلُ لي أم الألِفْ
11. Diversion distracted him, so if you speak to him,
His beauty turns from you and is aloof.
١١. عنّ به التيهُ فلو كلَّمه
جمالهُ أعرضَ عنه وصدَفْ
12. As if he never saw a wrapped up camel litter
Or a full moon darkened during an eclipse.
١٢. كأنه لم يرَ حِقْفاً عَمَماً
هِيلَ ولا بدراً مع التمِّ انكسفْ
13. Every thing has a diminishing affliction
When it ends, and the affliction of beauty is impudence.
١٣. لكلّ شيء آفة تَنقُصُه
إذا انتهى وآفة الحسن الصلَفْ
14. He told me that I was suspicious after him,
So passions of yearning spoke and he swore,
١٤. خبَّرني أنِّيَ شاكٍ بعده
لواعجَ الشوق فقال وحلَفْ
15. "If he reveals the secret, I will abandon him,"
So chastise with other than abandonment, for abandonment is excess.
١٥. إن باح بالسرّ لأهجرنَّهُ
عاقبْ بغير الهجر فالهجرُ سَرَفْ
16. What fault could an envious one find in your love for me?
He only raised his eyes aspiring to be glanced at.
١٦. ما لحسودٍ في هواكم عابني
لا رام رفعَ طرفه إلا طُرِفْ
17. And a transmitter to you of what I never said
May God afflict him with the sin he committed!
١٧. وناقلٍ إليكُمُ ما لم أقل
أصابه اللّه بذنبِ ما اقترفْ
18. O heedless ones, avoid me when
I allow myself to be led by passion.
١٨. يا للغواني يتجنّبن ولي
متى سمحتُ بقيادي للعَنَفْ
19. They knew that when love holds me back
I take revenge with forbearance.
١٩. قد علمتْ إذا الغرام ضامني
أنِّيَ منه بالسلوّ أنتصِفْ
20. I am like a boulder against stubbornness
If I twist my neck, I do not turn back.
٢٠. وأنني على اللجاج صخرةٌ
إذا لويتُ عُنُقي لم أنعطِفْ
21. My soul does not cease to turn away from desire
As long as it lasts, nor does it go back when it turns away.
٢١. لا تنتهي نفسي انصرافاً عن هوى
دام ولا ترجعُ حين تنصرفْ
22. I was clement with the people of this world, all of them,
With a clemency that has no regrets or sorrow.
٢٢. سمحتُ للدنيا بجُلِّ أهلها
سماحَ غيرِ نادمٍ ولا أسِفْ
23. I found them, with their stinginess and my restraint,
Beneath me, both the wealthy and the noble among them.
٢٣. رأيتهم ببخلهم وعفّتي
دوني وفيهم ذو الغنى وذو الشرفْ
24. I did not fear them inasmuch as I did not want them;
You do not fear a thing unless you want it.
٢٤. لم أخشهم من حيث لم أرجُهُمُ
إنك ما لم ترجُ شيئاً لم تخَفْ
25. One hand was enough to provide me sustenance
While all the people together retreated from me.
٢٥. كفتنيَ الرزقَ يدٌ واحدةٌ
والناس طرّاً واحدٌ منهم خَلَفْ
26. God's eye did not pasture a companion for me,
So my hopes are all at variance.
٢٦. ما رعَتِ الصاحبَ عينُ اللّه لي
فشملُ آمالي جميعٌ مؤتلِفْ
27. It is the same whether I gain something from a master
Or the pure among them, the firm and the weak.
٢٧. سيّان ما استخلصتُه من سيّدٍ
وما صفا منهم ومن عقَّ وعفّْ
28. I found in him what I sought from him
But did not find it though he is the dearest and most steadfast.
٢٨. وجدتُ فيه ما طلبتُ عنده
فلم أجدْهُ وهو ما عزَّ وكفّْ
29. There is no gear to be twisted or temperament
That changes with the diverse colors of time.
٢٩. لا عِدَةٌ تُلوَى ولا خُلْقٌ على اخ
تلاف ألوانِ الزمانِ يختلفْ
30. And tranquility on the hillsides of gazelles
Or in the open hand of generosity is light.
٣٠. وراحةٌ على مقابض الظبا
تثقل أو في بسطة الجود تخِفّْ
31. A troop on the day of calamity and in plenty
Both full to the brim.
٣١. يومَ الردى جندلة وفي الندى
جندلة كلتاهما ملء الأكفّْ
32. Look at him and examine what he possesses;
Delicate outward appearances reveal.
٣٢. اُنظرْ إليه تختبرْ ما عنده
إن الظهاراتِ الرقيقاتِ تشِفّْ
33. A radiant face whose water is bliss
And a complexion in which luxury is not corrupt.
٣٣. وجهٌ لبيقٌ بالنعيم ماؤه
وبَشرٌ لم يغتربْ فيه التَّرَفْ
34. I blame only the envious of his perfection
Envying the sun is elevation and nobility.
٣٤. ألومُ إلا حاسداً كمالَه
وحسدُ الشمسِ علوٌّ وشرفْ
35. Say to the critic of glory, presenting
An ambiguous name whose syntax does not turn away,
٣٥. قل لمُعارِ المجد معنى حائلاً
واسماً على إعرابه لا ينصرفْ
36. "The neighbor of Abu al-Qasim has more right to the first step
In learning, so let him proceed then stop."
٣٦. جارِ أبا القاسم أُولَى خطوةٍ
تعلُّماً ودعه يجري ثم قِفْ
37. He did not undertake it as a short or long one;
Loftiness is a test for one with strong shoulders.
٣٧. لم يتقلّدها قصيراً أوقصا
إن العلا حمائلٌ لذي الكتِفْ
38. Listen, Banu ‘Abd al-Rahim, these are
The daughters of a natural talent not stained by deception.
٣٨. سمعاً بني عبد الرحيم إنها
بناتُ طبع لم يدنّسها الكَلَفْ
39. Love sends them forth in your praise,
Praise of hope, not like the praise of passion.
٣٩. تبعثها في مدحكم محبةٌ
مدحُ الرجاءِ غيرهُ مدحُ الشغفْ
40. Remaining in your memory, not resting
For a homeland, ceaselessly active.
٤٠. مقيمة بذكركم لم تسترح
لوطنٍ سائرة لم تعتسفْ
41. From its lines they turn white or green
With the light of your features, blackened pages.
٤١. تبيضُّ أو تخضرُّ من سطورها
بنورِ أوصافكُمُ سودُ الصُّحُفْ
42. Reciters chant from it a mantle
Or from the gardens of sadness, a bright gazelle.
٤٢. ينشرُ منها المنشدون بُردةً
أو من رياض الحَزنِ عيناءَ أُنُفْ
43. I like the domination in them when
They rise to describe your elevation.
٤٣. يعجبني تسلُّطٌ فيها إذا
قامت تعاطي من علاكم ما تصِفْ
44. They bring you every day of joy
Eyes full of wonder and a glance.
٤٤. تُهدي لكم في كلّ يومِ فرحةٍ
عيونُها المستغرباتِ والطُّرَفْ
45. They wander protectively around your honor
Guarding their protectorate and turning about.
٤٥. تجول رعياً حول أعراضكُمُ
تحمي من العار حماها وترفّْ
46. If they miss a holiday, another comes after
For you with the qualities of the previous and renewed.
٤٦. إن فاتهاعيد فعيد بعده
لكم صفايا سَلْفها والمؤتنَفْ
47. The envious ones cannot impugn me with you
Whether or not I have fulfilled their beauties.
٤٧. لا يقدحُ الحسادُ فيَّ عندكم
وفيتُكم رسومها أو لم أوفّْ
48. My heart is trusted with your affection
As long as it is trusted with the chaste pearl.
٤٨. قلبيَ مأمونٌ على ودادكم
ما دام مأموناً على الدرّ الصَّدفْ