
O home, neither old age has departed from you, nor has youth reverberated in you,

يا دار لا أنهج القشيب

1. O home, neither old age has departed from you, nor has youth reverberated in you,
Nor have the valleys whispered in you what would crack solid rocks,

١. يا دارُ لا أنهَجَ القشيبُ
منك ولا صَوَّحَ الرطيبُ

2. From every worn out dwelling whose holes prevail over its patches,
Your Lord is astonished at it until the stern face laughs in it,

٢. ولا أخلَّتْ بكِ الغوادي
تَشْعَبُ ما يَصدعُ الجُدوبُ

3. And its scent was as we knew it, the passing of the morning breeze in it and the blowing,
So how many a night whose good remains among the necks of lovers is good,

٣. من كلِّ مخروقة العَزَالي
تغلِبُ أخياطَها الثُّقوبُ

4. We kneaded, and the night of departure is a night,
After that, the voice of the guide is a cross,

٤. تعجَبُ منها رباكِ حتَّى
يضحكَ فيها الوجهُ القَطوبُ

5. And we did not break what we walked away from it shortly,
So my friends said: Did the guide get lost? Or was the prudent deceived, the adept?

٥. وكان عِطراً كما عهدنا
مَشْيُ الصَّبا فيكِ والهبوبُ

6. This is not the time for celebration, I said: it is longing, not foolishness,
O you who saw a mirage in the curves that the south wind ignites its fires,

٦. فربَّ ليلٍ ثراكِ فيه
بين نُحور العشاق طيبُ

7. No! As long as you see it rise, you see it set,
It is as if what appeared from it, weakened at the youth of darkness, is old age,

٧. عُجْنا وليلُ المطيِّ ليلٌ
بَعْدُ وصوتُ الحادي صليبُ

8. It talked to me confidentially, happy that it is deceitful,
It says Hypha’s house did not change from your covenant, O carrier of lies,

٨. وما نَقضناهُ من طريقٍ
مِن حيثُ رحنا عنه قريبُ

9. Its eyelids after you, weeping, are water, and its insides are flames,
So be gentle, for from its heart my wounds bleed, and from its eyes I shoot,

٩. فقال صَحْبي أضلَّ هادٍ
أم خُدِعَ الحازمُ الأريبُ

10. No, and nights in the praying place, their sins are stolen in its ritual,
And the spy did not see sighs that the forgiving angel forgives,

١٠. ليس أوانُ التعريسِ هذا
قلتُ هو الشوق لا اللُّغوبُ

11. And seclusions with Umm Saad, which no pleasure is more pleasant after it,
If it were not for its water, thirst would not have quenched my heart,

١١. يا من رأى باللِّوى بُرَيقاً
تقدَحُ نيرانَهُ الجَنوبُ

12. What about a pilgrim with a group whose arrow is bloody from my blood?
And how, while the prey is then plunder, do hearts hunt with the eyes?

١٢. كَلا وَلاَ بينما تراهُ
يطلُعُ أبصرتَهُ يغيبُ

13. O her deadly glance, a fleeting look, which caused its diseases the doctor,
The pebbles of my heart melted over her, O you who saw an ember melt,

١٣. كأنّ ما لاح منه وَهْناً
على شبابِ الدجى مَشيبُ

14. Say to my time whatever you want, for the oppressor has managed the ingenious,
You have afflicted me with misfortunes until you left me no place to hit,

١٤. حدَّثَني بالغضا حديثاً
سَرَّ على أنّه خَلوبُ

15. Every day there is strange injustice, I have strange patience,
Until it is no wonder from you, all of which is wondrous,

١٥. يقول هيفاءُ لم يُحِلْها
عن عهدك الناقِلُ الكذوبُ

16. A blamer in my soul's disinterest, I said to him: You and misfortunes
I wish you experience people like me, if the aloof good manner returns from your forbearance,

١٦. جفونُها بَعدَكم حُنُوّاً
ماءٌ وأحشاؤها لهيبُ

17. For in my saying, who do you see subjected by them and whom do you criticize for leaving them?
God forbid that I compromise my honor, the prey of their hopes is enough for me,

١٧. فارض فمِن قلبها خُفوقي
أُعدَى ومن طرفِها أصوبُ

18. I used to cry while they were scattered groups, and complain while they were different sorts,
Today the levelers made them equal to me, and flaws have spread among them,

١٨. لا وليالٍ على المُصَلَّى
تُسرَق في نُسكها الذنوبُ

19. So I do not see anyone innocent among them, whom shame makes afraid the dubious tells him about,
Yes, I made an exception for the heights, a house whose nobility is impeccable,

١٩. وما رأَى الخَيْفُ من هَناتٍ
يغفرها المالكُ الوهوبُ

20. A house whose morning lights are pillars, and whose meteors of darkness are tunnels,
Lineage and number from its people, every refined person stemming from a refined one,

٢٠. وخَلوَاتٍ بأمّ سعدٍ
ما بعدها لذّةٌ تطيبُ

21. From the family of Abdel Rahim Murad, they resemble around the porch of elevation and become white-haired,
They gave prominence to the one among them who was absent, and the one who was present was given virtue,

٢١. لولا لماها لما شفاني
بزمزمٍ ما سقىَ القليبُ

22. Everyone with a wide smooth forehead, turbanless, was not gloomy-faced,
Satisfied to be fed and borrow, while the public is complaining and wronged,

٢٢. ماذا على مُحرِمٍ بجَمْعٍ
وسهمُهُ من دمي خضيبُ

23. The thirst of ambitions is quenched in them, while it flames against others,
They have its cups when the teat of life is squeezed,

٢٣. وكيف والصَّيدُ ثَمَّ بَسْلٌ
تصادُ بالأعين القلوبُ

24. The laurel of glory, Abul Muali, is a branch whose fresh dew is green,
He was its young lion, while opinion is mature, and its child while wisdom is intelligent,

٢٤. يا فتكها نظرةً خِلاساً
سبَّبَ أدواءَها الطبيبُ

25. The lion protecting it while the abode is war, and in peace the gazelle is the fawn,
No joy claims composure from him, and no misfortune complains,

٢٥. ذابت عليها حصاةُ قلبي
يا من رأى جمرةً تذوبُ

26. The hands of nights wink at him, while the spring is protected crucifix,
When clothes adorn him, they are taken by the hands of dew,

٢٦. قُلْ لزماني ما شئت فاضغط
قد دَبِرَ الجائِرُ الجليبُ

27. And every endeavor of his like earnings, his palm is filled by bestowal,
He protects his protection with affected ones whose wounds in enmity are scars,

٢٧. أصبتَني بالخطوبِ حتَّى
لم تُبقِ لي مَقتَلاً تُصيبُ

28. Probing does not reach what his deep wound pours out,
Sending them eloquently when the orator speaks confusedly,

٢٨. في كل يومٍ جورٌ غريبٌ
عندي عليه صبرٌ غريبُ

29. When the horizons of speech narrow, its space in it extends,
Your full moon has neither been erased by approaching darkness, nor has your sun been erased by sunset,

٢٩. حتى لقد صار لا عجباً
منك الذي كلُّه عجيبُ

30. And time has repented to you from its sin, repenting,
Swearing it has no shame while it is a sword, then no smell while it is melting,

٣٠. ولائمٍ في عُزوفِ نفْسِي
قلتُ له أنتَ والخطوبُ

31. And the shadow of the world has returned to you
Budding or spotted with stripes,

٣١. عساك خُبْراً بالناس مثلي
إن رُدَّ من حِلمك العزيبُ

32. Your luck is its elite, and the share of enemies in it is the bitter adulterated,
No night of youth was followed by old age from the morning,

٣٢. فَفِي قِلَي مَنْ تُراكَ تَلْحَى
منهم وفي تَرْكِ مَنْ تَعيبُ

33. And the day of Nayrouz in the year of fertility visited as the beloved visited,
Assistance from the folds of help is gifted to you, every son of hearing for it is enchanted by it,

٣٣. اللهُ لي إن طَرَحْتُ عِرضي
أُكلةَ آمالهم حسيبُ

34. There are flames in you that roam the land or wander,
Every day a sweetheart without a watcher overcomes you from it,

٣٤. قد كنتُ أبكي وهم فُروقٌ
شَتَّى وأشكو وهم ضُروبُ

35. That is how there is neither a wicked absentee nor a dubious witness for you,
My heart is loyal to you and my love has not sickened while hearts and love sickened,

٣٥. فاليوم سوّتهم المَساوِي
عندي وعمَّتهم العيوبُ

36. I answered you before you called me, so how can I be called and not answer?

٣٦. فما أرى منهُمُ بريئاً
يخَشَى افتضاحاً به المُريبُ