
Why do I seem confused when in truth I'm not

مالي كأني مخبول ولست به

1. Why do I seem confused when in truth I'm not
I complain to people though I know who they are

١. مالي كأنيَ مخبولٌ ولست به
أشكو إلى الناس معْ علمي مَن الناسُ

2. When tails were raised we were forced to restrain
Our heads until the chief was healed

٢. كنا إذا اعتلّت الأذناب يجبرنا
رجاؤنا الرأسَ حتى أُدوِيَ الراسُ

3. No harm refraining from asking them
They have no generosity or goodness

٣. لابأسَ في كفّ نفسي عن سؤالهِمُ
وليس عندهُمُ جود ولا باسُ

4. Move your mount only among their camels
And do without them as much as you wish, for sufficiency is solace

٤. نقِّلْ ركابَك إلا في رحالِهمُ
واستغن ما شئتَ عنهم فالغنى الياسُ