1. A figment of your imagination made the caravan halt submissively,
While fate had yoked the land and parched us.
١. أمنكِ خيالٌ ضوَّع الركبَ مُوْهِنا
وقد قيَّد التأويبُ سُوقا وأجفنا
2. He penetrated from the west with his waterskin as a rider,
He led his enemies all the way to the springs of Qunayy.
٢. توغَّلَ من غربيِّ وجرةَ راكبا
قُنِيَّ العدا حتى أناف على قنَا
3. He afflicted the deceived, depriving them of all comfort,
Because they had sought the heights, pitching their tents arrogantly.
٣. ألمَّ بمخدوعين عن كل راحةٍ
بما طلبوا العُليا مُناخا ومظعَنا
4. When they demolished reputations, they were not diminished,
For each has a parody sung when glory is attained.
٤. إذا هدموا الأشخاص لم ينتقصهُمُ
ضؤولٌ لها من حيث ما المجدُ يبتنَى
5. So greetings to him who inspires passion or who prohibits it.
To God belongs both his misdeeds and virtues.
٥. فحيَّا فبلَّ الوجد بل شبَّ نارَه
فلله منه ما أساء وأحسنا
6. I wondered how he crossed the atmosphere, shedding all ties,
And how he traversed the valley of Ghada secretly.
٦. عجبتُ له كيف اقترى الجوَّ نافضا
وكيف طوى وادي الغضا متبطَّنا
7. Valiant amid such deeds, his like behaved similarly,
With hearts racing wildly, though at times becalmed.
٧. شجاعا وفي أمثالها كان مثلَه
جريُّ الفؤاد أن يخورَ ويجبُنا
8. Through him we saw a long friendship made obscure
By the vanity of delight and artful hypocrisy.
٨. أرتنا به ظمياءُ وصلا مموّها
على سفهِ المسرَى وزُوراً مميَّنا
9. And loyalty to meaningless pledges and treachery
Whenever he is recalled, wakeful, changing colors.
٩. وفاءً بأضغاثِ الكرى وخيانةً
متى ذُكِرت يقظَى بنا وتلوُّنا
10. The caravan of sleep asks about us curiously
And does not ask the travelers from our land about us.
١٠. تسائل وفدَ النوم عنّا حفيَّة
ولا تسأل الركبانَ من أرضنا بنا
11. May God water the days when we arrive at Mina,
Alive to regain life with the unkempt hair of Mina.
١١. سقى الله أياما نصلنَ على مِنىً
حياً يستردّ العيش بالخيف من مِنى
12. And greet the branches and valleys which recounted to us
The ridges above the valley of pebbles and springs.
١٢. وحيّا الغصونَ والمَهَا ما حكت لنا
قدودا على وادي الجِمار وأعينا
13. For many hearts fell in that enclosure,
Were you to search for them, they would become clear.
١٣. فكم من فؤادٍ طاح في ذلك الحصا
بدائدَ لو فتَّشتَ عنه تبيّنا
14. And needs fulfilled though not for pilgrimage
We were preoccupied with them in Mecca, but God did not preoccupy us.
١٤. ومن حاجةٍ تُقضَى وليس بمَنسَكٍ
عُنينا بها في الحج ما الله ما عنا
15. Return me to the days with their changing fortunes,
Lightening my burden which has weighed heavily upon me.
١٥. أَلِكْنِى إلى الأيام علَّ صروفَها
يُخفَّفنَ عن ظهري وقد كنّ وُزَّنا
16. I carried it until my back was bent and my strength faded,
And the vertebrae refused to be fortified.
١٦. حملتُ إلى أن جُبّ ظهرٌ وغاربٌ
وجلَّت قُروف أن تسدَّد بالهِنا
17. I reproached them gently and bitterly,
But saw no one awake and listening among them.
١٧. وعاتبتها حُلوَ العتاب ومرَّه
فلم أر منها واعيا متأذِّنا
18. When I saw reproach make difficult matters easy,
I became submissive, guilty of negligence.
١٨. فلما رأيتُ العتبَ يَذهبُ صعبُه
بأسماعها أصبحتُ بالذنب مُهوِنا
19. I rested my back, supported by companions,
Who here protected the edges of my carpet, and there,
١٩. وألجأتُ ظهري مسنَدا بمعاشر
حَموا من هُنا أطرافَ سرحي ومن هُنا
20. Upon a family where injustice does not prey upon a neighbor,
Even if among their seeds he is richer and fatter.
٢٠. إلى أُسرةٍ لا يأكل الضيمُ جارَهم
وإن هو أثرى في ذَراهم وأسمنا
21. It is as though the stranger lodges among them,
Having chosen between eagles and eagles as a dwelling.
٢١. كأنّ الغريبَ الدارِ يسكن فيهُمُ
تخيّر بين النَّسر والنَّسر مسكنا
22. I clung to the hem of their garment and loyalty
At the pinnacle of a towering palm tree made secure.
٢٢. تعلَّق من أذيالهم ووفائهم
بِذروة ممطولِ الشماريخ أرعنا
23. They love prudence in character and provision for homes
And acquiring knowledge for eternity and wealth for loss.
٢٣. يحبّ الحيا للحلم والزادَ للقِرى
وكسبَ العلا للخلد والمالَ للفنا
24. Kings who count the stars, one by one,
Even if they surpassed them in generosity, glory, and loftiness.
٢٤. ملوكٌ يَعدّون النجومَ أباً أباً
وإن فضَلوها الجودَ والمجدَ والسنا
25. For them is an oasis, Abdul Rahim its shepherd,
Fresh when green, and its sons are a ripe harvest.
٢٥. لهم دوحةٌ عبدُ الرحيم قضيبها ال
رطيب إذا اخضرّت وأبناؤها الجنَى
26. They have settled and grown from their origin and increased
Through their own efforts - the increase of springs from the canal.
٢٦. حلَوا وزكَوا من أصلهم وتزيّدوا
بأنفسهم تزيُّدَ البُوع بالقنا
27. They have repelled creeping vines with activity and vitality
And steered their course among the trunks toward fruiting.
٢٧. وبذّوا القرومَ البزل نشطا ونهضة
وسنّهمُ بين الجِذاع إلى الثِّنا
28. May God destroy in them every rival
At the council of nobles until we are assured.
٢٨. قضى الله فيهم كلَّ نذرِ مُزاحمٍ
على مجلس العلياء حتى تمكنا
29. If the cloud said "Who among you is a young man
To relieve me when I am straitened?" He said to it "I!"
٢٩. إذا قالت الغَمّاء من فيكُمُ فتىً
يفرِّجني إن ضقتُ قال لها أنا
30. They are the five fingers, the palm of their generosity
Has become in no need of little or much.
٣٠. هم الأنملات الخمس راحة جودهم
غدت ليس عن كُبرَى وصُغرَى لها غنَى
31. They have paid every debt to the eminent
And allotted a share to the eye of sufficiency.
٣١. قضَوا كلّ دَين للمعالي ووفّروا
نصيبا على عين الكفاة تعيَّنا
32. So he carried out what they made his responsibility,
Without frustration, or weakness of determination.
٣٢. فقام بما ولَّوْه لا متعذرا
حَصورا ولا رِخو العروق مهجَّنا
33. A young man whose manners encompass all people, able
To make the rugged temperament gentle.
٣٣. فتىً وسِعت أخلاقُه الناسَ قادرا
وأصبح في سلطانها الفظّ ليِّنا
34. Generosity has bestowed upon him people's hearts, so you never see
The heart of any man that has not made him its home.
٣٤. وملّكه البِشْرُ القلوبَ فما ترى
فؤاد امرىء لم يتخذ فيه موطِنا
35. If he had not won praise through wealth, the nobility
Of his sublime traits would have won him praise and commendation.
٣٥. فلو لم يحز بالمال حمدا لأحرزت
كرامُ سجاياه له الحمدَ والثنا
36. He bears the burdens of leadership, undertaking
Its weights if the generous fall short or become distracted.
٣٦. حمولٌ لأعباء الرياسة ناهضٌ
بأثقالها إن قصّر الغمرُ أو ونى
37. Loyal, sincere, the more you censure the fickle fellow,
The more he gives equally to the poor and the wealthy.
٣٧. سليمُ الوفاءِ أبيضُ الودّ كلّما
ذممتَ الفتى ذا صِبغتين مُلوَّنا
38. The horsemen of sufficiency have slipped away and departed,
While he passed by its smooth and rough terrain.
٣٨. ويعطي بلا مَنٍّ مُقِلَّاً ومكثراً
بكفٍّ سواءٍ عندها الفقرُ والغنى
39. Its discerning eye looked to him when they were blind,
And they complained of its winding ways, and we were assured.
٣٩. تقطَّرَ فِرسانُ الكفاية وارتدوْا
ومرّ على سِيسائها متمرِّنا
40. A boy like the sharp blade of a sword - he was shaken but did not bend,
And the firm chest of a spear was extended but did not fold.
٤٠. وكان لها العينَ البصيرةَ إذ عَمُوا
فشكّوا على عَوصائها وتيقَّنا
41. The mother of success reared him alone,
It was long for her before he had a companion or mate.
٤١. غلامٌ كنصل السيف هُزَّ فما نبا
مضاءً وصدرِ الرمح شُدَّ فما انثنى
42. Sacrifice for Ali! Greedy for his place of glory,
Deceitful fate did not believe him.
٤٢. تمطّت به أمُّ النجابة واحدا
يطول عليها أن يُؤاخَى ويُقرَنا
43. He wanted but did not attain, so he died of rage,
And not every death is to be shrouded and buried.
٤٣. فداءُ عليٍّ طامعٌ في مكانه
من المجد لم تصدُقه خادعةُ المنى
44. You were created with a nature stubborn to your enemies
And kind to your Master - so be compassionate.
٤٤. أراد فلم يبلغ فمات بغيظه
وما كلّ موت أن يُوارَى فيُدفَنا
45. You were to him a comrade of the spearhead and handful
Of the reins, aiding the sword with your right hand.
٤٥. خُلقتم على قدْرٍ شجاً لعدوِّكم
وعَطفا على مولاكُمُ وتحنُّنا
46. I have dedicated you as faithful and forbidden
To treachery, protected and fortified.
٤٦. وكنتَ له وُسطى البنان وقَبضةَ ال
عِنان وباعا ينصُر السيف أََيْمَنا
47. And you have brought me down from the abode of seclusion
To a place which disciplines my resolve to wander.
٤٧. عَلِقتُك ممسودَ الوفاء محرَّما
على الغدر محميَّ الحِفاظ محصَّنا
48. Trustworthy and noble, the shadows of your favor
Suddenly engulfed me before I knew how they came to be.
٤٨. وأنزلتَني من دارِ أنسك منزلا
يُربِّبُ عزمي أن أروح فأظعنا
49. I have pledged to you my spirit, not expecting it back, out of love,
And it was precious to be sold or pledged.
٤٩. أمينا فسيحا فاجأتني ظلالُه
فحاطت ولم أشعر بها كيف تُبتنَى
50. I was no fool in my deal with your hand, which
Negotiated my praise and love lest I should lose.
٥٠. رهنتُك رِقِّي عنه حبّاً ومهجتي
وكان عزيزا أن يباعا ويُرهنا
51. It was a shortcoming, the debt of sin I incurred,
So here I am, erasing it, regretful and submissive.
٥١. ولم أك في صفقِي على يدك التي
خطبت بها مدحي وودّي لأُغبَنا
52. I turned my face from you for a time, and you were to me,
Though your paths diverged, saddening.
٥٢. وقد كان تقصيرٌ تسلَّفتُ ذَنبَهُ
فها أنا أمحوه منيباً ومذعِنا
53. We both gathered fruit, so pardon and neglect the past
Behind us, otherwise divide the reproach between us.
٥٣. صددتُ بوجهي عنك حينا وكنتَ لي
بوجهك مصدودَ المذاهبِ مُحزنا
54. And grant my tongue the slip of silence, for tomorrow
It will, describing your virtues, become untiring tongues.
٥٤. كلانا جنى فاصفح ودع ذكرَ ما مضى
وراءً وإلا فاقسم العتبَ بينَنا
55. You will hear them put the poetic forms to shame with their congestion,
Becoming a creation for the transmitters and chronicles.
٥٥. وهبْ للساني زَلَّة الصمتِ إنه
يكون غداً في وصف فضلك ألسُنا
56. From the stored words, its secret has slumbered
To you and become manifest through you.
٥٦. ستسمعها يُفني الطروسَ ازدحامُها
وتُصبح خُلْقا للرُّواة وديدَنا
57. Surpassing poems from sheets
Like the beekeeper has uncovered his bees' harvest.
٥٧. من الكلِم المخزونِ نَمَّ خفيُّه
إليك وأضحى سرهُّ فيك معلَنا
58. When the identifier marks their foreheads
With "Father of Hasan," they return more beautiful by your mention.
٥٨. سوافر من أوصافكم عن مَراشفٍ
كما كشَف المشتارُ عن نحله الجنى
59. Like the diver's jewel, it was unique
In its touching and turning, the most precious and expensive.
٥٩. إذا وسم التعريفُ فوق جباهها
أبا حَسنٍ عادت بذكرك أحسنا
60. The festivals visit you adorned with it
As a headband, necklace, and jewelry made beautiful.
٦٠. كجوهرة الغوّاص كانت يتيمةً
على اللمس والتقليبِ أغلى وأثمنا
61. Cloaks - the day has not spun over you -
Of fine wool, wrapped around the houses.
٦١. يزورك منها المِهرجَان مقلَّدا
وشاحاً وطوقاً حَلَّياه وزيَّنا
62. When the worshippers supplicate, their prayer is:
“O descendants of Abdul Rahim, submit to us!”
٦٢. ربائط ما كرّ النهارُ عليكُمُ
صواهلَ من حول البيوت وصُفَّنا
٦٣. إذا ابتهل الداعونَ كان دُعَاؤها
ألا يا بني عبد الرحيم اسلموا لنا