
To the shortcomings of our lives there is what completes

للنقص من أعمارنا ما يكمل

1. To the shortcomings of our lives there is what completes
And time makes us despair while we are hopeful

١. للنقص من أعمارنا ما يَكملُ
والدهر يؤيسُنا ونحن نؤمِّلُ

2. Death walks slowly to deceive us
Forever, so it overtakes us while we are rushing

٢. تمشي المنونُ رويدَها لتغرَّنا
أبدا فتُدركنا ونحنُ نهرولُ

3. O you who are amazed by life, however long it is
Your stay in death seems even longer

٣. يا معجباً بالعيش طال بقاؤه
نظراً بقاؤك في المنيّةِ أطولُ

4. Turn away from the worthless world and flee
The greedy perishes while the reliant survives

٤. عن جانبي دنياك فارغبْ آبقا
ودِيَ الحريصُ وما نجا المتوكّلُ

5. And when the eyelids are freed from the darkness of ambiguity
A reasonable person frees his soul from doubts

٥. وإذا الجفون تخلَّصت من مَجهل ال
شُبُهات خلّص نفسَه من يعقِلُ

6. Whoever is destined to perish, the ways of righteousness
And every difficult path were made clear the eve of his ruin

٦. مَنْ هالكٌ دَرَست عَشيّةَ هُلكه
سُبُلُ الصلاح وكلُّ نهجٍ مشكلُ

7. Whoever was heedless, let him make himself aware
That death seeks and does not neglect

٧. من كان في الغفلاتِ أعلمَ نفسَهُ
أنَّ المنية طالبٌ لا يغفُلُ

8. I weep for you for the good deeds when you were released
And you hosted the wayfarer, so you are laden

٨. أبكيك للحسناتِ مِتَّ فطُلِّقت
وابنِ السبيل ثويت فهو مُسَبَّلُ

9. They carried you while blessings were around you and guidance
One who died when you died is being carried on your bier

٩. حملوك والبركاتُ حولك والهدى
مَيْتٌ بموتك فوق نعشِك يُحمَلُ

10. And you went to rest where your eye is content, not as
Eyes of sorrow were around you neglecting

١٠. ونزلتَ حيث تقرُّ عينُك لا كما
كانت عيون الحزن حولك تهمِلُ

11. O his grave, fresh and tidy, after it
Had been, before the rain, eroded and old

١١. يا قبره النَضِرَ المروَّضَ بعدما
قد كان قبل القَطر وهو الممحِلُ

12. Convey my condolences and greetings and tell him
My patience, though I pretend to have it, is little

١٢. بلِّغه عن حزني السلامَ وقل له
جَلَدي وإن أظهرتُهُ متعمَّلُ

13. You have made this dilapidated house desolate
Did the companion get comfort in that house?

١٣. أوحشتَ هذا المنزلَ البالي الرُّبى
فهل استفاد الأنسَ ذاك المنزلُ

14. Alas! He is deaf, so no eloquent speaker
Can convey a word to him, nor a messenger deliver

١٤. هيهات صمَّ فليس يوصِلُ مفصِحٌ
قولا إليه ولا يبلِّغُ مرسِلُ

15. Tell his son, may your words to his son be good
That one who was fortunate, the like of you comes forth

١٥. قل لابنه والخير قولُك لابنه
من كان مسعوداً فمثلكَ ينسُلُ

16. If a generous one could ransom death with his wealth
He would have saved your father from calamity with all he spends

١٦. لو ردَّ بالجودِ المنَّيةَ باذلٌ
نجىَّ أباك من الردى ما تبذلُ

17. Or if the one who wanted him could fight for him
He would have filled the plain fighting for him with all he kills

١٧. أو كان طالبه يقاتل دونه
ملأ البسيطة دونه من تقتلُ

18. Or if it was an illness with a cure
But it is the inescapable, insoluble disease

١٨. أو كان داءٌ يُستطَبُّ شفيتَهُ
لكنّه الداءُ العياءُ المعضلُ

19. A world that is pleased by what harms the likes of him
It has a name that is sweet but a meaning that is bitter

١٩. دُنْيا تسرُّ بما تضرُّ بمثله
فاسمٌ لها شهدٌ ومعنىً حنظلُ

20. Have patience, and of the wonders of afflictions is that
Through them one sees how to have patience while withering

٢٠. صبراً ومن عجب الرزايا أنّه
فيها يُبصَّرُ كيف يصبرُ يَذبُلُ

21. And know that a father who sacrificed himself for you
His death became easy on him and smooth

٢١. واعلم بِأنّ أباً فداك بنفسه
لَتهونَ مِيتَتُه عليه وتسهُلُ

22. Blessed is he that his day was before yours
How many deaths are better than a life?

٢٢. فوْزاً له إذ كان قبلك يومُهُ
كم موتةٍ هي من حياةٍ أفضلُ

23. And if the hand of death threw him its arrow
It avoided you with what it threw, destruction

٢٣. ولئن رمته يدُ المنونِ فسهمُه
وقد اتقتك بما رمته المخصِلُ

24. It consoles you for him that you filled
His heart with every beneficial word and deed

٢٤. يسليك عنه أن ملأتَ فؤادَه
من كلّ فائدةٍ تقالُ وتُفعَلُ

25. And you bid him farewell while in seclusion
Where the honorable parts in solitude

٢٥. وأريته قدميك وهو بمعزِلٍ
متودِّعٌ حيث السِّماك الأعزلُ

26. Sorrow cannot snatch a delight from you
That you did not one day yield to it in humility

٢٦. لا يظفرنّ الحزنُ منك بمهجةٍ
لم تلق يوما ما له تتذلّلُ

27. Far from you, may a misfortune gather us in your house
And an occasion for evil be held

٢٧. حاشاك يجمعنا بدارِك مُفزِعٌ
أبدا ويُعقَد للمساءة محفِلُ

28. And you inherited the lifetime of eternity prosperously
Pulling whatever you want in dignity and plenty

٢٨. وورِثت عمرَ الدهر سَوْمَك عيشةً
في العزّ تسحَبُ ما تشاءُ وترفُلُ

29. So when you greet him alive and well
Your father under the earth is dead and well

٢٩. فإذا سلمتَ عليه حيّاً مقبلاً
فأبوك تحتَ الترب مَيْتٌ مقبلُ