
She passed by Nu'man, her echo lingering long,

صدت بنعمان على طول الصدى

1. She passed by Nu'man, her echo lingering long,
Let her be, not every water is meant for drinking,

١. صدَّتْ بنعمانَ على طول الصدَى
دعها فليس كلُّ ماءٍ مَوردا

2. Out of some urgent need,
She stepped over his blessings intentionally.

٢. لحاجةٍ أمسَّ من حاجاتها
تخطَّأتْ أرزاقَها تعمُّدا

3. You see her setting out worried
With burning coals on her chest made cool.

٣. ترى وفي شروعها ضراعةٌ
حرارةً على الكبودِ أبردا

4. The habit of glory pulled her by the nose,
And every glorious one is accustomed to this.

٤. عادةُ عزٍّ جَذَبَتْ بخَطْمِها
وكلُّ ذي عزٍّ وما تعوَّدا

5. She never carried on her back, if she carried,
A foot over injustice or a hand over wrongdoing.

٥. لا حَمَلَتْ ظهورُها إن حَمَلَتْ
رِجْلاً على الضيم تقَرُّ أو يدا

6. If an equal side does not meet her,
Then aim for the farthest, widest side.

٦. إن لم يلِقْها جانبٌ مقاربٌ
فارمِ بها الجنبَ العريضَ الأبعدا

7. Be careful even if dangers threaten,
Who fears humiliation will not be safe from degradation.

٧. خاطرْ ولَو أردى الخِطارُ إنه
لا يأمن الذلَّةَ مَن خاف الردَى

8. None attains the goal except the seller
Of soft, plentiful living through hardy life.

٨. لا يُحرزُ الغايةَ إلا بائعٌ
بغِلظةِ العيش الرقيقَ الرَّغَدا

9. He folds up wealth, hosts no companion,
Does not ask the night for a guiding star.

٩. يَطوي الفلا لا يستضيفُ مؤنساً
والليلَ لا يسأل نجماً مرشدا

10. When he sees a shielded prey,
He seeks God's refuge and inclines away.

١٠. إذا رأى مَطعمةً خافضةً
عوَّذَ بالله ومالَ الحَيَدا

11. He gives the pulls of passions his neck
A smooth one who knows only hunting.

١١. يُعطي جِذابَ الشهواتِ عُنُقاً
شمساءَ لا تَعرف إلا الصَّيَدا

12. The days try him every time
A lad is confused or a boy is moody.

١٢. تمارسُ الأيّامُ منه كلّما
حارنَ أو لجّ غلاماً نَكِدا

13. He abstains from the joys of love
When he sees in it a fortunate lover.

١٣. يعزِفُ إلا عن فُكاهاتِ الهوى
وقد رأى فيه الحبيبَ المسعِدا

14. He swore by chastity, no gazelle called him
Or a bending branch solicited him.

١٤. أَقسمَ بالعِفّةِ لا تيَّمهُ
ظبيٌ رنا أو غُصُنٌ تأوَّدا

15. His youthful heart never saw a young beauty
Except sober, self-controlled, and firm.

١٥. ولا قَرَى صَبابةً فؤادَه
إلا السلوَّ حاضراً والجَلَدا

16. Your way, O son of pleasures, so seek
Another brother - I am not your son.

١٦. شأنَك ياابنَ الصَّبَواتِ فالتمسْ
غيري أخاً لستُ لهنَّ وَلَدا

17. Your master is one whose love creates
No fervor, whose long absence induces no longing.

١٧. مولاك من لا يخلقُ الشوقُ له
وجداً ولا طولُ البعاد كمدا

18. It is as if his chastity witnessed for him
Despite gray hair, as a youth and a flower.

١٨. كأنما يَشهدُ من عَفافه
على المشيبِ يافعاً وأمردا

19. His youth revered, learned a lesson
As if it had been black-haired old age.

١٩. موقَّراً متَّعظاً شبابهُ
كأنما كان مَشيباً أَسْودا

20. You would think him innocence and generosity
And the glory of a soul that emulated Son of Ayyub.

٢٠. تحسبه نزاهةً وكرماً
ومجدَ نفسٍ بابن أيوبَ اقتدَى

21. The protector of chiefs' foreheads is ransomed -
If sound he is fit only for ransom.

٢١. فِدَى عميدِ الرؤساء مُصفِرٌ
لو طاب لا يصلُح إلا للفِدَى

22. He accepts what the wrong of fate brings him
And does not strive for it deliberately.

٢٢. يرضَى بما ساق إليه غَلطُ ال
حظّ ولم يسعَ له مجتهدا

23. He wonders at the ignorance of days in
His essence that he never meant to sing of.

٢٣. يعجَبُ من جهالةِ الأيّام في
وِجدانه ما لم يكن لينشُدا

24. You would think he came wanting something else
So turned from his path, not guided.

٢٤. تحسبه جاء يريد غيره
فضلَّ عن طريقِهِ وما اهتدى

25. And an envier whose pride despite his flaws
Among people is to hate heights and envy.

٢٥. وحاسدٍ فخارُه معْ نقصِهِ
في الناس أن عادى العلا وحسَدا

26. The fire of rage kindles embers in his chest
Saying its heat feels no cold.

٢٦. تُلهِبُ نارُ الغيظ في ضلوعه
جمراً يقول حرُّها لا بَرَدا

27. With the victory of his glory he vanished any rancor
He engaged except victoriously supported.

٢٧. زال بنصرِ مجدِهِ غيران ما
نازلَ إلا ظافراً مؤيَّدا

28. He stretched out to seize heights and attained them
With a hand that captures and an arm that upholds.

٢٨. مدّ إلى أخذِ العلا فنالها
يداً تبوعُ ساعداً وعَضُدا

29. Pens fulfill for him from their needs
What revived the withered and propped up the bent.

٢٩. تَقضِي له الأقلامُ من حاجاتها
ما استقضت الذابلَ والمهنَّدا

30. He kept ascending in the firmaments of heights
Its happiest then happiest mansions.

٣٠. ما زال يرقَى في سماواتِ العلا
بروجَها الأسعدَ ثمَّ الأسعدا

31. Climbing their stars until when
He surpassed them and ascended.

٣١. مصاعداً نجومها حتى إذا
تطاولتْ خلَّفَها وصعِدا

32. He saw heights attained through efforts
And honor kept safe from gaining favors.

٣٢. رأى المعالي بالمساعي تُقتضَى
والشرفَ المحرَزَ من كسبِ الندَى

33. He challenged lions in their thickets
With firmness and struggled with rain insistently.

٣٣. فصاعبَ الأُسودَ في أغيالها
صرامةً وجاودَ الغيثَ جَدَا

34. And whenever he was told, stop and rest
You have traveled the distance, he would say, "But have I attained the distance?"

٣٤. وكلّما قيل له قِفْ تسترحْ
جزتَ المدَى قال وهل نلتُ المدَى

35. Bearing the burden of two states was enough,
The gracious kingdom sufficed not the slow.

٣٥. ناهضَ ثِقلَ الدولتين فكفى ال
مُلكَ الطريفَ ما كفاه المتلَدا

36. The Prince had in him a breastplate,
Extended and a sharp sword bared.

٣٦. وكان للأمريْن منه جُنَّةً
مسرودةً وصارماً مجرّدا

37. The Capable took root the day of his victory
And the Excellent in Command produced fruit the next day.

٣٧. فاغترسَ القادرُ يومَ نصرهِ
واستثمرَ القائمُ بالأمر غدا

38. He took up a comprehensive, correcting affair
So he shouldered it alone, singled out.

٣٨. قام بأمرٍ جامع صلاحَهُ
فضمَّه بنفسه منفردا

39. I know not was it an angel's inspiration
Or his choice that titled him the Unique?

٣٩. فلستُ أدري أَلِوَحيٍ هابط
أم اختياراً لقَّباه الأوحدا

40. An administration he prepared for his grasp
For before, his father in it took support.

٤٠. وزارةٌ وفَّرها لدَستِهِ
أنَّ أباه قبلُ فيه استندا

41. He managed it with insight so he was not
In it deputized or conforming.

٤١. دبَّرها مستبصراً فلم يكن
مفوِّضاً فيها ولا مقلِّدا

42. He relates its events, true ones,
When you accuse the relatee.

٤٢. يُسنِد عن آبائه أخبارَها
صادقةً إذا اتهمتَ المُسنِدا

43. And people through it he frees from one
Still repeated in its abode and echoed.

٤٣. وأعتقُ الناس بها من لم يزل
مكرَّراً في بيتِها مردَّدا

44. O you who birthed people and then extracted him,
After my striving, sublime, flawless.

٤٤. يا من مخضتُ الناسَ فاستخلصتهُ
بعدَ اجتهادي فالياً منتقدا

45. The spurious, the fraudulent, I rejected,
Weeping or in coins or ingots.

٤٥. والبازلُ العَوْدُ وقد نبذتُهم
بَكِيّةً معرورةً أو نَقَدا

46. You made my days submissive and brought near for me
A submission, true to its covenant.

٤٦. ذلّلتَ أياميَ واستقربتَ لي
غُلُبَّةً وفاءها المستبعَدا

47. You eased through your pact the difficulties of its turns
So I found its actions gentle, smooth.

٤٧. هوّنْتَ عندي الصعبَ من صروفها
فخلتُ أفعاها الوَثُوبَ مَسَدا

48. You restored it by keeping the covenant so it is now
A friend after it had been an enemy.

٤٨. أعديتَها بحفظك العهدَ فقد
صارت صديقاً بعد أن كانت عِدا

49. And you did not neglect a sanctumsecured
By my longstanding right to you and confirmed.

٤٩. ولم تضيِّع حُرَماً أحكمها
قديمُ حقّي فيكُمُ وأكَّدا

50. You are as you were, a breaching brother
Where you have increased, becoming supreme.

٥٠. أنتَ كما كنتَ أخاً مُخالِلاً
بحيثُ قد زدتَ فصرتَ سيّدا

51. So listen, I exchange with you dwellings
Necklaces, fortified settlements abandoned.

٥١. فاسمعْ أقايضْك بها قواطناً
سوائراً معقَّلاتٍ شُرَّدا

52. Haughty tribes, every deafly unyielding
That spurns to accept save the finest.

٥٢. عوالقاً بكلِّ سمعٍ صَلِفٍ
يلفِظُ أن يَقبلَ إلاّ الأجودا

53. Of what I conquered and made its ruggedness
Submissive, and its heat enslaved.

٥٣. مما قهرتُ فجعلتُ وعرَه
مُدَيَّناً وحرَّه مستعبَدا

54. Encampments, when their narrator declaimed them
You doubted - were they truly sung of or made up?

٥٤. مَطارِباً إذا احتبى الراوي لها
شككتَ هل غنىً بها أم أنشدا

55. You'd think them too short to enumerate
Though a poet prolonged and intended.

٥٥. تُخالُ أَرجازاً من استقصارها
وقد أطال شاعرٌ وقَصَّدا

56. The youth marked with his pride passes by them
A lifetime while his honor remains immortalized.

٥٦. يَمضي الفتى الموسومُ في فخارها
صفحاً وتُبقِي عِرضَه مخلَّدا

57. The days of celebration carry to you gifts
From them, commencing, made habitual.

٥٧. تَحمِلُ أيّامُ التهاني تُحَفاً
منها إليك بادئاتٍ عُوَّدا

58. As long as the dust-colored one lasts, or one carries
Praise, from mountains propped.

٥٨. ما دامت الغبراءُ أو ما حَمَلتْ
مدحوّةٌ من الجبال وَتِدا

59. Years you make pass, living safely
Glowing in glory or repeating anew.

٥٩. سنينَ تطويهنّ حيَّاً سالماً
مُنَورِزاً في العزّ أو معيِّدا

60. No, poetry's inscription never wear out
In you, nor you lack support.

٦٠. لا الشعرُ تَبلَى أبداً رسومُهُ
فيك ولا تُعدَمُ أنت سَنَدا