
I am awed by the lofty winds when they blow,

أهفو لعلوي الرياح إذا جرت

1. I am awed by the lofty winds when they blow,
And I think the homes of people are desolate when abandoned.

١. أهفو لعُلويِّ الرياح إذا جَرتْ
وأظنُّ رامةَ كلَّ دارٍ أقفرتْ

2. And I yearn for the garden's meadow as a respite,
Describing the caravans and lightning when they pass.

٢. ويشوقُني روضُ الحمى متنفِّساً
يَصفُ الترائبَ والبروقَ إذا جَرتْ

3. Excusing those who came late after staying up all night,
Whether they were healed of lovesickness or became lovesick.

٣. متعلِّلاتٍ بعدَ طارقِةِ النوَى
أو أبرأت داءَ الجوى أو علَّلتْ

4. O heart consumed by long, sleepless nights,
Which toyed with it, then finished it off.

٤. يا دِينَ قلبٍ من ليالي حاجرٍ
مَكَرتْ به فقضتْ عليهِ وانقضَتْ

5. And beds that one counts as sheep when going to sleep,
Yet wakes finding his love for them would be better had he not slept.

٥. ومَضاجعٍ بالنَّعْفِ بات يعدُّها
غُنماً وأصبح ودُّه لو لم يبتْ

6. And a gorgeous one, had the eyes of beholders done her beauty justice,
Her charm would not have bent nor rung.

٦. ومليحةٍ لو أنصفتْ عينُ المها
ف الحسن ما ثَنَتِ الصليفَ ولا رنتْ

7. White like a new moon, sometimes
Her shyness is mentioned, so she frowns.

٧. بيضاءَ من كلَلِ الخدور وربّما
ذُكرتِ بداوةُ قومِها فتسهَّمتْ

8. She took and gave from the sun’s radiance what adorned,
She perfected, collecting beauty and excelling.

٨. أخذَتْ وأعطتْ من ضياء الشمس ما اح
تكمت فجمَّعتِ الجمالَ ووفَّرتْ

9. It is as if her hands had traced the lines of her face,
So it came out perfectly as she wished.

٩. وكأنما وَلِيَتْ خَطائطَ وجهِها
يدُها فجاءتْ في الكمالِ كا اشتَهتْ

10. She ruled the gazes focused on her,
So she is the commander if she stands straight or leans.

١٠. ملكت على باناتِ جَوٍّ أمرَها
فلها الأمارةُ ما استقامتْ وانثنَتْ

11. When she wants to punish with her wand,
And is angry at an offense, she pretends affection.

١١. فإذا أرادتْ بالقضيبِ مَسَاؤةً
وتنقَّمتْ جُرماً عليه تأوَّدتْ

12. She leaned toward us, shorter than the pool, yet
The pool’s fresh cool water does not quench like she who thirsts.

١٢. سنحتْ لنا دون الغدير فما سَقَى
صفوُ الغدير وعذبهُ مَنْ أعطشَتْ

13. And she threw - had she not been a proud beauty,
We would have said she saw and learned from a gazelle's throwing.

١٣. ورَمتْ فَلَولا أنها ثُعَلِيَّةٌ
قُلنا رأت ثُعَلاً رَمى فتعلَّمتْ

14. She betrayed - had she not taken a vow to shed my blood,
She would not have known the vow in which she erred.

١٤. غَدَرتْ فلولا أنَّها نَذرتْ دمي
لم تعرِف النَّذر الذي فيه وفَتْ

15. Even on the soft sands, her steps dig in,
Her strides heavy with what she was made to carry.

١٥. وعلى النقا والعيسُ تَحْفِرُ في النقا
أخفافُها من ثِقلِ ما قد حُمِّلتْ

16. She swore to kill me, but when she saw
My blood still flowing, she interpreted it well.

١٦. حلَفتْ على قتلي فلمَّا أن رأت
بذَمايَ باقيةَ الرِّماقِ تأوَّلتْ

17. Good news! You have eternal life,
O you who saw the treachery and did not die.

١٧. أبشر فإنك في الحياةِ مخلَّدٌ
يا من رأى يومَ القليبِ ولم يَمُتْ

18. She tried in vain to kindle the embers in his chest,
The daughter of Arak - does she even know how to kindle a fire?

١٨. وتشرَّفَت لتشبَّ جمرةَ صدرِهِ
بنتُ الأراكِ وهل تُشَبُّ وما انطفتْ

19. Delicate Wurqa was reminded of her passion,
So her thoughts flew to it and she remembered.

١٩. وُرقاء ذكَّرها الحداةُ هوىً لها
طارت ألائفُها به فتذكَّرتْ

20. She cried out to the green meadow, how it hummed
When she leaned upon it and it moaned.

٢٠. هتفتْ على خضراءَ كيف ترنَّمتْ
من فوقِها مالت بها فترنَّحتْ

21. If love's entanglements allowed escape
For weakness or mercy, it would have been saved.

٢١. لو كان ينجو من علاقاتِ الهوى
شيءٌ لضُعْفٍ أو لمَرحمةٍ نَجتْ

22. I was enthralled when I heard her voice,
I doubted - did she sing sadly or weep?

٢٢. ولقد طربتُ كما حزنتُ لصوتِها
فشككتُ هل غنَّت بشجوٍ أو بكتْ

23. Stop, O brother of passion, stop like a released prisoner,
Carrying your secret chastely or it will be spread.

٢٣. قف يا أخا الملهوف وقفةَ مُرسَلٍ
حمل الأمانةَ هَضبةً أو أُدِّيَتْ

24. Raise your voice to her - had she spoken
To you quietly, even jars would have heard.

٢٤. واجهَر بصوتك للتي لو خاطبتْ
في السرّ أوعالَ القِنانِ لأسمعتْ

25. Say greetings, peace, and a request -
Though failed, even if successful once sent.

٢٥. وقل التحيةَ والسلامَ وحاجةً
من بعدِ أن خابت وإن هي أُنجِحتْ

26. O sister of Saad, why does my heart
Lie tormented for you, as if my eyes betrayed me?

٢٦. يا أختَ سعدٍ فيم بات معذَّباً
قلبي عليكِ كأنما عينِي جَنَتْ

27. Return my heart to me, it is a trust
Guaranteed, owed - if lost it will be held against you.

٢٧. رُدِّي الفؤادَ عليَّ فهو وديعةٌ
مضمونةٌ مغرومةٌ إن ضُيِّعتْ

28. If you think I may betray or abandon you,
So enemies gloat over you, they have gloated.

٢٨. إن كان ظنُّكِ بالخيانةِ والقِلَى
أَن يشمَتَ اللاحِي عليك فقد شَمِتْ

29. Blind to warnings, deaf to echoes,
It lived upon the dawn but darkened.

٢٩. وعميّةِ الأوضاحِ خرساءِ الصدَى
عَشِيَتْ على ضوءِ الصباحِ وأظلمتْ

30. It disobeyed the eye of proof and its judgment,
So its confusion in them led it more astray.

٣٠. مَرَدَتْ على عين الدليلِ ورأيِهِ
فتخالُه فيها أضلَّ بما خَرَتْ

31. The stars differ under its sky
Their voices unfamiliar there, even when turning to look.

٣١. تتغايرُ البَوغاءُ تحتَ شميمِهِ
فيها ويُنكَرُ صَوتُهُ والمُلتفَتْ

32. A boat - the skilled sailor confused within it,
The gambler's deceit - did it lose or gain there?

٣٢. مركوبةٍ جَوْبُ المهاري جوَّها
غَرَرُ المقامِرِ فيه أخسَتْ أو زَكتْ

33. When passengers despaired of its ignorance,
How to survive - they entrusted themselves and surrendered.

٣٣. وإذا الركابُ استيأستْ في جَهلها
كيف النجاءُ توكَّلتْ واستسلمَتْ

34. I prodded it toward lofty goals with determination -
Had it consulted the Mother of Calamities it would not have hastened.

٣٤. داوستهُا أبغي العَلاءَ بهمّةٍ
لو شاورت أمَّ الشقيق لَمَا سَمتْ

35. It turned from the generous ones, shaking off
Their pleas - either made forgetful or saddened.

٣٥. تفلى على الكرماء تنفضُ منهُمُ
طرقَ المطالبِ أسلهتْ أو أحزنَتْ

36. And behind it, were it not for hopes from them,
Relatives - if content therewith it would not have abandoned us.

٣٦. ووراءها لولا المطامعُ منهُمُ
قُرَباءُ لو قنعتْ بهم ما أبعدتْ

37. Wake the clan of Abdel Raheem, and do not mind
The times' eyes however they wake.

٣٧. نبِّهْ بني عبدِ الرحيم ولا تُبَلْ
معهم عيونَ الدهر كيف استيقَظتْ

38. And ask them about glory - question souls
That have realized the world's ignorance and understood.

٣٨. واستفتهم في المجدِ تسألْ أنفساً
لَقِنتْ على جهل الورى وتفهَّمتْ

39. The soil's wickedness and waters
Became honorable, purified and cleansed through it alone.

٣٩. خَبُثَ الترابُ وما عليه وماؤها
شرفٌ فطابت وحدَها وتطَهَّرتْ

40. It is as if the water of time did not water
The clan whose nobility sprouted from its ground.

٤٠. فكأن زاكِي عِرقِها لم يُسقَ من
ماءِ الزمانِ وفي ثراه ما نبتْ

41. A people - when estrangement's veil falls upon them
And the outstretched hand is folded, it regrets.

٤١. قومٌ إذا حدَرَ التناكرُ لُثْمَهُمْ
وجلا الصِّفاحُ أكفَّهم فتحسَّرتْ

42. Their faces denied the full moons, and believed
Their folded arms shaded by clouds, so they were cleansed.

٤٢. كفرتْ وجوهُهُم البدورَ وآمنتْ
لأكفِّهم أيدي السحابِ فكَفَّرتْ

43. They interceded for the lofty, its ancient nobility preceding its new,
So their elite preceded and their lowlydeferred.

٤٣. شفعوا العلاء تليدَه بطريفه
فتقدّمت علياؤهم وتأخَّرتْ

44. The land that gathered in throngs bore them,
Wise, highborn - as if strangers come in hard times or few.

٤٤. ولدتهم الأرضُ التي قد جمعتْ
في الأكثرين فأكيستْ وتنجّبتْ

45. Flocking to the lofty, as if they
Had an appointed time that would not be missed.

٤٥. جاءت بهم وهي الوَلودُ كأنّهم
غُرباءُ جاءوا في العقامِ أو القَلَتْ

46. They settled affairs - its youth like its elders -
Matching strides, succeeding each other.

٤٦. متواردين على العَلاء كأنّهم
ضربوا له ميقاتَ يومٍ لم يفُتْ

47. They embarked on the battlefields selflessly -
Were it not for their character they would not have been preferred.

٤٧. راضوا الأمورَ فتيُّهم كمسنِّهم
سَوْمَ الكعوبِ تلاحقَتْ فتنظمَّتْ

48. Empty inside, seeing the grim tribulations behind,
In war, they match what they embody, not pretending or acting.

٤٨. شَرَعوا إلى ثُغَرِ الخطوب ذوابلاً
لولا صنيعةُ نفسها ما فُضِّلَتْ

49. They wrote upon the feathers of arrows for us as
They stabbed the racing horses, whether lean or fat.

٤٩. جُوفاً ترى الصمَّ الصعابَ وراءها
في الحرب تقفُو ما حذَتْ أو مَثَّلتْ

50. And the eloquent seated speaker among them takes
From it the breaths of the courageous warrior.

٥٠. كتبوا على شهب الطروس لنا كما
طَعنوا على الخيل الوِرادِ أو الكُمُتْ

51. Take from their talk the discourse of their ancestors,
And wonder at the summits of glory, how they met.

٥١. والجالسُ القوّالُ منهم آخذٌ
منها بأنفاس الشجاع المنصلِتْ

52. And ask the leader of faith what glory remains
From them - it is testimony and steadfastness.

٥٢. خذ من حديثِهمُ حديثَ قديمهم
واعجب لأطراف العلا كيف التقتْ

53. A moon - it is the mirror of their qualities
However much it sees to reflect.

٥٣. واسأل زعيم الدين عما خلفه
من مجدهم فهو الشهادة والثَّبَتْ

54. It performed their duties and instituted supererogations
In glory - completing the duties and perfecting.

٥٤. قمرٌ هو المِرآة عن أحسابهم
مهما رأت مما يقابلها حكتْ

55. Malik outshone the precedents, his strides
Racing the winds, so it flagged and was fettered.

٥٥. أدَّى فروضَهمُ وسَنَّ نوافلاً
في المجد تممت الفروضَ وكمّلتْ

56. And his days clustered around him orphaned,
Arranging themselves for onlookers prominently.

٥٦. فضحَ السوابقَ مالكٌ أشواطَه
جارَى الرياحَ فَخُلَّ عنه وقُيِّدَتْ

57. The effort of divers and their cunning does not know
From which pearl shells of the sea it was brought out.

٥٧. وتقرّطت أيامُه بيتيمةٍ
منه صفَتْ للناظرين وأشرفتْ

58. They speculated with assumptions and frequently
Plunged into what was deemed strange and monumental.

٥٨. لم يدرِ جهدُ الغائصين وكيدُهم
من أيّ أصداف البحار استُخرِجتْ

59. They said it rose from the endless sea,
No - rather it descended from the endless sphere.

٥٩. قد جوَّلوا فيها الظنونَ وأكثروا
بالخوض لما استُغرِبتْ واستُعظِمتْ

60. White, filling the hand of purpose, fateful,
It possessed fate and contained favor for those granted it.

٦٠. قالوا من البحر المحيطِ تصعَّدتْ
لا بل من الفَلكِ المحيطِ تنزّلتْ

61. O gatherer of beautiful things after their dispersion
Torn apart - their time of loss has come.

٦١. بيضاء ملء يد المنى ملمومة
مَلَكَ المنَى وحَوى الغنى مَن أُعطِيتْ

62. O extractor of the exemplary from the vertices of
What was composed by authentic opinion and concealed.

٦٢. يا جامعَ الحسناتِ بعد شذوذها
مِزَقاً وموجدَها أوانَ تعذّرتْ

63. How many confident in their opinion and calculation
Safe from error or deviation you have constrained.

٦٣. ومقطِّر الأقران عن صَهَواتِ ما
رُبطتْ من الرأي الأصيل وضُمِّرتْ

64. You pressured him until he acknowledged his weakness
When you placed your hands upon subtleties.

٦٤. كم واثقٍ منهم بِعصمةِ رأيه
وحسابِهِ من هفوةٍ أو من غَلَتْ

65. And one whose speech seemed an eloquent miracle
Erected as a banner and portrayed.

٦٥. ضايقتَه حتى أقرَّ بعجزه
لما وضعتَ له يديك على النُّكَتْ

66. He spoke excessively expanding his desires -
When you said just one, he fell silent.

٦٦. ومُنطَّقٍ ظنَّ البلاغةَ آيةً
نُصِبتْ له علَماً وشخصً صُوِّرتْ

67. He thought rhetoric was only bombast
Not everything described as deepest black is darkest.

٦٧. ال الكثيرَ موسِّعاً لَهَواتِهِ
عُجْباً فلمّا قلتَ واحدةً سكتْ

68. And I see since you carried its banner
The ministry was helped against failing leaders and scrubbed clean.

٦٨. حَسِب الفصاحةَ في التشادقِ وحدَه
ما كلُّ ما وُصِف الأُسودُ به الهَرَتْ

69. You supported its correction and corruption within
Whether reforming or corrupting.

٦٩. وأرى الوزارةَ مذ حَملتَ لواءَها
نُصِرت على فشل الولاة وظُفِّرَتْ

70. Your brother folded his brother within,
And you were sent as its third, empowered through you.

٧٠. ساندت فيها ما عليك صلاحُهُ
وفسادُه إن أصلِحتْ أو أُفسِدتْ

71. You are its horsemen, defending it,
Whether warred upon or reconciled.

٧١. ثَنَّى أخوك أخاك فيها مُسهِماً
وبُعثتَ ثالثَها الذي بك عُزِّزتْ

72. And your backs are created for its chests
Wrongfully confined if narrowed or crowded.

٧٢. أنتم فوارسُها المَذَاودُ دونها
إن حوربت وملوكُها إن سولمتْ

73. It belongs to you - so when is it borrowed from you
For beauty and you want it back, it is reclaimed?

٧٣. وظهوركم لصدورها مخلوقةٌ
مظلومةٌ إن ضويقت أو زوحمتْ

74. Children of its lineage and intimate with its excuse
When relying upon you it is chaste and widowed.

٧٤. نُصبتْ لكم وتمهّدتْ فمتى طرا
من غيركم طارٍ واستوحشتْ

75. It would ransom the ground you stepped on
With peaks fallen beneath your feet as you rose.

٧٥. هي مِلكُكم فمتى استُعيرت منكُمُ
لتجمّلٍ وأردتموها استُرجِعتْ

76. And one who whispers suspicions to himself about you -
By your life not an errant soul tempted him.

٧٦. أبناء نِسبتِها وأبعُلُ عُذْرِها
وإذا عَدَتكم أعزبت وتأيَّمتْ

77. If they burdened you with him, and withered
He would be apportioned what could not be adjusted.

٧٧. تَفدِي أبا الحسنِ الترابَ وطئته
قِممٌ هوت من تحتِ رِجلك إذ علت

78. You have enriched me beyond all others, so I do not care
If fingers are opened or closed to me.

٧٨. ومحدِّثٍ بك في الوساوس نفسَه
نفسٌ لعمرك ضَلّةٌ ما سَوَّلتْ

79. I have drunk the sweetest of your drink, so I see
No harm in a fleeting cloud or vanishing mirage.

٧٩. لو ثاقلوك به وأُلقِيَ يَذبُلٌ
معه لكانت قِسمةً ما عُدّلتْ

80. You have described to me intimacy and friendliness - the minds
Were not drunk with its taste until you described it.

٨٠. أغنيتني بك عن سواك فلم أُبَلْ
فُتِحت أناملُ معشرٍ أو أُقفِلتْ

81. I rejected the loyalty of a brother and loved ones -
Your precious loyalty is of unmatched make.

٨١. وسُقِيتُ أعذبَ شرتيك فما أرى
بأساً ببارقةٍ همَتْ أو أخلبتْ

82. So whenever I sought other than you or your like
Then witness I was of the perverse faithless.

٨٢. وصفوتَ لي بالودّ والصهباءُ لم
تَشُبِ العقولَ بطعمها حتى صفتْ

83. And to please you - when have thankful souls praised
The benevolent, fearing stinginess or blaming?

٨٣. أنكرتُ ودَّ أخي وعهدَ أحبّتي
وكريمُ عهدك طينةٌ ما أخلقتْ

84. Fulfilling what was owed by their hands generously -
Obligating creditors, excelling and enriching.

٨٤. فمتى طَلبتُ من الزمان سواك أو
شَرْواك فاشهدْ أنَّ ذاك من العَنَتْ

85. The poor are wealthy with it, and if it saw
A wealthy nature, it increased and graced it.

٨٥. ولتُرضِينَّك ما سمعتَ نواهضٌ
بالشكر لم تَخَفِ اللُّغوبَ ولا وَنتْ

86. An affection that has not been sniffed to revive spirits,
And naturalness that awakens if intoxicated.

٨٦. يقضِين ما أُسلفن من أيدي غِنىً
وَسِعتْ حقوقَ المقرضين وأفضلتْ

87. It cuts through minds - where is its conclusion
From its defects, whether fortunate or erased?

٨٧. يَغنَى بها العرضُ الفقيرُ وإن رأت
عِرضاً غنيَّاً زيَّدته وأثَّلَتْ

88. Its pulpits roared with its call to you
If calling prophethood through you, it would be believed.

٨٨. يحانة ما استُنشِقت أرواحُها
وسلافة تُصحِي إذا ما أَسكرتْ

89. If it accompanied you one vacant day
It would settle or the horizons would be scented through it.

٨٩. تقضي على الألباب أين خلاصها
من شَوبها ما استُحظِيت أو أُلغِيتْ

90. And celebration - each of your days it adorns,
Beautifying with however it covered or embellished.

٩٠. ضجَّتْ منابرُها بدعوتها لكم
فلو ادعت بكم النبوَّةَ صُدِّقَتْ

91. Until you see the youth shedding their nests
And the sun rolled up in their greens.

٩١. إن صاحبتْ يوماً إليكم عاطلاً
حلَّتْه أو تَفِلَ النواحي عَطَّرتْ