
O glory's wildness, trust in intimacy

يا وحشة المجد ثقي بالأنس

1. O glory's wildness, trust in intimacy
The sun has shed the garb of darkness

١. يا وحشة المجد ثقي بالأَنَسِ
قد عطّت الشمسُ رداءَ الغَلَسِ

2. And O Zawra's fever, did it forbid
Your pasture from the forearm of Al-Khadiri, the most valiant

٢. ويا حمى الزوراء أمنا حرَّمتْ
رَعيك كفُّ الأخدريّ الأشوسِ

3. After you had been far due to his voice
The landing place of every disputant and smooth talker

٣. من بعد ما كنتَ ببعد صوته
مهبِط كلِّ خابطٍ مَلَسِّسِ

4. The serpent returned writhing on the ground
With its water it kissed every dryness

٤. عاد الحيا مرقرقاً على الثرى
بمائه قبَّل كلَّ يَبسِ

5. And the green oasis of Al-A’la spread
So the palm trees and rods are clad

٥. وانتشرت خضراءَ دوحةُ العلا
فالساقُ وَحْف والقضيبُ مكتسي

6. And the glory of religion returned in his days
The religion of dew as if it had not waned

٦. ورَدَّ مجدُ الدين في أيامه
دِينَ الندى كأنّه لم يَدرُسِ

7. Merit was honored by it as if it had not been infringed
And the eminent arose as if they had not sat

٧. عزَّ به الفضلُ كأن لم يُهْتَضَمْ
وقامت العليا كأنْ لم تجلسِ

8. And the paths of purpose became clear
To the searching guide on the obscure roads

٨. ووضَحتْ على ضَلالاتِ السُّرى
طُرْقُ المنى للرائد الملتمسِ

9. So O stirrer of the stallion, restrain its clamor and O
Sender of the steeds of hope, withhold them

٩. فيا مثيرَ العيسِ جعجعها ويا
مُرسلَ أفراسِ الرجاءِ أحبسِ

10. You both have sufficed in stirring them up
And driving them into the night sea of branches

١٠. كُفِيتُما تهجيرَها مُظهِرةً
وخوضَها في الليل بحرَ الحِندِسِ

11. Luck came to you both and you did not gamble
With a she-camel among it or a horse

١١. جاءكما الحظ ولم تقامرا
بناقةٍ فيه ولا بفرسِ

12. You did not strike their necks and haunches
Eagerly for traveling by night or armor

١٢. لم تضرِبا أعناقَها وسُوقَها
حرصاً لإدلاجٍ ولا معرَّسِ

13. Fate returned pleasure to the eyes
And the soul of souls returned to the selves

١٣. رَدَّ الكرى إلى العيون قُرّةً
وعاد للأنفس روحُ الأنفسِ

14. With sweet and bitter against his enemies
And the reckless, dignified, wise assembly

١٤. بالحلو والمرّ على أعدائه
والطائشِ السرج الوقورِ المجلسِ

15. With a Babylonian whose wealth was not withheld
And a Samarian whose honor was not touched

١٥. ببابليٍّ مالُه لم يمتنعْ
وسامريٍّ عِرضُه لم يُمسَسِ

16. Most wondrous, his opinions do not stumble
Upon any convoluted or ambiguous problem

١٦. أروع لا يعثر من آرائه
بمشكل هافٍ ولا ملتبسِ

17. When fate frowns, he proceeds willingly
With his resolve in a moon or kindling

١٧. إذا دجى الخطبُ سرى مستقدماً
من عزمه في قمرٍ أو قبَسِ

18. Neither a deceitful Hashimite who did not learn
Nor a greedy admirer who did not measure

١٨. لا هاشم مغرِّر لم يعتبر
ولا حريصٌ مُعجَبٌ لم يقِسِ

19. The days snatched from him a harvest
With his merit though old age was not geriatric

١٩. نجَّذتِ الأيام منه قارحاً
بفضله والسنُّ لم تُعنَّسِ

20. And the mothers of censure prolonged in eulogy
While he is near them with the planted

٢٠. وطال أمّاتِ العضاهِ مشرِفاً
وهو قريبٌ عنده بالمغرسِ

21. The blossom ferments in his wrappings
At his cheeks until the murky gloom

٢١. تختمر الزُّهْرةُ في لثامه
بصُدغِها حتى الدجى المعسعِسِ

22. So if anger swells in his chest
Watch the frowning face and frown

٢٢. فإن غلت بصدره حميَّةٌ
راعك وجهُ الضيغم المعبِّسِ

23. It cast him into the celestial bowl so he rose
To the degrees of the solemn, lofty house

٢٣. رمَتْ به صحنَ السماء فسما
مدارجَ البيتِ الأشمِّ الأقعسِ

24. You are of his ethics in disposition
And of his protective zeal in inspiration

٢٤. فأنت من أخلاقه في مغزل
ومن حمى غيرته في محمِس

25. A house that God has said, a house like it
Has not been built or founded for me

٢٥. بيتٌ يقول الله بيتٌ مثلُه
عندِيَ لم يُبْنَ ولم يؤسَّسِ

26. The generosity of rain and in its corners
Are the landing places of revelation and the Spirit of Holiness

٢٦. سماحةُ الغيث وفي أرجائه
مهابطُ الوحي وروحُ القُدُسِ

27. And from it branched Mecca and Tayba
They diverged and from it the Holy House

٢٧. ومنه فرعا مكةٍ وطيبةٍ
تشعَّبا ومنه بيتُ المقدِسِ

28. A people then through whom we are an interval
The relief of distress and clarity of confusion

٢٨. قَوْمٌ بهم ثَمَّ ونحنُ فترةٌ
فَرْجُ المضيقِ وانكشافُ اللَّبَسِ

29. They carried legs upon the Path
Else their heads would have stumbled

٢٩. هم حملوا على الصراط أرجلاً
لولا هداهم عثرتْ بالأرؤسِ

30. And they smashed passion and emptied folly
Changing the old to the smooth

٣٠. وحطَّموا وَدَّاً وخلو هُبَلاً
مبدّلين بالعتيق الأملسِ

31. Because of them, skulls of polytheism vanished
Whose soil was never trodden from glory

٣١. ديست من الشِّرك بهم جماجمٌ
ترابُها من عزةٍ لم يُدَسِ

32. They marched with the crowns of kings among us
Tied to resolute spears

٣٢. ساروا بتيجان الملوك عندنا
معقودةً على الرماح الدُّعَّسِ

33. O people of the chambers, they awakened
The insights of wretched hearts for integrity

٣٣. آلُك آلُ الحجراتِ أيقظوا
للرشد أبصارَ القلوبِ النُّعَّسِ

34. And they took to the spacious meadow
People from the narrowness of confusing ignorance

٣٤. وأخَذُوا إلى فسيح لاحبٍ
بالناس من جهل المضيق المُلبِسِ

35. They spoke and so they were generous as if
Thunder had not rumbled nor torrents burst forth

٣٥. قالوا فجادوا فكأنّ الرعدَ لم
يُرزِمْ وماءَ المزن لم ينبجِسِ

36. You alone speaking truth, obedience to you
From every speaker and mute

٣٦. وحدُّك الناطقُ بالصدق له
طاعةُ كلّ ناطقٍ وأخرسِ

37. And by your father his love and hatred
Tomorrow the benefactor will see the loss of the wretched

٣٧. وبأبيك حبه وبغضه
غداً يَرَى المحسنُ خسرانَ المُسي

38. And you are who you are, following them
A button running after lentils

٣٨. وأنت ما أنت لُحوقاً بِهمُ
زُرارةٌ تجري وراءَ عُدَسِ

39. A slave who owns himself would ransom you
Weak of forearms, feeble in resolution

٣٩. يفديك مملوكٌ عليه أمرُهُ
رِخوُ البِدادين ضعيفُ المَرِسِ

40. Faults eat him yet he does not remove them
From his honor with his money, patched

٤٠. يأكله العيبُ فلا يُميطُه
بماله عن عِرضه المضرَّسِ

41. If the humiliation of stinginess strangled him, he would not
Say a dinar, take a breath

٤١. لو خنقته ذلَّةُ البخل لما
قال بدينار لها تنفَّسي

42. He raids your father thinking masked
The glory of ancestry with the disgrace of souls

٤٢. يغزو أباك ويظنّ مقنعاً
عزَّ الأصول مع ذلِّ الأنفسِ

43. Joined to you so he rebelled and allied
The mark of the wise, he matched its stubbornness with impudence

٤٣. ضُمَّ إليك فعلوت ولَطَى
سومَ الأشمِّ قستَه بالأفطسِ

44. He returned under the shade of his house and your
Efforts were fruitless in barren lands

٤٤. عاد بظلّ بيته وأصحرت
غرُّ مساعيك بقاعٍ مشمسِ

45. You seize the right of glory forcibly and justly
While the lion is not shamed by ferocity

٤٥. تأخذ حقَّ العزّ قسراً وسُطاً
والأسد لا تعاب بالتغطرسِ

46. So shock thereby bodies, striking their throats
With the shocking blow of a young man immersed

٤٦. فاصدع بها داميةً نحورُها
صدعَ فتىً في نقعها منغمسِ

47. And rise, we will seek it loftily
Either for the goal of glory or the spearhead

٤٧. وقم بنا نطلبها عاليةً
إما لمرمى العزّ أو للمرمسِ

48. For the sword unless it steps forward boldly
Is an idle stick and the lion a home guard dog unless it hunts

٤٨. فالسيف ما لم يمض قُدماً زُبرةٌ
والليثُ كلبُ البيت ما لم يفرِسِ

49. The bearer of good tidings called and my heart is an ember
For longing, who will kindle for him, let him light

٤٩. نادى البشيرُ وفؤادي جمرةٌ
للشوق من يرفع له يقتبسِ

50. While separation has isolated me so I have no
Comfort after you except my anguish from a companion

٥٠. والبينُ قد أوحدني فليس لي
بعدك غير وحشتي من مؤنسِ

51. And continuous remoteness appears to me
How I hoped from the intimacy of the desolate

٥١. والبعد باستمراره يطلع لي
كيف طمعتُ من ثنايا الموئسِ

52. He called and I was too weak to answer him
As if my soul was created from a breath

٥٢. دعا وقد ضعفتُ عن جوابه
كأنّ نفْسي خُلقتْ من نَفَسِ

53. This pure son of the pious so the demon
Of my passion prevailed and my whisperer seduced me

٥٣. هذا الزكيّ ابن التقيّ فطغى
شيطان شوقي وهفا موسوسي

54. And it was said possessed but one who has
A heart that erred though it was not touched

٥٤. وقيل ممسوس ولكن واجد
قلباً له ضلّ ولمَّا يُمسَسِ

55. What a gain secretly so I was not
Troubled and my mind was not muddled

٥٥. فيا لها غنيمةً سِرِّي بها
لم يختلج وخاطري لم يهجُسِ

56. Sweeter than nearness when my eyes had their fill
From a fleeting glimpse of the secretive

٥٦. أحلَى على القربِ وقد تملَّأت
عيني بها من نظرة المختلسِ

57. Abundant love, not as you accord me
A trickle of water and little to quench thirst

٥٧. حباً غزيراً لا كما تُسنيه لي
من نَزرِ ماءٍ وقَلِيبٍ يبسِ

58. And thanks for what expanded from manners
Though its garment was not soiled by distance

٥٨. وشكر ما توسع من خلائقٍ
على البعاد ثوبُها لم يَدْنَسِ

59. Pure, if you wipe my sides
From the affection of a people of filthy evil

٥٩. طاهرة إذا عركتَ جانبي
من ودّ قومٍ بالخبيثِ النجِسِ

60. You knew me while people denied me
And your search found me with discernment and inquiry

٦٠. عرفتني والناس ينكرونني
وجدَك بالشفوف والتفرسِ

61. I entrusted you with merit so neither its rights
Were lost with you nor was the covenant forgotten

٦١. أودعتُك الفضلَ فلا حقوقه
عندك ضاعت لي ولا العهد نُسي

62. The least I expected you to reward
Was an eternal reward in imprisonment

٦٢. فقصرُ ما أوليتَ أن أجزيَهُ
جزاءه في المطلَقاتِ الحُبُسِ

63. Wandering with your name at every resting place
But you were not content nor married

٦٣. شوارداً باسمك كلَّ مطرَحٍ
ولم تُرَحْ عنك ولم تُعَرّسِ

64. Like houris in their tents secluded
And among the oryx with the sheep at pasture

٦٤. كالحور في خيامها مقصورة
وفي الفلا مع الظباء الكُنَّسِ

65. From what my palm trees contained, magic spread
In their lively snakes of molting skin

٦٥. مما حويت برُقايَ فسرَى
سحرِيَ في حيَّاتهنّ النُّهَّسِ

66. Every wiper leaves behind but my hands
Blood on their fangs and canine teeth

٦٦. يترك كلُّ ماسح غير يدي
دماً على نُيوبها والأضرسِ

67. Covering you, not shy of dawn
Nor fearing at night the creeping of insects

٦٧. تغشاك لا تحتشم الصبحَ ولا
ترهبُ في الليل دبيبَ العَسَسِ

68. So you are forever roaming among them
And scents in the clothes of the bridegroom

٦٨. فأنت منها أبداً غوادياً
ورائحاتٍ في ثياب العُرُسِ

69. So listen to her and greet her connection
And beware of ignoring her and take precautions

٦٩. فاسمع لها واسلم على اتصالها
واتّقِ أن تُعيرَها واحترسِ

70. And dispense with me and make me needless of a people
Whose superiority between us was never studied

٧٠. واستغن بي وأغنني عن معشرٍ
سُورَةُ فضلى بينهم لم تُدرَسِ

71. I seek refuge from being soft with them with my tangled hair
And my fawning among them with my garment

٧١. أعوذ من ليني لهم بجَعَدي
ومن ذحولي بينهم ببُلُسي

72. I healed their honor and lived among them
Whenever it declined and stooped

٧٢. شفيتُ أعراضَهُمُ وعيشتي
فيهم متى تبرا اختلالاً تُنكسِ

73. The wish to meet them preceded what I said to them
On my tongue that my speech was mute to them

٧٣. ودّ القريضُ قبل ما قال لهم
على لساني أنَّ نطقي خَرَسي

74. So if they are deluded or disappoint me
Then I am not distressed by that

٧٤. فإن تَغرْ أو تكفني جانبهم
فلستُ من ذلك بالمبتئسِ