
He launched arrows in his eyelid and threw

راش نبالا في جفنه ورمى

1. He launched arrows in his eyelid and threw
A gazelle with all that he watched over the sanctuary

١. راشَ نبالاً في جفنه ورمَى
ظبي بجَمع ما راقبَ الحَرما

2. So that the atonement for the shirt from the
Beast's blood flowed for the intimate, blood

٢. بحيثُ كفّارة القنيصِ من ال
وحش دمٌ طَلَّ للأنيس دَما

3. He scattered, attacking the hearts, so they do not
Rise heavily from it with what they knew

٣. شنَّ مغيراً على القلوب فما
ينهض ثِقلاً منها بما علِما

4. O you who brought near the day when the blood revenge is taken from the
White gazelles in Mecca, blood

٤. يا قرّبَ اللهُ يومَ تُقصِي الدُّمى ال
بيضُ ظِباءً بمكةٍ أُدُما

5. Their lineage was stained with the slanderous
Hitting an Arab though he is noble

٥. أسهَمهنَّ اللصوقُ بالنسب ال
ضارب في يعرُبٍ وإن قدُما

6. When one boasts in ancestry though he
Traveled, then attributed himself to me, he fasted

٦. إذا اعتزى باللسان منتسبٌ
سفرنَ ثم انتسبن لي فسما

7. Or beauty was submitted to whiteness when
It was counted as healing between the lips, it dissolved

٧. أو سُلِّم الحسنُ للبياض لما
عُدَّ شفاءً بين الشفاه لَمَى

8. Say in Mina, if bashfulness lent you
A begging, deaf ear or you said what was not understood

٨. قل بِمنىً إن أعارك الرشأُ ال
نافرُ سمعاً أو قلتَ ما فهِما

9. You pelt, O thrower of pebbles, with them the
Land so my heart did not complain of pain

٩. تحصبُ يا راميَ الجِمارِ بها ال
أرضَ فقلبي لم يشتكِ الألما

10. A heart was created for you that does not forgive the crime easily
And a face that does not know crime

١٠. نحّاك قلبٌ لا يُحسِن الصفحَ عن
جُرمٍ ووجهٌ لا يعرف الجُرُما

11. With what debt did you not fulfill in Mina
And what religion do you have claim over

١١. بأيِّ دَيْنٍ لم تلوِ يومَ مِنىً
وأي دِينٍ عليك قد سَلِما

12. Quraish almost relapsed to ignorance
When you played among them, an idol

١٢. كادت قريشٌ ترتدُّ جاهلةً
لما تمثّلتَ بينهم صنَما

13. I take refuge with God and sorrow as provision
Its guarantor what was repaid and what was unpaid

١٣. أستخلفُ اللهَ والضَّنا كبِداً
ضامنُها ما وفَى وما غَرِما

14. O my time, strange indeed over zealotry
What time has passed and what zealotry

١٤. يا لزَماني على الحمى عجباً
أيُّ زمان مضى وأيُّ حمى

15. Passion and youth were good companions
And youth was the best of both

١٥. كان الهوى والشبابُ نِعْم القري
نان وكان الشبابُ خيرَهما

16. He throws far even if time wronged him
So my sacrifice for it is what survived

١٦. يرمي بعيداً وإن أساء له
دهري ففوداي منه ما سلِما

17. The gray hair dawned suddenly
As if my youth was the firewood and it kindled

١٧. شبَّ علىَّ المشيبُ بارقةً
كان شبابي لنارها فَحمَا

18. If a bouquet was dyed with tears
My youth would have lasted from what I cried, blood

١٨. لو صُبِغتْ بالبكاء ناصلةٌ
دام شبابي مما بكيتُ دما

19. Khanasa stood beautifying what aged of old age
She gained acceptance and was honored equally

١٩. قامت تَألَّى ما شاب من كبر
خنساء بَرَّتْ وأُكرِمَتْ قَسَما

20. Do not ask me of the years of the youth and let the
Care behind the ribs and determination

٢٠. لا تسألي السنَّ بالفتى وسلي ال
همَّ وراءَ الضلوع والهِمَما

21. How many stumbles I have with fate, if the
Crescent stumbles like it as a child, it perishes

٢١. كم عثرةٍ لي بالدهر لو عثَر ال
هلالُ طفلاً بمثلها هَرِما

22. My riding of sorrow from its calamities
Replaced youth from my dark hair

٢٢. ركوبيَ الدُّهْمَ من نوائبه
بدّل شُهْباً من رأسيَ الدُّهُمَا

23. My staggering became long. I want to attain what
Was missed and seek the realization of what was absent

٢٣. طال ارتكاضي أروم إدراك ما
فات وأبغي وِجدانَ ما عُدِما

24. I seek fortune in a deadly land
My eye confused behind it in darkness

٢٤. أنشُد حظّاً في أرض مَهلكةٍ
تخبِط عيني وراءَه الظُّلَما

25. Worriedly thinking of should I or might I
The foot of purpose or the rocks block my steps

٢٥. مقلقَلَ الهِّم بين هلْ وعَسَى
رِجْل المنى أو تَسُدَّ بي الرَّجَمَا

26. Either you will see me after my departure bent
Next to ruins from what collapsed

٢٦. إمّا تَريْني بعد اطرادِي وتث
قيفي بجنب الكُعوب منحطما

27. For the sword does not truly fulfill the destiny
Unless it drew or pierced blood

٢٧. فالسيفُ لا يصدُق القضاءُ له
بالعين إلا ما فُلَّ أو ثُلما

28. And if you choose after living luxuriously
A place safe from harm, it would achieve that

٢٨. وإِن تدبَّرتِ بعد بحبُوحَة ال
عزّ محلّاً من الأذى أَمَمَا

29. It will convey to me the command of the prince even
If he is unjust, and the rule of the master even if he is unjust

٢٩. يُبْلِغُني إِمرةَ الأمير وإن
جار وحُكمَ المولَى وإن ظَلَما

30. For water may calm the clouds and
Alight for a time so it calms the cisterns

٣٠. فالماء قد يسكُنُ السحابَ وين
حطُّ أواناً فيسكنُ الإرَما

31. God is to me like a brother I held
The strongest bond though his rope disintegrated

٣١. اللهَ لي من أخٍ علِقتُ به
أوثقَ ما خلتُ حبلُه انجذَما

32. He stretched his hands over me weaker
And parted from me so we don't embrace

٣٢. شَدَّ يديه عليَّ أعجفَ مع
روقاً وخلَّى عني أن التَحما

33. He kept me company yellow handed so when
The branch of wealth thrived, he scorned me

٣٣. واصلني مصفَرَّ القضيب فمذْ
رَفَّ عليه غصنُ الغنى صَرَما

34. And turned away from me every son of the world my
Greedy brother who sees the sheep as superior to what he tasted

٣٤. واعتاض عنّي كلَّ ابن دنيا أخي
حرصٍ يرى الغُنمَ فضلَ ما طَعَما

35. He recoils at hardship, so if he sees
Hardship, he is furious and attacks

٣٥. ينكُص عند الجُلّى فإن أبصرال
جفنةَ ملآى استشاط فاقتحما

36. No one of eloquence in the day of trouble, and no
Measure of opinion if events attack

٣٦. لا ذو لسان يوم النديِّ ولا
مقياسُ رأيٍ إن حادثٌ هجما

37. What is with you my seller, you moved a
Hand that when you sell me, you will regret

٣٧. ما لك يا بائعي نقلت يداً
تأكلُها عند بيعتي ندَما

38. I swore by the dancing girls, they humble the
Camels bowed openly and prominently marked

٣٨. حلفتُ بالراقصات تُجهَد أع
ناقا خُفوضاً وأظهراً سُنُما

39. You think their figures when mixed
With the blind in the darkness, blind

٣٩. تحسَبُ أشخاصَها إذا اختلطتْ
بالأَكَم الوُقْصِ في الدجى أَكَما

40. You see each one in the plain as an arched ceiling if
She turns her nose to it, broken

٤٠. كلّ تَروك بالقاع سَقْباً إذا
لوتْ إليه خيشومَها خُرِما

41. Bearing dishevelment when they remember
The reward stock, they overcome boredom

٤١. تحمِلُ شُعْثاً إذا هُمُ ذكَروا
ذخيرةَ الأجر غالطوا السأَما

42. Until they resided in Thu Al-Suwar heavily
Clothed in a land that almost became the sky

٤٢. حتى أناخوا بذي الستورِ ملب
بين بأرضٍ كادت تكون سَمَا

43. The pregnant belly would have given birth to
Muhammad and the son of his noble mother

٤٣. لأنجبتْ بطنُ حامل ولدتْ
محمداً وابنَ أمِّه الكَرَما

44. O land pride! You brought out the like of them
Yes you are filled envied with them

٤٤. يا أرضُ فخراً أخرجتِ مثلَهما
نَعَمْ تملَّيْ محسودةً بهمَا

45. And depend on them for the ordeal
On the pillar of the carriers, for he is determination

٤٥. واعتمدي منهما مباهِلةً
على عميدِ الكفاةِ فهو هُما

46. The best of your stallions is he who surrendered the
Command to him, his old age and he who was weaned

٤٦. خيرُ بنيك الفحولِ من سلَّم ال
أمر له شِيبُهم وما فُطِما

47. His charms close together and his blackening
Later became organized

٤٧. وهبَّ مضمومةً تمائمُه
بعدُ وتسويدُه قد انتَظَما

48. He did not await wisdom with dignity
Lord, how patient nearing patience

٤٨. لم ينتظر بالوقار حُنكتَهُ
ربَّ حليم قد شارفَ الحُلُما

49. He does not cease to flirt with intelligence naturally
And his youth makes him forget old age

٤٩. ما زال يُزري بديهةً بالروِي
يَات ويُنسِي حِدثَانُه القُدَما

50. That we thought his youth from the abundance of
Wisdom, gray hair concealed in his face

٥٠. حتى ظننا شبابَه من وفو
رِ الرأي شَيباً في وجهه كُتما

51. Shining white, matching the creation of
The full moon and the crescent's thread gathered

٥١. أبلجُ يحذيك سافراً خلقةَ ال
بدر وخيطَ الهلال ملتثما

52. He diverts in the sermons an eye of alluring modesty
That only knows who obtained its obedience

٥٢. يدير في الخطب عينَ فتخاءَ لا
تعرف إلا من كسبها الطُّعُما

53. A watcher, all of it stars, if
His nights were all darkness

٥٣. لواحظٌ كلُّها نجومٌ إذا
كانت لياليه كلُّها عَتَما

54. He throws a heart behind his need
Deaf not consulting if he decides

٥٤. يرمِي بقلبٍ وراءَ حاجته
أصمع لا يستشير إن عزَما

55. He does not hasten speech in his calmness
Nor wake him, a disturbing darkness

٥٥. لا يُسرع القولَ في سكينته
ولا ينزِّيه طارقٌ غَشَما

56. If frustration rode the side
Of might, he would not find anything to bite

٥٦. لو ركِبَ العجزُ للعُلوق به
ناصيةَ البأسِ لم يجد لَقَما

57. They blocked with him a gap in the kingdom that
No separatist rises with what he demolished

٥٧. سدُّوا به ثُغرةً من الملك لا
ينهضُ منها بانٍ بما هَدَما

58. Spacious, her opening crippled an era
On the bedposts and the disease was not yet cut off

٥٨. واسعةُ الفرج أعضلتْ زمناً
على الأواسي والداءُ ماحُسما

59. So he stood until her feast was upright
With kindness, neither incapable nor cold

٥٩. فقام حتى استقام مائدها
باللطف لا عاجزاً ولا بَرِما

60. He did not seek a supporter over it and was not
Ashamed alone in it nor was he shy

٦٠. لم يستعنْ ناصراً عليها ولم
يخجلْ وحيداً فيها ولا احتشما

61. Until indeed its wounds
Cut deep in rage behind him

٦١. حتى لقد اصبحتْ وقُرَّحُها
تَعْلُك غيظاً وراءهَ اللجما

62. Rebuking its elevation is a disparager, spiteful
If nobility was restricted, blindness towards it grew

٦٢. يُقذي علاه مقصِّرٌ لحِزٌ
لو قُيِّد الفضلُ زِيدَ فيه عَمَى

63. Its fingers do not curl dry
And its honor is soft if it becomes severe

٦٣. لا تنطوي بنانُه يَبَساً
وعِرضُه ليِّنٌ إذا عُجِما

64. One's self is envied if it rose and a
Hand if the sword recoiled or the steps went deeper

٦٤. يحسُد منه نفْساً سمت ويداً
إن نكَصَ السيفُ أوغَلَت قُدُما

65. He dictates flames on scrolls that
No neck is cooled by its fire and it was branded

٦٥. يُلقِي علاطاً على القراطيس لا
يبرُدُ عنقٌ بنارها وُسِما

66. He concludes the necks of the freeman troubled
What was revealed of its pages and what was sealed

٦٦. يختِم حُرَّ الرقاب عانيةً
ما فُضَّ من صُحْفها وما خُتما

67. The saddle returned envying the hand and the
Sword even if the pen gained veneration by serving it

٦٧. عاد بها السَّرجُ يحسد الدستَ وال
سيفُ وإن عزَّ يخدِم القَلَما

68. Yes, God guarded the elevation's shepherd
Its edges safe if they are safe

٦٨. نعمْ رعَى اللهُ للعلا راعياً
تسلَم أطرافُها إذا سلِما

69. And increased good tidings a face if
The full moon's lineages overflowed or were clouded over

٦٩. وزاد بشراً وجهٌ إذا نَضبَتْ
أَسرّةُ البدر فاضَ أو فغمَا

70. It heals in it the water of shame so if
He released the wrap from it, it would be gathered

٧٠. يشفُّ فيه ماءُ الحياءِ فلو
أرسلَ عنه اللثامَ لانسجما

71. Of a people whose young never slept
And whose neighbor was not pointed out or blamed

٧١. من نفرٍ لم تنم تراتُهُمُ
ولم يُسَمْ جارُهم ولا اهتُضِما

72. Endowed with prudence and stingy
To the questioner of an excuse, however much he complained and judged

٧٢. وافين حلماً وضيّقين إلى ال
سائل عذراً ما اشتطَّ واحتكما

73. They do not utter malice, nor prove the
Misfortune of a person to them if he stepped

٧٣. لا ينطقون الخنا ولا يُثبت ال
ماشي بشرٍّ إليهمُ قدَما

74. White, noble deeds, green slippers, enjoyments if
People experienced hunger, they endured

٧٤. بيضُ المجاني خضرُ النّعال مَطا
عيمُ إذا عامُ جَوعةٍ أزَما

75. They were accustomed to victory with the swords when
They polished them, their blades bare

٧٥. تعوّدوا الفوزَ بالسيوف إذا
تقادحوها مصقولة خُذُما

76. If the fray became violent, it made the heads
Of the people of war fly, with the sharp blades

٧٦. إذا الوغى أشمطت رؤوسَ بني ال
حربِ فلَوْا بالصوارم اللَّمَمَا

77. Each boy hoped for if he became angry and
Feared if he smiled as a virgin

٧٧. كلُّ غلام يُرجَى إذا اشتطَّ غض
بانَ ويُخشى بَكراً إذا ابتسما

78. Of the family of Abdul Rahim, he connected
For its house with the elevation, a kinsman

٧٨. من آل عبد الرحيم قد وصل ال
لَهُ لبيتيه بالعلا رحِما

79. The skyscrapers of the horsemen erected over it
The origin of its honor oriented and marked

٧٩. بنتْ عليه قبابُ فارسَ أف
لاكاً رسَى أصلُ عزِّها وسَما

80. Glory preceded and the best of your two glories is what
Pulled ahead the era's chest or stepped forward

٨٠. مجدٌ قُدامَى وخير مجدَيْك ما اس
تسلف صدرَ الزمان أو قدُما

81. O lofty plateau of its fruits, my people suffice me
Even if its lightning reproached the covenant of what

٨١. يا سرحةً من ثمارها حسبي
لا خفرتك البروقُ ذمَّةَ ما

82. Reconciled after being defiant to your
Aggression, so my affection mingled with you and embraced

٨٢. اِلتفَّ عيصي بعِيصكم فغدا
ودّي خليطاً بكم وملتحما

83. You forbade me from asking, so I do not
Care if the questioner gave or deprived

٨٣. حرَّمتموني على السؤال فما
أحفِل أَعطَى المسؤولُ أو حرَما

84. The basil laughs if it sees
Soil that implores the rain, contemptible

٨٤. وصار تُربي الريَّانُ يضحك إن
أبصرَ تُرباً يستسمح الدِّيَما

85. So I do not mind whether sustenance
Wronged or was just, by oaths other than yours it was divided

٨٥. فما أبالي أجارَ أم عدل ال
رزق بأيْمان غيركم قُسِما

86. I was obstinate about desires not
Turning my head to wealth, it prospered and grew

٨٦. كنتُ جموحاً على المطامع لا
يلفتُ رأسي مالٌ ثرَى ونَمَى

87. Under the porch of contentment, even if
The saliva of my old age dried up, I would not complain of thirst

٨٧. تحت رِواق القنوعِ لو هجر ال
ريقُ لِثاتي لما شكوتُ ظما

88. Fate does not hope for my consent, nor
Make me angry if it harmed or honored

٨٨. لا يطمع الدهرُ في رضاي ولا
يُسخطني إن أَلام أو كَرُما

89. And anyone who aims with his resolve
Sees my praise just as he sees the bridle

٨٩. وكلُّ سامٍ رامٍ بهمّتهِ
يرَى مديحي كما يَرى العُصُما

90. You imposed me with tongues and with
Temperaments gentle that became to me, gags

٩٠. فَرُضتُموني بألسن وبأخ
لاقٍ ليانٍ أصبحن لي لُجُما

91. So anyone from you with his breath
Did not leave any deafness in me from his love

٩١. فكلُّ راقٍ منكم بنفثتِهِ
لم يُبقِ منّي بحبّه صمما

92. You trained me so that I accept
Sustenance and praise men, so

٩٢. درّبتمُوني يداً بأن أقبلَ ال
رفدَ وأن أمدح الرجال فما

93. You relieved the constriction of my chest and you
Clarified my tongue from the length it was silent

٩٣. فسَحتُمُ في مَضيقِ صدري وأف
صَحتم لساني من طول ما انعجما

94. So from your nearness to me and your blessing
Is that I learned to thank blessings

٩٤. فمِن جَداكم عندي ونعمتِكم
أنِّي تعلمتُ أشكرُ النِّعما

95. And whenever your debt pulls my
Neck, I fulfill it from its obligations, completely

٩٥. وكلّما آد دَينَكم عُنُقي
قضيتُكم عن فروضه الكِلما

96. Every distraction does not complain of the
Bite of time if it was erected, nor frowns

٩٦. كلّ شرودٍ لا تشتكي عضَّة ال
دَهر إذا أُنصِبتْ ولا الخُزُما

97. It runs in your characteristics as the
Flood cuts through the valley's bed and veins

٩٧. تجري بأوصافكم كما يقطع ال
سيلُ بطنَ الوِهادِ والأُطُما

98. In every land for your glory a
Flag and the fire of glory mounted a flag

٩٨. في كلّ أرض لمجدكم علَمٌ
ونارُ مجدٍ قد أُركبت عَلما

99. It spreads what is between the east of the sun and the
West, winds for your land, clouds

٩٩. تَنشُر ما بين مشرق الشمس وال
غرب رياحاً لأرضكم فُغُما

100. And the matter is that it remains through eras
If its people were builders

١٠٠. والشأنُ في أنها بواقٍ على ال
دهر إذا كان أهلهُ رِمما

101. I filled in you the volumes and my
Hand does not complain of boredom or fatigue

١٠١. ملأتُ فيكم بها الطروسَ وما
تشكو كَلالاً يدي ولا سأما

102. It embarked a doctrine for you transcending the
Poetry over the modern and old

١٠٢. قد شَرعَتْ مذهباً لكم نَسخَ ال
شعرَ على المحدَثين والقُدَما

103. If the echo of Zuheir was unearthed he would
Swear that I surpassed the old man

١٠٣. لو نَبشتْ عن صَدَى زُهيرٍ زقا
يحلِفُ أن قد فضلتُمُ هَرِما

104. So take from its majesty the course of
Parables in you and comprehend the wisdom

١٠٤. فاقتبِسوا من جلالها سِيرَ ال
أمثال فيكم وطالِعوا الحِكَما

105. Or do not care if it turns
To you in poetry if it was blocked or firm

١٠٥. أو لا تبالوا إذا هي انعطفت
لكم بشعر إن صدّ أو صَرمَا

106. Consider for it the sanctity of precedence and
Affection and gather its ancient causes

١٠٦. راعوا لها حُرمة التقدّم وال
ودّ وضموا أسبابَها القُدُما

107. Make available its share to one who strives
Emphasizing in it rights and obligations

١٠٧. ووفِّروا حظَّها لمجتهدٍ
أكَّد فيها الحقوقَ والذِّمما

108. Insightful of heart and tongue so he only
Speaks of you with what he knew

١٠٨. مستبصر القلبِ واللسانِ فما
يقول فيكم إلا بما علِما

109. Your knot to me is truer than people seeing
My state in your kingdom as sick

١٠٩. عقدُكُمُ لي أصحُّ من أن يَرى ال
ناسُ بحالي في مُلككم سَقَما