1. Today my prolonged hopes have been fulfilled
As good fortune came to me willingly
١. اليوم أنجزَ ماطلُ الآمالِ
فأتتك طائعةً من الإقبالِ
2. With wishes, and for it there was tenderness, while hardships have departed
And your proximity has been achieved after long separation
٢. بمُنىً وفين له وهنَّ غوادرٌ
ولقِحن قربكَ بعد طولِ حِيالِ
3. One who desires must strive for it himself
Seeking it persistently, while time exaggerates it
٣. قطعَ المنَى يستام ذاك بنفسه
مسترخِصا والدهرُ فيه يغالي
4. So his longing came trampling over fears toward you
And longing is an igniter of fears
٤. فأتى يدوس الهولَ نحوك شوقُه
والشوقُ مشَّاءٌ على الأهوالِ
5. It casts challenges according to its determination
It crossed mountains seeking mountains
٥. يلقي الخطوبَ بمثلها من همة
قطعت جبالاً في ابتغاء جبالِ
6. In the shadows of its solitude, though its companions are many
But few are proper
٦. في ظلّ وحدته وإنّ رفاقَه
كُثْرٌ ولكن قِلّة الأشكالِ
7. So individually, none turn to face it
Except those who choose what is most valuable
٧. فرداً فليس يرد صوب صوبه
إلا مصدقه اختيار الغالي
8. The briskness of resolve is a sign of its seekers
Lightened for the day of bearing burdens
٨. ملءُ الإهاب عليمةٌ بطلابها
خفَّتْ ليومِ تحمّل الأثقالِ
9. A steadfast runner, as though it could fly
With its rider's left hand holding the reigns steadily
٩. سيّارةٌ فكأنها طيّارةٌ
بشِمال فارسها عنانُ شَمالِ
10. It roams the valleys and its edge
Is assigned to settled affairs
١٠. تجتابُ أربَعُها الوهادَ وطرفُها
بالراسياتِ موكَّلُ الإشغالِ
11. It rises from the earth to the sky, as though
It has recognized your lofty character
١١. في الأرض تشخصُ للسماء كأنها
عرفَتْ ذَراك من السِّماك العالي
12. It meets its gazelles with the neck of a gazelle
And its crescent from the first crescent
١٢. تلقَى غزالتها بجيدِ غزالةٍ
وهلالَها من غُرّةٍ بهلالِ
13. So your grandfather hastened toward you, his state unhindered,
By bounty of souls, not by wealth
١٣. فسعى قِبالك جدُّه لا حاله
عفو النفوس ولا اجتهاد المالِ
14. May the days be forced by a lover's fraud
Who abandoned much and visited the select few
١٤. فلتُرغم الأيّامَ زورةُ عاشقٍ
هجرَ الكثيرَ وزار غيرَ التالي
15. And reaching you might have been impossible
Had the state of the impossible not intervened
١٥. ولقد يكون من المحال بلوغُها
لولا تصرُّمُ دولةِ الإمحالِ
16. And after you, hopes despair in me
For seeing you was the height of my hopes
١٦. ولتيأس الآمالُ منّي بعدها
رؤياك كانت منتهى آمالي
17. A state that healed my state, though
States change constantly
١٧. حولٌ شفَى حالي التي أشفَتْ وقد
تتقلّب الأحوالُ بالأحوالِ
18. I am one whose throat you have pulled, and given to drink
In the sea, while I was playing with tools
١٨. أنا من جذَبتَ بضَبعِه فسقيتَه
في البحر وهو مخادَعٌ بالآلِ
19. And from his thoughts you have attained
Wonders that dazzled the negligent
١٩. وخطبتَه فحظيتَ من أفكاره
بغرائبٍ نشزت على البُذّالِ
20. I protected her beauty for a time, so it was defiled
Yet her beauty is alive with declining fortune
٢٠. صينت زمانا في الخدور فعُنِّستْ
وجمالها حيٌّ بحظٍّ بالي
21. How many charming ones have I accepted their bride price
Being your acceptance, and built with charity
٢١. كم غادةٍ منها رضيتُ لمهرها
منك القبولَ فشيد بالإفضالِ
22. And a beautiful one humbled, so when you accepted her
She returned to add coquetry to her beauty
٢٢. وجميلةٍ ذلَّت فحينَ رضيتَها
عادت تشوب جمالَها بدلالِ
23. Bounty overflows at the arrival of my messages
Favors, so how will my day of union be?
٢٣. كَرَمٌ يفيض على وصول رسائلي
نِعماً فكيف يكون يومَ وصالي
24. And the sea gushes for the distant one, and whenever
TheRelationship grew closer, Bilal's favor increased
٢٤. والبحرُ ينضح للبعيد وكلّما از
داد الدنوُّ ازدادَ فضلَ بِلالِ
25. And if I saw you with traits, and with what
You granted me, and righteous deeds
٢٥. ولئن رأيتك بالصفاتِ وبالذي
أوليتني وبصالح الأعمالِ
26. Then the soul, when seeing wonders, is more
Deserving, even if it settles for little
٢٦. فالنفسُ عند المعجزات بأن تَرى
أحرَى وإن سكنتْ إلى النُّقَّالِ
27. Were it not for abundant fortunes in your company
I would not have come adorned with an emaciated body
٢٧. لولا حظوظٌ في ذَراك سمينةٌ
ما جئت ملتحفاً بجسمِ هُزالِ
28. And I would wander in the valley of ice, so how could I have crossed
Had it not been for your noble character
٢٨. ولتُهتُ في وادي الجليدِ فكيف بي
ما خضت لولا أنّه لمعالي
29. And I show the rich that I am above him
Despite my deficiency, because I refrained from asking him
٢٩. وأُرِي غنيّ القوم أني فوقه
مع خَلَّتي أن صنتُ عنه سؤالي
30. And I remained content with the favor of what I possess
Knowing fortune preoccupies the ignorant
٣٠. وأبيتُ مقتنعاً بفضلة ما معي
علماً بشغل الحظّ بالجُهّال
31. Covering myself in protection, patching constantly
With patience from its rough garments
٣١. متزمّلاً بالصونِ أرقع دائباً
بالصبر من أثوابه الأسمالِ
32. Until I wished that the beauty of my patience
In the adversities of fate had improved my condition
٣٢. حتى وددت لوَ انَّ حُسنَ تصبُّري
في نائِبات الدهر أعدى حالي
33. And for your noble delusion to be seen
Bearing my concerns though not a porter
٣٣. ولمثل غرّتك الكريمة أن يُرى
حَمْلُ امرىء ما ليس بالحَمّالِ
34. So I settle on my side though not prepared
And I drink a drink though not pure
٣٤. فأُقِرَّ جنب وهو غير ممهَّدٍ
وأسيغَ شُربٌ وهو غير زلالِ
35. The ministry complained of the humiliation of one claiming its name
In words though names are not like deeds
٣٥. شكت الوزارة ذلّ منتحلِ اسمِها
لفظاً وما الأسماء كالأفعالِ
36. When the hand adorned itself it became inactive
From it, while your hand makes my state active
٣٦. لما تحلَّى الدّسْتُ أصبحَ عاطلاً
منه ودستك في التعطُّل حالي
37. He rode dangers unexperienced, not knowledgeable
Oh how close his riding came to the marshes
٣٧. ركب الخطار مجرّباً لا عارفاً
يا قربَ رِكبتهِ من الأوحالِ
38. And he imagined your intimacy in himself
When you flowed and the emptiness was pleased
٣٨. وخلا فحدَّثَ باعتلاقك نفسَه
لمّا جريتَ وقد يُسِرُّ الخالي
39. So turn to it or take another in its place
Beyond love for it from the alternatives
٣٩. فاعطف لها أو فاتخذ بدلاً بها الز
وراء حُبَّ لها من الأبدالِ
40. And it surely grieves when you are mentioned, the longing
Of an outcast who was given good news of a meeting
٤٠. ولقد تحنّ إذا ذُكرتَ عراصُها
شوقَ المُعرَّةِ بُشِّرتْ بالطالي
41. They yearn to you, its people and their messenger
My poetry, which I have delivered well in sending
٤١. تصبو إليك وأهلُها ورسولُهم
شِعري وقد بَلَّغتُ في الإِرسالِ
42. And you may be, even if distant, a father to them
Righteousness, by their destitution, and a mother to dependents
٤٢. ولقد تكون وإن نأيتَ أباً لهم
بَرًّا بفاقتهم وأمَّ عيالِ
43. And if the rain saturates the country with pouring
Flowing, and the downpour of hail
٤٣. وإذا سقى الغيثُ البلادَ بمسبِلٍ
غدَقٍ وهتَّانِ الحيا هطَّالِ
44. It first appears through your abode then returns and gives it
The rain of eyelids the morning of departure
٤٤. فبدا بدارك ثم عاد فجادها
جَوْدَ الجفون غداةَ شدِّ رحالي
45. So it singled out gazelles there and spared
From it just enough for my gazelle
٤٥. فاختصّ غزلاناً هناك ووفَّرت
منه العزالي قسطَها لغزالي
46. I would sacrifice myself for one whose position
Is glorified in the soul, that I may sacrifice wealth for him
٤٦. أفدي بنفسي من يجلّ مكانُه
في النفس أن أفديه بالأموالِ
47. I held the reigns of a moon relaxed on pillows
Unless I anticipated its crescent in my imagination
٤٧. قمراً أخذتُ على السهاد ذمامَه
إلا توقُّعه طروقَ خيالي
48. And I guaranteed good character to you on its behalf
So it asked about haste with composure
٤٨. وكفلتُ عنك له بأكرم أوبةٍ
فسلا عن الإعجال بالإيجال
49. Then return to it as a lover likes his beloved
Grand with well-being, beautiful in totality
٤٩. فاردد عليه كما يُحبُّ حبيبَهُ
ضخمَ السلامة ناحلَ الأجمال
50. For the sword hangs by fingers its sharpness
And the eye refuses it without polishing
٥٠. فالسيف يعلَقُ بالأنامل حدُّه
والعين تأباه بغَير صقالِ
51. It used to come to me short, slender
So I got up seeking from it the favor of height
٥١. قد كان يأتيني قصيراً ناحلا ً
فنهضت أطلب منه حظَّ طوالِ
52. And it has beautified, so I strived until
What tasted good to me became permitted
٥٢. ولقد حلا فسعيتُ حتى حلّ لي
ما كان يحلو طعمُه بحلالِ