1. The night rider folded up dangers
At the edge of my abode from his abode
١. طوى الليلَ راكبُ أخطارِهِ
على شَحْط دارِيَ من داره
2. An imagination that kept the promise of passion
So he came as a messenger for the treacherous one
٢. خيالٌ وفَى بضمان الهوى
فجاء رسولاً لغدّارِهِ
3. He walked with good manners from pining
He was exposed to me for denial
٣. سَرى من ضنينٍ بمعروفه
تَعرَّضَ فيّ لإنكارِهِ
4. A cowardly lover without union
Brave in presenting his effects
٤. حبيبٌ جبانٌ بغير الوصال
شجاعٌ بإهداء آثارِهِ
5. I was perfumed with what his apparition brought
As if I was perfumed with his incense
٥. طُرِقتُ بما زار من طيفه
كأني طرِقتُ بعطَّارِهِ
6. He looked forward, the night shortened to reach perfection
Rising like the stars of dawn
٦. تطلّعَ يُقصِرُ ليل التمام
طلوعَ كواكبِ أسحارِهِ
7. With unripe fruits he allows the sucklers
To loot the deposits of his vines
٧. بأشنبَ يسمحُ للراشفين
بنهب ودائعِ خمَّارِهِ
8. When the cycles of cups intoxicate
The drinkers wake up sober in turns
٨. إذا أسكرتْ دائراتُ الكؤوسِ
صحا الشاربونَ بأدوارهِ
9. A loved one who came and removed the veil
The evilest of the morning birds from him
٩. أقام فوافى وجلَّى به
من الصبح أخبثُ أطيارِهِ
10. And the lightning of my devotion from his apparition
And the water of my eyelids from his fire
١٠. وبرقُ خشوعيَ من طيفه
وماءُ جفونيَ من نارِهِ
11. He was exposed to me, the afterglow of sunset
Which the winds distribute in parts
١١. تَعرَّض لي شفق الأتحمي
يِ تنزو الرياحُ بأشطارِهِ
12. So he distracted me from the talk of passion
And provided me with the good news of his reports
١٢. فطارحني من حديث العُذَيبِ
وفاكهني طيبَ أخبارِهِ
13. He showed me the flames of his fire
From afar and the session of his narrator
١٣. أراني مَواقدَ نيرانه
بعيداً ومجلسَ سُمّارِهِ
14. And reminded me of a time when I did not shed
My tears except for his remembrance
١٤. وذكَّرني زمناً ما شربتُ
دموعيَ إلا لتَذكارِهِ
15. And a night when I lost the light of the cypress
Since I was anguished by its moons
١٥. وليلاً عدمتُ ضياءَ السرو
رِ منذ فُجعتُ بأقمارِهِ
16. And a meadow its valleys fed
With its gardens and rivers
١٦. وهِيفاً غَذاهنّ وادي النعيمِ
بجنّاته وبأنهارِهِ
17. They possessed passion so they exposed the hearts
To what they wanted from it except its shame
١٧. ملَكن الهوى فأعرن القلو
بَ ماشئن منه سوى عارِهِ
18. For they are the externals of what was absent from it
And its inner secrets
١٨. فهنّ ظواهرُ ما غابَ منه
وهنّ بواطنُ أسرارِهِ
19. And its surroundings where the eye does not find
A path it can specify its traces
١٩. وأبله لا تجد العينُ في
ه نهجاً يُقَصُّ بآثارهِ
20. The benefit of evidence decreases on it
By verifying it and repeating it
٢٠. يقلّ عليه انتفاعُ الدليل
بتجريبه وبتَكرارِهِ
21. I summoned the hand of numerical accounting
With its fives and its tenths
٢١. ندَبتُ له يدَ طَبِّ الحسابِ
بأخماسه وبأعشارِهِ
22. Rich from the star to deduce
Its occurrence and its flight
٢٢. غنيٌّ عن النجم أن يَستدلَّ
بواقعه وبطيَّارِهِ
23. And I alerted one in a sweet slumber
So he stood up to my order and passage
٢٣. ونبّهتُ ذا رقدةٍ حُلوةٍ
فقام لأمري وإمرارِهِ
24. He imagines with his experience in space
That he was given the division of its regions
٢٤. يُخال بخُبرته بالفضا
ء أُعطِيَ قِسمةَ أقطارِهِ
25. The threads of recollection lead to the whip
Holding its eyelashes
٢٥. يدارِي إلى السوط جفناً خيوطُ ال
كرى ممسكاتٌ لأشفارِهِ
26. So we inclined to the wings of a night that loses
The whiteness of the stars in its burial
٢٦. فملنا إلى جنح ليلٍ يضيع
بياضُ الكواكب في قارِهِ
27. For honorable pride we left a love in it
The lamps of the road for its epochs
٢٧. لعزٍّ تركنا غراماً به
سروجَ الطريق لأكوارِهِ
28. And it was more worthy for it to clear its darkness
With the face of the minister and its pages
٢٨. وأحرَى به أن يُجَلَّى دجاه
بوجهِ الوزير وإسفارِهِ
29. And for travel to put down its burdens
When the veils of its screens are lifted
٢٩. وأن يضعَ السيرُ أثقالَهُ
إذا رُفِعتْ حُجْبُ أستارِهِ
30. When the honor of religion settled in it
We made its new moon set to its limit
٣٠. إذا شُرُف الدين حَطَّت به
قَدَرْنا سراها بمقدارِهِ
31. So the stay was good for its cotton
And the rain settled with its messenger
٣١. فطاب المُقامُ لقُطَّانه
وقرَّ المطيّ بسُفَّارِهِ
32. To you we drove the virgins of the plains
With the help of hope and its brides
٣٢. إليك افتضضنا عذارَى السهوبِ
بعُونِ الرجاءِ وأبكارِهِ
33. To better than who a passion settled for him
The mounts of the rain for its cars
٣٣. إلى خير من حلَّ شوقاً إليه
ركابُ المطيّ لأسيارِهِ
34. So it forbade them to smell disgrace
A young man whose neighbor is not contended upon
٣٤. فحرَّمها أن تشمَّ الهوانَ
فتىً لا يُجارُ على جارِهِ
35. Generous, he counts you his songs
When you come to impoverish him
٣٥. كريمٌ يعدُّك أغنيتَهُ
إذا أنت جئت لإفقارِهِ
36. As if you were his first loved ones
If you were the last of his visitors
٣٦. كأنك أوّل أحبابه
إذا كنتَ آخرَ زوّارِهِ
37. Leave the people and stick to his home
For the rain of dew is under its stones
٣٧. دع الناسَ واعكف على بيته
فدَرُّ الندى تحت أحجارِهِ
38. A porch you see glory in its chest
And your provision is between its bits
٣٨. رِواقٌ ترى المجد في صدره
ورزقَك ما بين أكسارِهِ
39. And grant the grass of earth to the seekers
If you turned away in its regions
٣٩. وهَبْ عُشُبَ الأرضِ للرائدين
إذا ما وليتَ بأقطارِهِ
40. May God protect the full moon from rising
Between its buttons
٤٠. حَمَى اللّهُ أبلجَ بدرُ التما
م يطلُعُ ما بين أزرارِهِ
41. And greet despite the blossoms of the stars
A face that spreads with its lights
٤١. وحيَّا على رغم زُهر النجو
م وجهاً يعمُّ بأنوارِهِ
42. And restore his enemies from his money
If the scarcity of his lifetimes is petty
٤٢. وأعدى أعاديه من ماله
إذا جاد قلّةُ أعمارِهِ
43. Ambitious, the lions of drinking company
Play in the forest from his visitor
٤٣. همامٌ ظواهرُ أسْد الشرَى
تَلاوَذُ في الغابِ من زارِهِ
44. He threatens them after his drought
And they fear him before his drought
٤٤. يُهيب بها بعد إصحاره
وتَرهَبُه قبل إصحارِهِ
45. Forbearing, he drops sins from him
With his forgiver and pardoner
٤٥. حليم السطا ينزل الذنب منه
بواهبه وبغفَّارِهِ
46. His eyes sleep upon major sins
Except upon avenging them
٤٦. تنام على الفُرُطات العظا
م عيناه إلا على ثارِهِ
47. I forbade your enemy even if he
Abandoned insistence with my advice
٤٧. نهيتُ عدوَّك لو أنه
بوعظيَ تاركُ إصرارِهِ
48. And I said beware do not be fooled
By the mixing of quietness in his cave
٤٨. وقلتُ حذارَك لا تغترر
بصلّ الحَمَاطةِ في غارِهِ
49. For after the tranquility of his assembly
Rushing him would trouble you
٤٩. فبعد سكينةِ مجموعهِ
تسوءك وثبة ثَوَّارِهِ
50. And when you gained victory with your sufficient evidence
He felt the defeat of his supporters
٥٠. فلم ينتصحني ولم يعنني
وقد حان كثرةُ إنذارِهِ
51. You won and here he is under coercion
Eating the excess of his fingernails
٥١. ومرّ يجاري على الاغترا
ر من ليس من خيلِ مِضمارِهِ
52. You forgive sins by his abstinence
And erase wrongdoings by his admission
٥٢. أراد ليغمزَ صُمَّ القنا
بجُوفِ اليراع وخُوَّارِهِ
53. You were pleased with your paucity until you are mighty
And he is pleased with disgrace by its abundance
٥٣. وشاور في البغي شيطانَهُ
فأطغتْه طاعةُ أمّارِهِ
54. So a qintar of your money is below harm
And his mind before his dinar
٥٤. وعارَض معجز آياتكم
بكذّابه وبسحّارِهِ
55. By your good fortune its clouds cleared
So the morning stopped by its pages
٥٥. توغّل يدرُس آثارَكم
فأنغض من دون آثارِهِ
56. And the one who missed was indebted in the judgment of fate
And the preceder of its foreordains
٥٦. ومدّ ليحملَ ما تحملون
صليفاً ضعيفاً بأوقارِهِ
57. And time has spared benefit from him
Who insisted on its rope
٥٧. وكان يلام فلما لجا
إلى العجز قام بأعذارِهِ
58. His liberation will come suddenly
So it dawns in the fortune of his burdens
٥٨. ألم يكفِهِ غدرُ كرَّاته
به وتقلّبُ أطوارِهِ
59. And a jar below the bee nest is
Difficult for the hand of its extractor
٥٩. وتجريبُه معَكم نفسَه
فيُنهي اللجاجَ بإقصارِهِ
60. You remained for a kingdom if you were in it
For its enrichment with your poverty
٦٠. ولما انتصرتَ بكافي المهمّ
أحسَّ بخذلانِ أنصارِهِ
61. And oh Lord of the house of dew, I am not harmed
By its master, the builder
٦١. ظَفِرتَ وها هو تحت الإسا
ر يأكل زائدَ أظفارِهِ
62. And the planet of the stars turns
Given the fortune of its cycles
٦٢. تُعفِّي الخطايا بإقلاعهِ
وتمحو الذنوبَ بإقرارِهِ
63. And this spring visited your side
With its bursting dripping rear
٦٣. رضيتَ بقُلِّك حتى تعزَّ
ويرضَى الهوانَ بإكثارِهِ
64. Your generosity races its rivulets
And your manners the blossom of its lights
٦٤. فقنطارُ مالك دون الأذى
ومهجتُه قبلَ دينارِهِ
65. Its Nayrouz sends you greetings
To its fasting then breakfast
٦٥. تجلَّتْ بسعدك غُمّاؤها
فتوقَ الصباح بإسفارِهِ
66. And you remained a responsibility that does not shower my clouds
Except with its storm
٦٦. وغُرم الذي فات في ذمّة ال
قضاء وسابق أقدارِهِ
67. For a persecuted one, your capacity makes him happy
And your narrowness is a sign of his inability
٦٧. وقد جَنبَ الدهرُ من نفعه
منائحَ في حبل إصرارِهِ
68. My time threw at me what avoided you
So I drowned in removing its strings
٦٨. سيأتي تنصُّلهُ آنفاً
فيسفر في حظّ أوزارِهِ
69. And it deepened, its wound heals what cannot be reached
Like the doctor's lancet with its needle
٦٩. ودون جنا النحل وخَّازَةٌ
تشقّ على يد مشتارِهِ
70. So from the talk of my heart and its burning
To the poverty of my place and its barrenness
٧٠. بقيتَ لملكٍ إذا كنت فيه
فإثراؤه مع إصفارِهِ
71. So may a drink for you not be absent
In a sweet lifetime and its passage
٧١. ويا ربَّ بيتِ الندى لا أصي
بَ منك بسيّد عُمّارِهِ
72. Fine clothes upon your affection
If the abundance of its nudity increased
٧٢. ودارَ بما شئتَ قطبُ النجو
م تُعطَى سعادةَ أدوارِهِ
73. It provides you with what praise can
With its resident and its traveler
٧٣. وزار جنابَك هذا الربيعُ
بمنخرق الخِلفِ درَّارِهِ
74. If it did not find a beloved in wealth
It loved you in the elite of its thoughts
٧٤. تجارِي سماحَك أنواؤُه
وخُلْقَك زُهرةُ أنوارِهِ
75. So if supporting you evaded it
Your support in its poetry covered you
٧٥. يؤديك نيروزُهُ سالماً
إلى صومه ثم إفطارِهِ
٧٦. وبُقِّيتَ لي وَزَراً لا تَدرُّ
سحابيَ إلاّ بإعصارِهِ
٧٧. لمضطَهدٍ يُسرُهُ ما اتسعتَ
وضيقُك آيةُ إعسارِهِ
٧٨. رَماني زماني بما نابكم
فأغرق في نزع أوتارِهِ
٧٩. وعمّق يجرحُ ما لا تنا
ل كفُّ الطبيب بمسبارِهِ
٨٠. فمن كَلْم قلبي وإحراقِهِ
إلى فقر ربعي وإقفارِهِ
٨١. فلا يعدمنْكم شريبٌ لكم
على حلو دهرٍ وإمرارِهِ
٨٢. سليم الأديم على ودِّكم
إذا راب كثرةُ عوّارِهِ
٨٣. يمدُّكُم ما استطاع الثناءَ
بقاطنه وبسيَّارِهِ
٨٤. إذا لم يجد حبوةً بالثراء
حباكم بصفوة أفكاره
٨٥. فإن فاته بيدٍ نصركُم
أظلَّكُمُ نصرُ أشعاره