
Who is my judge, and my opponents are the vicissitudes of fate,

من حاكم وخصومي الأقدار

1. Who is my judge, and my opponents are the vicissitudes of fate,
The enemies are many, and the supporters are few.

١. مَنْ حاكمٌ وخصومِيَ الأقدارُ
كثُر العدوُّ وقلَّت الأنصارُ

2. More intense than life is love for a fickle lover,
Whose loyalty is known for denial.

٢. أشْجَى من الدنيا بحبِّ مقلِّبٍ
وجهين عُرفُ وفائه إِنكارُ

3. The supplicant's prayer, when he implores, is rejected,
The rancid sweat of anxiety oozes from him.

٣. سوْمَ الدعيِّ إذا تضرَّع ردَّه
للُّؤم عرقُ الهُجنةِ النَّعَّارُ

4. And if a day of death comes to take me,
Tomorrow's tomorrow betrays me and leads me away.

٤. وإذا وَفَى لمنايَ يومٌ حاضرٌ
فأجارَ أسلمني غَدٌ غدَّارُ

5. Am I a solid rock, O fate, or
Is my heart a shelter for sorrows?

٥. أفصخرةٌ يا دهرُ هذا القلبُ أم
هو للهموم الساريات قرارُ

6. Every day the misfortunes gather around me
From all sides, and worries besiege me.

٦. في كلِّ يومٍ للنوائبِ شَلَّةٌ
من جانبيَّ وللهمومِ غِوارُ

7. And destined misfortunes dominate me; I have no
Choice with them in selling my soul.

٧. ومصائبٌ متحكِّماتٌ ليس لي
مَعهنَّ في بيع النفوس خِيارُ

8. They move me and I carry their burden unwillingly,
As if I had chosen to be patient.

٨. تُنحي فأحملُها ثِقالاً مُكرهَاً
وكأنني بتجلُّدي مختارُ

9. Wound upon wound, yet a deep burning wound,
Whose wicks are lit, and the spear is red hot.

٩. جُرْحٌ على جُرْحٍ ولكن جائفٌ
ضلَّ الفتائلُ فيه والمِسبارُ

10. Its depths tore the veins, and it abandoned
The bones, weakening the solid bones.

١٠. فَجَرَتْ عمائقُهُ العروقَ وغادرتْ
قَصَبَ العظامِ وهنَّ مُخٌّ رارُ

11. So taste my blood, O fate, for it is delicious,
The coward's blood is tasty and delicious.

١١. فاغمزْ قناتي يا زمانُ فإنّه
ذاك المماكسُ طائحٌ خوَّارُ

12. For your spears, the veils were uncovered,
And the curtains were lifted from my page.

١٢. كُشِفَتْ لنَبْلِكَ غامضاتُ مَقاتلي
وترفَّعتْ عن صَفحتي الأستارُ

13. I am inevitably devoured with no health to restore me,
Debased, with no neighbor's protection availing me.

١٣. وأكلتُ لا خَلَفٌ يردُّ سلامتي
ذلّاً ولا يحمي حمايَ جِوارُ

14. Gone are those who used to flatter me,
And perils would avoid me.

١٤. ذهب الذي كانت تجاملني له ال
دنيا وتسقُطُ دونِيَ الأخطارُ

15. And when they accompanied me in life after you, coldly,
And people changed in their attitude towards me.

١٥. ويُردُّ فارسةَ الخطوبِ نواصلاً
منِّي مخالبُهنَّ والأظفارُ

16. They broke their covenants with you quickly
And shared the rope of treason, which is deceitful.

١٦. من يشتريني بالنفائسِ مُغلياً
بعدَ الحسينِ ومَنْ عليَّ يغارُ

17. They thought by losing you, they could patch it up,
Oh, what a gross breach that mending brought about!

١٧. ويُظِلُّني واليومُ أغبرُ مشمسٌ
أتجلَّلُ النكباتِ وهي أُوارُ

18. And they hoped that by your death their reign would be eternal,
While through that their safety was destroyed.

١٨. أم من يضُمُّ بدائدَ الآمال لي
ويُفَلُّ عني باسمه الإقتارُ

19. Why were you not enraged, when for their sake
Death gaped its doors? So the fearful fled away.

١٩. وإذا اقشعرَّتْ أرضِيَ استصرختهُ
فإذا لجينٌ تُربُها ونُضارُ

20. But burst forth with evil and harm after you,
Its edges collapsed and the countries fell apart.

٢٠. المِخذَمُ البَتّارُ أُسقِطَ من يدي
والغيثُ أقلَعَ عنِّيَ المِدرارُ

21. Beware of fighting him who stirs its embers,
While the rope is weak and the well cracked.

٢١. والصاحب انتُزِعتْ قوادمُ أسرتي
منهُ وهِيضَ جَناحُها الطيَّارُ

22. They cast the Euphrates into the Euphrates, and none knows
Which current carried you when they dumped you.

٢٢. فاليوم لا أبتِ الصَّغارَ ولا اعتزتْ
إلا عبيداً فارسُ الأحرارُ

23. They took pride in burying you, when anyone who sees
A lion digs the ground with a shovel for his grave!

٢٣. وتطأطأتْ ذلّاً فطالت ما اشتهتْ
شرفاً عليها يَعرُبٌ ونِزارُ

24. By Allah, I did not know before it
That the seas were graves, and the oceans tombs!

٢٤. كنَّا وإن كَرُمتْ نفاخرُها به
فالآنَ ما بعدَ الحسين فخارُ

25. How debased were the whites of India after you!
Great was their treachery, and the spears did not fail to deceive.

٢٥. لا خفتُ بعدُ ولا رجوتُ وقد ثوى
في التُّرب منه النافعُ الضَّرارُ

26. Your spears should have protected you,
As they were alert and ready for battle.

٢٦. سائلْ بهذا الذَّودِ يرغو بَكرُهُ
في الحيّ أين المُقرَمُ الهدَّارُ

27. They killed you besieged, a stranger with no
Master to honor you, or neighbor to help you.

٢٧. ومتى أخلَّ أبو الشبول بغيلهِ
فتناهقتْ من حوله الأعيارُ

28. Behind the narrowness of the sky, like an animal,
Whose loud howling door flays your heart.

٢٨. يا مُدْرَجاً فرداً تُسَدَّى فوقه
بالقاع أرديةُ الثرى وتُنارُ

29. They dug the ground as your grave, yet you deserve no less than
A lion's resting place in the wilderness.

٢٩. مُلقىً وراءَ نسيَّةٍ ومَضلّةٍ
تُخفِي ضريحَك والقبورُ تُزارُ

30. Why not don a robe of honor and stand tall
With a drawn sword in your hand and armed warriors by your side?

٣٠. أذللتَ قلبي للأسى وتركتني
أتبرَّدُ الزفراتِ وهي حِرارُ

31. And your steps that cover long distances beneath the clouds,
No tether can stop them, no peg can restrain them.

٣١. وحطمتَ آمالي فهنّ ضعائفٌ
وقَصَرتَ من هممي فهنّ صِغارُ

32. Grant me the honor of being your war booty,
With my hands bound behind my back in captivity.

٣٢. أنا من شِفار القاتليك متى التقتْ
من مقلَتيَّ مع الكرى الأشفارُ

33. In the wilderness, where your sword is not satisfied with shedding blood,
A hanging sword, ever striking and stabbing.

٣٣. أو قلتُ معتاضاً بجارٍ مثله
جارٌ ولا بالدار بعدك دارُ

34. And death befitting you, which you constantly sought,
Swords and blades ready in hands callused from strikes.

٣٤. ومتى صحبتُ العيشَ بعدك بارداً
والناسُ صاروا بي إلى ما صاروا

35. Horses fasting, sniffing the air for battle,
Behind them pearls shedding the brilliant light of swords.

٣٥. نبذوا عهودَك آنفاً وتقسَّموا
رُمَماً بحبل الخُلف وهو مُغارُ

36. Their flanks were not dyed with blood shed for them,
No headbands were soaked for you with perfume.

٣٦. ظنُّوا بفقدِك أن يَلُمُّوا شَعثَها
يا رُبَّ نقضٍ جَرَّه الإمرارُ

37. Or that after you life would be tranquil,
And the day clear of specks of dust.

٣٧. ورجَوْا بهُلكك أن يخلّد ملكُهم
فإذا سلامتُهم بذاك بَوارُ

38. Your women seek vengeance, taking up arms,
Preferring death to what the living attained.

٣٨. فعلامَ لم تُشْكَمْ وقد فغرتْ لهم
فلجاءُ يُنكرنا بها الفرَّارُ

39. Crowding upon death as if competing,
Yearning horses at the race track.

٣٩. وتفجَّرتْ بالشرّ بعدك والأذى
جنباتُها وتداعت الأقطارُ

40. They fight for your rights, wearing as their banner
Abd al-Rahim, the obedient servant.

٤٠. حذِروا السجالَ يخابطون قَليبَها
والحبلُ واهٍ والجَبَا منهارُ

41. There your killers will know that among your sons
None failed or proved ignoble.

٤١. وَدّوا لو انك حاضرٌ فكفيتَها
لما تولَّى أمرَها الأغمارُ

42. Your enemy will see that survival was not meant for him,
Though he may live long, all sweetness turns bitter.

٤٢. ورعَى الندامةَ حيث لم يشبع بها
غاوٍ رماك وآخرون أشاروا

43. The treacherous may be stung where he is not alert,
Then flee to a hideous fate he created himself.

٤٣. ولَّى يفِرُّ ولم يعفْها سُبَّةً
تَسرِي وليس من الحِمامِ فرارُ

44. There a vile soul will leave him,
While blame and shame remain.

٤٤. سرعانَ ما استعروا بجمرةِ بغيهم
ولربَّ باغٍ غرَّه الأنصارُ

45. Your noble morals have been obliterated,
The treasure of virtues destroyed, coming from you.

٤٥. طرحوا الفراتَ إلى الفراتِ فما درى
مُلقوك أيُّهما له التيَّارُ

46. Is there anyone left to ask about you or speak of you?
Alas! No news or inquiries remain.

٤٦. وتعاظموا أن يَقبُروك ومن رأى
ليثاً يخُطُّ له الثرى مِحفارُ

47. As if you never led a cheering group,
Pointed to, followed and guided.

٤٧. وأبي العلا ما كنتُ أعلم قبلَها
أنّ البحورَ قبورُهنَّ بحارُ

48. As if you never offered a sanctum to the chaste,
An inviolable refuge and protected neighborhood,

٤٨. ذلّاً لبيض الهند بعدك شدّ ما
غَدرتْ ولا سَلِمَ القنا الخطَّارُ

49. Receiving the exiles and visitors in your courtyard,
As the couriers and settled ones would gather.

٤٩. ما كان أنكلهنَّ عنك لوَ اَنّهُ
عند السلاح حفيظةٌ وذِمارُ

50. The she-camels of night visitors crouch around you,
Only the choicest portion for guests picked by the butcher.

٥٠. قتلوك محصوراً غريباً لا تَرَى
مولىً يُعِزُّ ولا بجنبك جارُ

51. Your palm never displayed to their backs
The good tidings of kings, as scars testify.

٥١. من خلْفِ ضيِّقةِ السماء بهيمةٍ
ينزو بقلبك بابُها الصَّرَّارُ

52. If it carried a burden, the control of swords was hidden in its grasp,
And dinars became weighty.

٥٢. حفروا الزبى لك فارتديت وإنما
سلطانُ ليث الغابة الإصحارُ

53. Reluctantly, you allowed the tithe collectors in homes,
The permitted tenth of the harvest taken grudgingly.

٥٣. هلا وفيك إلى وثوبٍ نهضةٌ
ولديك مُنتفَدٌ وعندك زارُ

54. Then they turned back, faces bruised
By your blow, chastised and deprived.

٥٤. وخطاك واسعةُ المَدى تحت الظُّبا
لا الخيطُ يحبسها ولا المِسمارُ

55. And you forgot - not because you were neglectful -
To ask why your visitors diminished.

٥٥. أعزِزْ عليَّ بأن تصابَ غنيمةً
في القِدِّ يجمعُ ساعديك إسارُ

56. The saddles slipped off horses and camels toward you,
Along with the water skins and supplies.

٥٦. في حيث لا يُروَى على عاداته
بيديك نَصلٌ حائمٌ وغِرارُ

57. And when the eulogists fell silent and the poems
Composed in your honor expired.

٥٧. وبمصرعٍ لك لم تثابر دونه
فوق الأكفِّ صوارمٌ وشِفارُ

58. Or if I say you are abandoned and unattended,
While trials beset me, depriving me of your comforts.

٥٨. والخيل صايمة على أشطانها
قَرْحَى تَقامَصُ خلفَها الأمهارُ

59. You were my rear fortress, and in you
I had a front shield and armor.

٥٩. بشياتِها لم يُختضَبْ بدمٍ لها
عُرفٌ ولم يُبلَلْ عليك عِذارُ

60. My days in your shade are vitalized,
Energized, my nights in your company turned to day.

٦٠. أو أن يكون الجوُّ بعدك ساكناً
واليومُ أبيضُ ما عليه غبارُ

61. From your favors I reaped delicious fruits,
I walked with eyes following me longingly.

٦١. ووراء ثأرك غِلمةٌ لسيوفهم
في الرَّوع من مهج العدا ما اختاروا

62. I thought your power an impregnable mountain,
Beyond the reach of the greed of others.

٦٢. يتهافتون على المنون كأنَّهم
حِرصاً فَراشٌ والمنيَّةُ نارُ

63. I said the pillars holding up your house on high
Were ropes of death, shortened and out of reach.

٦٣. حلماءُ في الجُلَّى فإن هم أُغضِبوا
طاشوا فحَنّت فيهم الأوتارُ

64. That the stream of your generosity never runs dry,
Barren, its mouth closed off by dams.

٦٤. لو صحتَ تُسمعهم وصوتُك في الثرى
فحصوا عليك وفي السماء لطاروا

65. So valor and generosity have withered,
By which deeds and lives were purified.

٦٥. خذلوك مضْطَرّين فيك وجمجموا
من بعد ما فَصُحت بك الأخبارُ

66. A betrayal of fate, whose sun has set,
While trees put forth shoots in the earth.

٦٦. وتناذروا أن يندبوك تقيَّةً
فالحزنُ بينهُمُ عليك سِرارُ

67. And the clouds are disgraced, though they were your companions,
Sending down rain after you was withheld.

٦٧. إن يُمسكوا فيضَ الدموع فربّما
فاضت عيونٌ في الصدور غِزارُ

68. How often has fate played tricks on you!
One time security, another fear and caution.

٦٨. أو يجلسوا نظراً ليوم تشاورٍ
فالريثُ أحزمُ ما أرابَ بِدارُ

69. The narrators differed over you, so enlighten me,
As reports of you varied and changed color.

٦٩. ولربَّما نام الطَّلوبُ بثأره
لغدٍ ولكن لا ينام الثارُ

70. I thought well of them from behind their wrappings,
But exposure revealed their ugliness.

٧٠. وقد اشتفى بعد البسوس مهلهل
زمناً وما نَسِيَ الدَّمَ المَرّارُ

71. If my eyes miss seeing you in the horizon,
Then your sons are traces of you against the horizon.

٧١. وعلى الطّفوف دمٌ أطيلَ مِطالهُ
حتى تقاضَى دَيْنه المختارُ

72. They took your place, and when the suns set,
Their moons fill the sphere with their light.

٧٢. لابدّ من يومٍ مريضٍ جوُّه
للخيلِ فيه بالرءوس عِثارُ

73. Rest in peace, you and every soul like you,
The cradle of your dreams and your preference.

٧٣. متورِّدِ الطرفين يكفُرُ شمسَهُ
دَجْنٌ له عَلَقُ الكماةِ قِطارُ

74. They are souls that console your foes, and tongues
That took from your embers torches and sparks.

٧٤. تَصلاه باسمك آخذين بحقّهم
عُصَبٌ لهم عبدُ الرحيم شِعارُ

75. They were nobles, and when you were gone
Some cared for their father when need called.

٧٥. فهناك يعلم قاتلوك بأنه
ما عُقَّ مَن أبناؤه أبرارُ

76. Rushing to supremacy as if driven,
United in an arena that joins them.

٧٦. ويرى عدوُّك والبقاءُ لغيره
أنّ البقاءَ وإن أطيلَ مُعارُ

77. A delegation representing you, circulating among their homes,
Bearing perfumes, gifts, and profits.

٧٧. وإن اشتفى وحَلاَ بفيه غدرُهُ
أنَّ اعتقابَ حلاوتيه مُرارُ

78. Your virtues are recited over them,
Remembrance and commemoration of the dead.

٧٨. ولقد يُشاك المجتني بمكان ما
عجِلتْ يداه ويُلدغُ المشتارُ

79. Hands stamped with generosity, faces
Bearing from your sun prints and impressions.

٧٩. ولَّى بها شنعاء تَذهبُ نفسُهُ
فيها ويَبقَى لومُها والعارُ

80. What they are comes from the glory of their father,
An adornment bringing glory bracelets and bands.

٨٠. درستْ بك السننُ الحميدةُ واغتدى
نقْدُ المكارم وهو منك ضِمارُ

81. You did not neglect them, witnessing their affairs,
For you a protector and helper among them.

٨١. هل سائلٌ بك بعدها أو قائلٌ
هيهات لا خبرٌ ولا استخبارُ

82. So may what the horizons have affirmed remain for them:
The sweetness of your lasting renown.

٨٢. حتى كأنك لم تقُدْ ملمومةً
يُومَى إليك أمامَها ويُشارُ

83. If condolences come, make them easy,
For the dear one has passed on to comfort.

٨٣. خرساءَ إلا ما تكلَّم صارمٌ
في قَوْنَسٍ أو طنَّ عنه فَقَارُ

84. I consoled them, yet my advice to them
Was fraught with sorrow, my words harsh.

٨٤. تهفو عليك عُقابها ويضمُّها
منشورةً لفنائك التَّكرارُ

85. I made them share the burden of grief, while we are all
Stoically carrying, patient and forbearing.

٨٥. وكأنَّ رأيك لم يلُحْ قَبَساً إذا
عَمِيتْ عشايا الرأي والأسحارُ

86. Do not distance the affliction, for the time of trials has passed
Without a chance for you of approach or visit.

٨٦. وإذا خِلاط الأمرِ سُدَّ طريقُه
فلديك واضحةٌ له وقرارُ

87. Even if thirst choked my heart, its water
Is stagnant, and its resting place barren.

٨٧. وكأنّ بابَك لم يكن لعُفاته
حَرَماً يُجير ولا حمىً يُمتارُ

88. Languid in limbs, it touches the earth
To clean what its trailing robe accumulated.

٨٨. يأوي إليه المسنتون ويلتقي
بِفنائه السُّفَّارُ والحُضَّارُ

89. The thunder of its clouds stirs within them
Drums for the storms, and chatter.

٨٩. وتبيت تَلْغَطُ من وصائلِ ناقةٍ
عُشَرَاءَ عندك بُرمةٌ أعشارُ

90. So it flowed, honouring the living with life
Until the streams beneath it became rivers.

٩٠. تُصفِي كرائمَها الضيوفَ وتكتفي
فيما يليك بما انتقَى الجزَّارُ

91. It will water the place where your pieces were collected
With the sweetest it gave to drink,

٩١. وكأنّ كفّك لم تَبِنْ في ظهرها
قُبَلُ الملوكِ وتشهدُ الآثارُ

92. Till you would think your burial place a meadow
With clouds above raining thickets around it.

٩٢. ويخفُّ بين بنانها إن حُمِّلَتْ
ضبطُ الحسامِ ويثقلُ الدينارُ

93. The scent of what is inside it exudes,
As if its soil was perfumed with incense.

٩٣. بالكره منك وبالمَساءة رَوَّحت
لسوى العُقور على البيوتِ عِشارُ

94. And you descended where possessions are relinquished,
Yearning for you, as burdens are removed.

٩٤. وتراجعتْ وخدودُها ملطومةٌ
بُزْلٌ لقصدك وُجِّهَتْ وبِكارُ