
Her longing parted her from her blossoms with stones,

نفرها عن وردها بحاجر

1. Her longing parted her from her blossoms with stones,
A choking desire impedes water in the throat,

١. نفَّرها عن وِردها بحاجرِ
شوقٌ يعوقُ الماءَ في الحناجرِ

2. It returned her to the hills urging her,
The humiliation of the stranger and the yearning of the deterrent,

٢. وردّها على الطَّوَى سواغباً
ذلُّ الغريب وحنينُ الزاجرِ

3. So she started appeasing it with her disputes,
Of the one satisfied with the present ripe fruits,

٣. فطفِقتْ تُقنعُها جِرَّاتُها
من شِبَع دانٍ ورِيٍّ حاضرِ

4. Dust wraps her shoulders,
Her limbs supported by withered trees,

٤. يكسَعها الترابُ في أعطافها
تساند الأعضاد بالكراكرِ

5. That upon the tranquility of the one who disturbed her,
And that she was loyal to the traitor,

٥. ذاك على سكونِ من أقلقها
وأنها وافيةٌ لغادرِ

6. Deceived in her eyes by her loved ones,
With the deception of hinting without raining,

٦. مغرورةُ الأعينِ من أحبابها
بخالبِ الإيماضِ غيرِ ماطرِ

7. She meets their condemnation with every heart and grateful tongue,
And she is driven away by the spears of boredom and weariness, fate reversed,

٧. تقابل المذمومَ من عهودهم
بكلّ قلبٍ ولسانٍ شاكرِ

8. She complains of their betrayal to her as the barren woman complained
To the lips of the infertile,

٨. وهي بأرماح الملال والقِلَى
مطرودةٌ منخوسةُ الدوابرِ

9. They kept away from her though once she made them hear every hearing and consent,
And whenever they were harsh with her estrangement they resorted to excuses,

٩. تشكو إليهم غدرَهم كما اشتكت
عقيرةٌ إلى شفارِ العاقرِ

10. If only her barrenness knew when they called,
Where is the abundant rain in the skies?

١٠. قد وقَروا عنها وكانت مدّةً
تُسمِعُ منهم كلَّ سمعٍ واقرِ

11. And when the floods receded they grew incapable,
Then where is the train after the train?

١١. وكلّما ليموا على جفائها
تواكلوا فيها إلى المعاذرِ

12. Their carriages were once spacious for her,
And their luck in fortune like the measurer of the loser,

١٢. فليت شعرَ جدبها إذ صوّحوا
أين الخصيبُ الكَثُّ في المشافرِ

13. So why did they narrow though it gives them generously,
And time provides them with plenty of arrows?

١٣. وهبهمُ عن السيول عَجَزوا
فأين بالقاطرِ بعد القاطرِ

14. She was while they were sheathed in their scabbards,
Their drawn swords did not expose them,

١٤. كانت لها واسعةً ركابُهم
وكيلُهم في الحظّ كيلُ الخاسرِ

15. Abundant were her shares yet hers were not
Shortened from these apportionments,

١٥. ففيم ضاقوا فتناسَوا حقَّها
والدهرُ يُعطيهم بسهمٍ وافرِ

16. Did she reserve them save for the day of usefulness with provisions?
Had they consulted the glory of the son of Ayyub they would not have

١٦. كانت وهم في طيّ أغمادِهمُ
لم تتبرَّزهم يمينُ شاهرِ

17. Missed the belt of consultation,
So they learned and were taught the shepherding of rights

١٧. وافرةً أقسامُها فما لها
لم تُقتضَب من هذه المناشرِ

18. And bonds from him, the Almighty Able,
The chief of leaders examining glory revived

١٨. هل ذَخَرتْهم دون من فوق الثرى
إلا ليومِ النفع بالذخائرِ

19. Every forgotten merit,
He ascended high in his heavens,

١٩. لو شاوروا مجدَ ابن أيوبَ لما
فاتتهُمُ حزَامةُ المشاورِ

20. Sovereign in himself and commander,
And hereafter he has in the unknown a remainder

٢٠. إذن لقد تعلَّموا ولُقِّنوا
رعيَ الحقوقِ منه والأواصرِ

21. Speaking news and tidings,
And his people did not fall short of good fortune

٢١. للّه راعٍ منهمُ مستيقظٌ
لم يتظلَّم طولَ ليلِ الساهرِ

22. Informing the first of them with the last,
Nor did they descend from the position of an honorable rank

٢٢. يرى الصباحَ كلُّ من توقظه ال
عليا وما لليله من آخرِ

23. They inherited successively,
But he excelled with a soul that surpassed

٢٣. جرى إلى غايته فنالها
مخاطراً والسبقُ للمخاطرِ

24. Excellence as the reach of the swimmer surpasses the wader,
And the sun though the stars are its people

٢٤. ما برِحتْ تبعثُه همّتُه
في طلب الجسائم الكبائرِ

25. Transcends them with magnificent radiance,
And better than your abundant boasting is

٢٥. حتى أناف آخذاً بحقّه
من العلا أخذَ العزيز القادرِ

26. The testimony of souls to the elements,
He eased in his generosity his poverty,

٢٦. رَدّ عميدُ الرؤساء دارسَ ال
مجد وأحيا كلَّ فضلٍ داثرِ

27. As heights are brothers of the destitute,
So through him money is between a benefactor and a giver

٢٧. حلَّق حتى اشتط في سمائه
بحاكمٍ في نفسه وآمرِ

28. And people are between a dissatisfied and a hoarder,
And the little palm of its abundance will not be seen

٢٨. وبَعدُ في الغيب له بقيَّةٌ
ناطقةُ الأنباءِ والبشائرِ

29. Among people save the son of ample honor,
A rider who carries him and a need

٢٩. ولم يقصِّر قومُه عن سودَدٍ
يُخبَرُ عن أوّلهم بالآخرِ

30. The mother road among the daughters of Daeer,
An emaciated she-camel combined in her lineage

٣٠. ولا استنزلُّوا عن مقامِ شرفٍ
توارثوه كابراً عن كابر

31. Two halves of emaciated and emaciated,
It cuts off the gaze of my eyes without

٣١. لكنّه زاد بنفسٍ فَضَلَت
فضلَ يَدِ الذارعِ شبرَ الشابرِ

32. I lead it the hardship of traveling,
Whether its journey eased or saddened,

٣٢. والشمسُ معْ أن النجومَ قومُها
تنسخُهنّ بالضياء الباهرِ

33. Then its fortune is the fortune of the fleeting host,
Convey near the distance my wonder

٣٣. وخيرُ من كاثرك الفخرُ بهِ
شهادةُ الأنفُسِ للعناصرِ

34. My saying convey present to the present,
Call through it the unique, O most generous whom

٣٤. هوَّنَ في الجود عليه فقرَه
أنّ المعالي إخوةُ المَفاقرِ

35. The ties of necks are bound to praise,
You did not block people with misguided fortune

٣٥. فالمال منه بين مُفْنٍ واهبٍ
والناسُ بين مقتنٍ وذاخرِ

36. Agreeing, nor with unjust rule,
Nor did you minister to the Caliphs vainly,

٣٦. ولن تُرى الكفُّ القليلُ وفرُها
في الناس إلا لابن عِرضٍ وافرِ

37. Rather with certainty from the Knowing Informer,
The ruler did not shake you until your mettle was tested

٣٧. مَن راكبٌ تحمله وحاجةً
أمُّ الطريق من بناتِ داعرِ

38. By the hand of the Able sworn,
Two Caliphs chose you after they

٣٨. ضامرة تركَّبتْ نِسبتُها
شطرين من ضامرةٍ وضامرِ

39. Sifted the subtleties of consciences,
And tried before you every power-hungry one,

٣٩. يَقطع عني مطرح العينين لا
أسومهُ مشقَّة المسافر

40. So they knew the superiority of the penetrating blade,
You were not like the fatal one in his ropes,

٤٠. من أسهلتْ أو أحزنتْ رحلتُه
فحظُّه حظُّ المجيرِ العابرِ

41. And through it the debt is dragged tails,
Eating God's money without discomfort or

٤١. بلِّغ على قرب المدَى وعَجَبٌ
قولِيَ بلِّغ حاضراً عن حاضرِ

42. Sins of monstrosities committed,
So enjoy what they both gave you of opinion

٤٢. نادِ بها الأوحدَ يا أكرمَ مَن
تُثْنَى عليه عُقَدُ الخناصرِ

43. And boast of glory through it and excel,
And dress what you were clothed with in their shade

٤٣. لم تسُدِ الناسَ بحظٍّ غالطٍ
متّفقٍ ولا بحكمٍ جائرِ

44. Of well-bred, pure, trailing robes,
It suffices your enemies a suppression and enough

٤٤. ولا وزرتَ الخلفاءَ عَرَضاً
بل عن يقينٍ من عليم خابرِ

45. Suppression upon the foreheads and the nostrils,
Indeed, the one who died his loss from them

٤٥. ما هزَّك القائمُ حتى اختَبَرتْ
بالجسِّ حدّيك يمينُ القادرِ

46. Left you provision after him for the fleeting,
So remain as you subjugated them empowered

٤٦. خليفتان اصطفياك بعد ما
تنخَّلا سريرةَ الضمائرِ

47. The difficulties of religion and the pulpits,
As long as al-Marwa is sister of as-Safa

٤٧. وجرَّبا قبلَك كلَّ ناكلٍ
فعرفا فضلَ الجُرازِ الباترِ

48. And the house is between a cleaner and a circumambulator,
And sit for the days of congratulations filling

٤٨. لم تكُ كالفاتل في حباله
والدِّينُ منه مُسحَلُ المرائرِ

49. Their chests with glory and news,
Rising from them every shining day

٤٩. يأكل مالَ اللّه غيرَ حَرِج ال
صدر بما جرَّ من الجرائرِ

50. With a festival and recurring feast,
For you the most pious day from them

٥٠. فانعم بما أُعطيتَ من رأيهما
وكاثر المجدَ به وفاخرِ

51. And for the enemies every deviant day,
And hear those who call you in every talisman

٥١. واكتسِ ما أُلحفتَ في ظلَّيْهما
من رُدُنٍ زاكٍ وذيلٍ طاهرِ

52. Strange unthought-of in minds,
Despaired in its hopes internally

٥٢. فحسبُ أعدائك كَبْتاً وكفَى
كَبّاً على الجباهِ والمناخرِ

53. Deceiving itself externally,
And while it loves you so much

٥٣. إن الذي ماتَ ففاتَ منهما
بقَّاك ذُخراً بعده للغابرِ

54. And is beautiful, it has few suitors,
It begets affection and money from

٥٤. فابق على ما رغموا مُمَلَّكاً
أزِمَّةَ الدّسوتِ والمنابرِ

55. Every infertile in birth, barren,
So you do not know which idea of a poet

٥٥. ما دامت المَروَة أختاً للصفا
والبيتُ بين ماسحٍ ودائرِ

56. Came with it or breath of a sorcerer,
Affection made you dear of its pillar

٥٦. واجلس لأيّام التهاني مالئاً
صدورَها بالمجدِ والمآثرِ

57. Though it is of the noble ladies,
It prefers in your description what it prefers

٥٧. تَطلُع منها كلَّ يومٍ شارقٍ
بمهرجان وبعيدٍ زائرِ

58. In the garden theudder of brisk clouds,
It does not complain of your boredom which is its lot

٥٨. لك الزكيّ البَرُّ من أيّامها
وللأعادي كلُّ يومٍ فاجرِ

59. From you though it was satisfied with the estrangement of the immigrant,
In days past of connection and newly restarted

٥٩. واسمع أناديك بكلِّ غادةٍ
غريبةٍ لم تجْرِ في الخواطرِ

60. Estrangement between a grateful and a blamer,
And know its confession when it was equitable,

٦٠. مؤيسةِ المرامِ في باطنِها
مُطمِعةٍ في نفسها بالظاهرِ

61. And know in injustice the superiority of the patient,
And that while mischief is its lot from you

٦١. وهي على كثرةِ من يحبُّها
وحسنها قليلةُ الضرائرِ

62. It was pleased with the estrangement of the immigrant,
In days past of connection and in newly started

٦٢. تستولد الودادَ والأموالَ من
كلّ عقيم في الوِلادِ عاقرِ

63. Estrangement between a grateful and a blamer,
And know its confession when it was fair

٦٣. فلستَ تدري فكرةٌ من شاعر
جاءت بها أو نفثةٌ من ساحرِ

64. And know in injustice the merit of the patient.

٦٤. ملَّكَكَ الودُّ عزيزَ رقِّها
وهي من الكرائم الحرائرِ

٦٥. تُفضِل في وصفك ما تُفضلهُ
في الروض أسآرُ الغمامِ الباكرِ

٦٦. لا تشتكيك والملالُ حظُّها
منك وأن ريعتْ بهجرِ الهاجرِ

٦٧. في سالف الوصل وفي مستأنَف ال
جفاء بين شاكرٍ وعاذرِ

٦٨. واعرف لها اعترافَها إذ أُنصِفَتْ
واعرف لها في الجَورِ فضلَ الصابرِ