1. Two hearts cleaved together through devotion
Spending the night of pleasure happier than emaciation
١. لله قلبَا قرينَيْ صبوةٍ قطعَا
ليلَ الرضا سهراً أحلى من الوسنِ
2. Sleeping with love leading their obedience
Purifying themselves for Him from the evil of suspicions
٢. ناما مع الحبِّ يقتادان طاعتَهُ
مُنَزِّهَيْنِ له عن سيّىء الظَّنَنِ
3. Two bodies turned to passionate love, so speak well
Whatever you wish of a moon leaning on a branch
٣. جسمانِ صارا هوىً مزجا فقلْ حَسنًا
ما شئتَ في قمرٍ يحنو على غُصُنِ
4. O night, I would not deny the world your favor
In it, even if it had not let me live, it would not have angered me
٤. يا ليلةً لا جحَدتُ الدهرَ مِنَّتَهُ
فيها ولو أنه ما عشتُ أسخطني