
She turned away, and from her came coquetry and deception

هبت ومنها الخلاب والخدع

1. She turned away, and from her came coquetry and deception
She blames me or lets me be

١. هبَّتْ ومنها الخِلابُ والخَدعُ
تأخذ مني باللوم أو تدعُ

2. The free spirit does not fly with the mention that causes anguish and does not settle
Parting did not disguise its type, nor did the resentful censurer's back bend for it

٢. لأهُبة السيرِ لا تطيرُ مع ال
ذكر بها لوعةٌ ولا تقعُ

3. Before you, my ears grew weary of reproachers
What clarity with reproof will shatter?

٣. لم يختلب جنسَها الوداعُ ولا اه
تزّت لها خَلف ظاعنٍ ضِلَعُ

4. Among the predecessors was one unjust
Her judgments are heard and then followed

٤. قبلك أعيتْ عواذلي أُذني
أيّ صَفاةٍ بالعذل تنصدعُ

5. For her are my heart's darkness and my gaze, so my tear does not set in it, nor despair
A gazelle, the beloved of the doe, the place where she looks from and the doe sits complacently

٥. في سلف الرائحين جائرةٌ
تُسمَعُ أحكامُها فتُتَّبَعُ

6. My devotion to her steadfast loyalty corrected my fervor, and my mind was severed by her glances
She was evident in sweet purpose, and my life and coming to life, if it could be regained, has passed

٦. لها سوادا قلبي وطرفي فما
يغرب فيها دمعي ولا الجزعُ

7. And her ghost taught the walls, while I used to be content with fables of dreams
And the night of rest and travel, I was commanded to sleep, and yearning was repelling wakefulness

٧. حوراءُ ودّ الظبيُ المكانَ الذي
تنظرُ منه والظبيُ مرتبِعُ

8. I forced my eye to watch her phantom, while my sleep I dedicated to refusal
So an adorned nature did not keep true and was innovated in her betrayal

٨. صحَّحَ رِقِّي حبُّ الوفاء لها
ومهجتي في لحاظها قِطَعُ

9. Until I wished I had stayed up with the riders, and the affection of companions if they had slept
She made me grey before I aged, with a juvenile love that springs up and climbs

٩. بانت بحلو المنى وعيشي وآ
تي العيش ماضٍ لو كان يُرتَجَعُ

10. It takes what the years take from the body, and leaves what you let go
Alas for a devastating one, who is neither poetry on my head nor splitting

١٠. وعلَّمتْ طيفَها الصدودَ وقد
كنتُ بإفك الأحلامِ أقتنعُ

11. She signals to me with separation and tears through my lifespan what cannot be patched
I accompanied her to the drought of a companion. If only we had parted before we met

١١. وليلةَ النَّعفِ والسُّرَى آمرٌ
بالنوم والشوقُ زاجرٌ يَزَعُ

12. Like the friend of the village, his brother the wolf in it and his neighbor the lion
They said refrain, for it is the ruin, and I had been refraining for the judgment of evil

١٢. أكرهتُ عيني على الكرى أرقب ال
طيف ونومي أُولاه ممتنِعُ

13. Old age did not transfer to me a nature nor did an innate disposition dirty me before it was refined
My soul is more protective than to be moralized by preaching, and my heart rises with glory

١٣. فما وفت شيمة ملوّنةٌ
تُستنّ في غدرها وتُبتدعُ

14. If passion elevated me or stupid fortune debased me, my resolve is lofty and rises
I was sincere with my time to know me, had I benefited from sincerity with it

١٤. حتى تمنيتُ لو سهرتُ مع ال
ركبِ وودّ السارون لو هجعوا

15. And I said, divert me from the ways of asking people, and guide me, for I am a follower
I tried a people whose loyalty had a flash of deception, they do not rain if they lightened, so if they gave I wished they had deprived

١٥. شيَّبني قبل أن كبِرتُ له
حبٌّ لظمياءَ ناشىءٌ يَفَعُ

16. I coveted in them until I despaired, and despair is only what desire profits you
So sit when effort has drawn affliction, and hunger when satiation degrades you

١٦. يأخذ ما تأخذ السنون من ال
جسم ولا يترك الذي تدعُ

17. And a companion like the crippled hand, nothing can be warded by it so it is warded
He walked generously with me, so when nobility gathered, hyenas of his affection gathered for me

١٧. آهِ لشمطاء لا هي الشعر
برأسي ولا هي الصَّدَعُ

18. I distanced my soul from him in disdain, and he may walk heavily with his burden
And I said the door of God, if difficulties narrow, is open and this space is vast

١٨. تؤذنني بالمدى وتخرُقُ من
عمريَ مالا تسدُّه الرُّقَعُ

19. And in the sweet loyalty is the loyalty of Job's son, a purpose sufficient and to be returned to
My Master, my hand and sword submitting to Him, and my supporter the day factions desert me

١٩. صحبتُ منها يُبس الرفيق ويا
ليت افترقنا من قبل نجتمعُ

20. I depended on Him for the stronghold of power, the lance blades of feats, and the ropes of hopes are cut off
Dazzling, passing the darkness of his majesty, glistening when it is traversed, and convulsing

٢٠. كصاحب البلدة القَواء أخو
ه الذئب فيها وجارهُ السَّبُعُ

21. Pleasing of high spirit, resolute in determination, he appears as if he is a tree trunk
His speech directed, wary of what he has said of truth, trusting and taking refuge

٢١. قالوا ارتدعْ إنه البياض وقد
كنت بحكم السواد أرتدعُ

22. Insight exposes to him every problem, an opinion behind the hidden informed
Helping with might, being generous, and the faces of souls in awe of his serious mien

٢٢. لم ينقل الشيْبُ لي طباعاً ولا
دنّسني قبلَ صقله طَبَعُ

23. The kingdom of the two leaders strengthened from him, a massive mountain, neither feeble nor pleading
He advises for God and the Caliphate, not elevating in desire or debasing

٢٣. نفسيَ أحجَى من أن تُحلَّمَ بال
وعظ وقلبي بالمجد مضطَلعُ

24. A ministry, since you came to it, the Sunna lived in it and innovation died
It testifies to me it is certainty, O God's ordainment, and the Muslims and community

٢٤. وإن هوى بي أو حطّني حُمُق ال
حظ فهمِّي يسمو ويرتفعُ

25. You succeeded them as an heir of your father, so they did not falter in what they rooted and propagated
And they planted your generous origin, so how good is what they cultivated that they planted

٢٥. صَدَقتُ دهري عنّي ليعرفَني
لو كنتُ فيه بالصدق أنتفعُ

26. It was a favor upon their refusal from them, with those they put forward and contrived
You were a tongue decreeing when they spoke, the decreeing of their spears when they set forth

٢٦. وقلت مِلْ بي عن طَرْق مسألة ال
ناس وقُدني فإنني تبعُ

27. And a Sunna repelling the opponent from their call since they armored themselves with you
An abundant superiority from it, engendering and fabricating what it transmits relating and devising

٢٧. جرّبتُ قوماً وفاؤهم بارق ال
خلَّبِ لا يُمطرون إن لمعوا

28. The people singled you out in prayer, and if they bent they would stray in slander even if they gathered
And the panegyrists were prolix regarding you with the current gems they fashioned or inlaid

٢٨. في العسر واليسر يمنعون فإن
أعطَوا تمنّيت أنهم منعوا

29. And they did not speak except with what they knew, nor reported about you other than what they heard
So let there remain for the people from you, what the people unanimously agreed upon of your superiority and gathered

٢٩. طمعتُ فيهم حتى يئست وما ال
يأس سوى ما أفادك الطمعُ

30. And may troubles avoid your realm, for in a people are their summer resort and dwelling place
And may your Nayrouz overcome, the most generous who encampments came down to him or erected

٣٠. فاقعد إذا السعي جرَّ مهضمةً
وجُعْ إذا ما أهانك الشِّبعُ

31. A generous day, skillful, even on barren ground, ornaments from his bounty or robes
Giving you glad tidings of immortality, while the sun continues to rise after hiding

٣١. وصاحبٍ كاليد الشليلة لا
يُدفعُ شيء بها فيندفعُ

32. And may your palms be filled by the tight-fisted, overflowing in the regions with stinginess, abstaining
Without vigor in importance assailing him, nor craving pleasure

٣٢. مشى جواداً معي فحين علا
تجمَّعتْ لي بودِّه ضَبُعُ

٣٣. حملت نفسي عنه عزوفاً وقد
يَحْمَى فيمشي بثقلِهِ الظَّلِعُ

٣٤. وقلت بابُ الإله إن ضقت مف
توحٌ وهذا الفضاءُ متَّسِعُ

٣٥. وفي وفاءِ الحلو الوفاء ابن أي
يوب مَرادٌ كافٍ ومنتجَعُ

٣٦. مولَى يدِي والحسامُ يُسلمها
وناصري يومَ تخذُلُ الشِّيعُ

٣٧. علِقتُ منه شَزْرَ القُوَى مَرِس ال
فتل وحبلُ الآمال منقطعُ

٣٨. أبلج يعدي الدجى سناه فتب
يضُّ إذا خاضها وتنتصعُ

٣٩. راض العلا قارح العزيمة واس
تظهر حتى كأنه جَذعُ

٤٠. مسدّد النطق مستريبٌ بما
قال من الحق آمنٌ فزِعُ

٤١. يُطلعهُ نجدَ كلِّ مشكلةٍ
رأيٌ وراء الغيوبِ مطَّلعُ

٤٢. عنَّ على قدرةٍ وجادَ وجو
وُ الجدي جعدُ الأرواح منقشعُ

٤٣. وشد منه مُلكُ الإمامين جل
دَ المتن لا عاجزٌ ولا ضَرِعُ

٤٤. ينصح للّهِ والخلافةِ لا
يرفع في شَهوةٍ ولا يَضعُ

٤٥. وزارةٌ مذ أتيتَها عاشت ال
سُنَّةُ فيها وماتت البدعُ

٤٦. تشهد لي أنها اليقينُ قضا
يا اللّهِ والمسلمون والجُمَعُ

٤٧. وزَرتَهم وارثاً اباك فما ار
تابوا بما أصَّلوا وما افترعوا

٤٨. واغترسوا عِرقَك الكريمَ فما
أطيبَ ما استثمروا الذي زرعوا

٤٩. كان اصطناعاً على تمنّعه
منهم بمن قدَّموا وما اصطنعوا

٥٠. كنت لساناً يقضي إذا نطقوا
قضاءَ أرماحهم إذا شرعوا

٥١. وسنَّةً تدفع المخالفَ عن
دعوتهم مذ همُ بك ادّرعوا

٥٢. فضلٌ طريف منه ومتَّلِدٌ
تنقُلُه حاكياً وتخترعُ

٥٣. وحّدك الناسُ في الدعاء ولو
ثنَوَّا لضلّوا إفكاً ولو جَمَعوا

٥٤. وأطنب المادحون فيك بما
صاغوا من السائراتِ أو رَصَعوا

٥٥. ولم يقولوا إلا بما علموا
ولا روَوا فيك غيرَ ما سمِعوا

٥٦. فليبقَ للناس منك من أطبقَ ال
ناسُ عليه في الفضل واجتمعوا

٥٧. ولتجتنب ربعَك الخطوبُ وفي
قومٍ مَصِيفٌ لها ومُرتَبعُ

٥٨. وليغشَ منك النيروزُ أكرمَ مَن
حطَّ إليه الوفودُ أو رفعوا

٥٩. يومٌ جوادٌ حكاك حتّى على ال
تُربِ حُلى من جداه أو خِلعُ

٦٠. يعطيك بُشرى الخلودِ ما طفِقت
تحتجبُ الشمس ثمّ تطَّلعُ

٦١. وليفدِ كفّيك مغلقُ اليد مخ
فورُ النواحي بالبخل ممتنعُ

٦٢. ما عنده في المهمِّ يطرقُه
جدٌّ ولا بالندى له ولعُ