1. Sleep returned to her after it had wandered,
Her supervision over a noble supervision,
١. رَدَّ عليها النومَ بعد ما شَرَدْ
إشرافُها على شَرافٍ من أُحُدْ
2. And he gathered her, scattered, to the course of the morning breeze,
And spread over the house and the mud of the country.
٢. وضمَّها منشورةً مَجرى الصَّبا
وعَطَنَ الدارِ وطِينةَ البلَدْ
3. So she inclined every rough, thorny slope
To the pebbles and to the softness of the pillow.
٣. فعطَفَتْ كلَّ صليفٍ ناشزٍ
على الخِشاشِ وعلى لين المَسَدْ
4. The guide leads her to his need,
While her care is different, it has not been led to her.
٤. يقودها الحادي إلى حاجته
وهمُّها أخرى إليها لم تُقَدْ
5. But she lost him for a while,
Her days with him as if they could be bought back.
٥. وإنما تيَّمها بحاجرٍ
أيّامُها بحاجرٍ لو تُستَردْ
6. And good nights created covenants,
Their promises renewed with memories.
٦. وصالحاتٌ من ليالٍ أخلقتْ
عهودُها وهي مع الذِكْرَى جُدُدْ
7. O religion of the people of weakness, their illness,
And their joy with a pretender who did not find.
٧. يادين من أهل الغضا سقامُها
ووجدُها بمدّعٍ ما لم يجِدْ
8. And keeping the covenant of a despicable deceiver
Who remembers what he hoped for and forgets what he promised.
٨. وحفظُها عهدَ ملولٍ ماطلٍ
يذكر ما استرعَى وينسَى ما عَهِدْ
9. And how many livers in the valley of weakness
Judge it with the leveling of impartial justice.
٩. وكم على وادي الغضا من كبِدٍ
يحكم فيها بسوى العدل الكَمَدْ
10. And from a dispersed heart which vomits it
The comrade of the living with the pebbles dispersed.
١٠. ومن فؤادٍ بَددٍ تلفِظُه
ولائدُ الحيّ مع الحصا البَدَدْ
11. And a cutting sword that misfortune was not caused by it
Since its scabbard of glances was not sheathed.
١١. وصارمٍ ما شَقِيَ القَيْنُ به
مذ سلَّه غُنجُ اللحاظِ ما غُمِدْ
12. And from a gazelle whose buttocks do not decrease
Weakly while in its fetters the neck of a lion.
١٢. ومن غزالٍ لا يُقِلُّ رِدفُه
ضعفاً وفي حباله عُنقُ أَسَدْ
13. And a stature that if its shape did not have
The act of the canal, it would not be filled and stretched.
١٣. وقامة لو لم يكن لشكلها
فعلُ القناة لم تملْ ولم تمِدْ
14. Young women of a valley, since its foliage was pregnant
With the spears of Qais, were not taken out or supported.
١٤. بانات وادٍ مذ حَمَتْ شجراءَهُ
رماحُ قيسٍ ما اختُلي ولا عُضِدْ
15. The wind plays with every swaying branch,
A twig if it stands, and a dome if it sits.
١٥. تلاوَذُ الريحُ بكلِّ مرهفٍ
غصنٍ إذا قام وحِقْفٍ إن قعدْ
16. Beloveds in playfulness in playgrounds
Where bliss nests, and they are the gardens of immortality.
١٦. حبائب بالخيْف في مَلاعبٍ
هنّ النعيمُ وهي جنّاتُ الخُلُدْ
17. My tears watered a life with them yesterday sweet and cool,
If I had power over time
١٧. سقتْ دموعي حَرُّها ومِلحُها
عيشاً بها بالأمس طاب وبَرَدْ
18. With obedience I would say repeat it for me, repeat.
O rider who treads the path for livelihood
١٨. لو كان لي على الزمان إِمْرَةٌ
بطاعةٍ قلتُ أعدْها لي أعِدْ
19. The hot soil, the night, and the expanses of wastelands.
You see the road, its width and length,
١٩. يا راكباً تدوسُ للرزقِ به
حرَّ الثرى والليلَ وجناءُ أُجُدْ
20. To its pole between an arm and elbow.
You fold the miles, folding the winds unseen,
٢٠. ترى الطريقَ عَرضَهُ وطُولَه
لقُطبها بين ذراعٍ وعَضُدْ
21. Asking where is the range, and what is the extent?
As if from lightness whoever it touched
٢١. تطوي السُّرى طيَّ الرياح لا تُرَى
سائلةً أين المَدَى وما الأَمَدْ
22. Does not rely on the ground on all fours.
Seeking success for her need with effort
٢٢. كأنّها من خِفّةٍ من مسّها ال
أرضَ على أربَعِها لا تعتَمِدْ
23. From one who swore he only seeks what he finds.
Go back and rest and pardon it
٢٣. تطلب نُجْحَ حاجها بجَهْد من
أقسمَ لا يطلُبُ إلا ما يَجِدْ
24. Not every share for you from it that you toil.
The place for your eyes is sufficient wealth
٢٤. اِرجِعْ وراءَ فاسترحْ وأَعفِها
ما كلُّ حظٍّ لك منه أن تَكُدّْ
25. Enough for people of needs, the misery of distance.
Next to Zuraa is a palace, whose aim
٢٥. مَطرَحُ عينيكَ غِنَى مقترِفٍ
كفى بني الحاجاتِ شُقَّاتِ البُعُدْ
26. Is a sea, if it gives wealth it does not economize.
The hands of the children of Abdul Rahim extend it
٢٦. بجانب الزوراء قصرٌ قصدُهُ
بحرٌ إذا أعطى الغِنَى لم يقتصِدْ
27. Continuous while the sea rages and extends.
They made it overflow and made its flowers permissible,
٢٧. أيدي بني عبد الرحيم مدُّه ال
دائمُ والبحرُ يَغيضُ ويَمُدّْ
28. Immortalized, fresh, so whoever wishes enters.
A people, if you do not meet one of them
٢٨. قد أفعموه وأباحوا وِردَه
مخلَّداً عَذْباً فمن شاء وَرَدْ
29. And if you meet people, you do not meet anyone.
They protected the sanctuary of their honor and wealth
٢٩. قومٌ إذا لم تَلْقَ منهم واحداً
وإن لقِيتَ الناسَ لم تَلْقَ أحدْ
30. And damages on the road are penalized.
And they tied for every neighbor a covenant
٣٠. صانوا حمى أعراضِهم ومالهُم
وَذِيَّةٌ على الطريق تُنتقَدْ
31. And the covenant of wealth through them is not tied.
They managed the land, so its heaviness does not make them worried
٣١. وعَقَدوا لكلّ جارٍ ذمّةً
وذمّةُ المال بهم لا تنعقدْ
32. Managing it, and it does not oppress.
Its kings today and their fathers
٣٢. هم دبَّروا الأرضَ فلم يُعيِهِمُ
بثقلها تدبيرُها ولم يَؤُدْ
33. Were its kings, and none on earth lasts.
They split headaches in their beds
٣٣. ملوكُها اليومَ وآباؤهُمُ
ملوكُها وما على الأرض وَتِدْ
34. With dreamlike patience that did not feed whoever was not weaned.
And they tossed while they were young stalks, branches,
٣٤. تمطَّقوا السؤدُدَ في مهودهم
من حَلَمٍ ما أَرضعتْ من لم يَسُدْ
35. With the eradicator, the hurler, and the stronger launcher.
And whenever a disputant disputed them,
٣٥. وطوّحوا وهم جِذاعٌ فُصُلٌ
بالقارح البازل والقَرْم الأشَدّْ
36. He surrendered to them, chosen or oppressed.
And who led the difficulties to them
٣٦. وكلَّما نازعهم منازعٌ
سلَّمَ مختاراً لهم أو مضْطَهَدْ
37. And they found favor through them, and it was lost.
And the sign appeared in their resemblance
٣٧. ولا ومَنْ قاد الصِّعابَ لَهُمُ
وأوجدوا الفضلَ بهم وقد فُقدْ
38. Animosity, existence, effort and endurance.
The earth does not give birth even if it strains
٣٨. وأظهرَ الآيةَ في اشتباههم
بأساً وجوداً وعناءً وجَلَدْ
39. Like the perfection of the king, yet the earth gives birth!
He shepherded the people of the world in their differences
٣٩. ما تَلِدُ الأرضُ ولو تحفَّلتْ
مثلَ كمالِ الملكِ والأرضُ تَلِدْ
40. Alone with what he shepherded authoritarian.
Neither an advisor who sees the council for him
٤٠. رعَى بني الدنيا على اختلافهم
منفرداً بما رعاه مستبِدّْ
41. An opinion, nor a reform seeker, so guided.
The solitude of the experienced does not impoverish him
٤١. لا مستشيرٌ يُبصر الشورى له
رأياً ولا منتصِحٌ فمرتَفِدْ
42. His exertion with himself to numbers.
His eye forbids the permissible sleep
٤٢. وَحْدَةُ ذي اللِّبدةِ لا يُفقره
عَناؤه بنفسه إلى العَدَدْ
43. Facing every worry until it is blocked.
Neither closed minded nor troubled in intestines
٤٣. تُحرِّم النومَ المباحَ عينُه
إِزاء كلِّ خَلَّةٍ حتى تُسَدّْ
44. Under any incident of annoyances.
If he gets an opportunity for his determination
٤٤. لا مُغلَقُ الرأي ولا مضطربُ ال
أحشاءِ تحت حادثٍ من الزُّؤُدْ
45. He intends, not procrastinating today for tomorrow.
Blessed is the look of whoever saw him
٤٥. إذا أصاب فرصةً لعزمه
صمَّمَ لا يسوّفُ اليومَ بغدْ
46. Illuminated by his face, for he has succeeded.
If the days were molded from his morals
٤٦. مباركُ النظرةِ مَن أبصره
مصطبحاً بوجهه فقد سَعِدْ
47. No distress or vexation would have marred them.
Kingship did not name him the perfection, or he saw
٤٧. لو صيغت الأيّامُ من أخلاقه
لم يعترضْها كَدرٌ ولا نَكَدْ
48. From his grace a deficiency of every exerted one.
Nor did the heights want him as a father for it
٤٨. لم يُسمِه الملكُ الكمالَ أو رأى
عن عفوه نقصانَ كلِّ مجتهِدْ
49. Except that he succeeded in what was born from it.
His envier acknowledged his favor
٤٩. ولا أرادته العلا أباً لها
إلا وقد أفلحَ منها ما ولَد
50. Even if he saw the face of resentment, he would deny.
Generosity impoverished him, even if it enriched him, that
٥٠. أقرّ بالفضل له حاسدهُ
ولو رأى وجهَ الجحود لجَحَدْ
51. He ruled by it, and he who did not find was not satisfied.
So over time, you will remain triumphant,
٥١. أفقره الجودُ وإن أغناه أن
ساد به ولم يَسُدْ مَن لم يَجُدْ
52. Empowered, commanding matters and leading.
And through your presence, no state will change
٥٢. فلا يزلْ على الزمان منكُمُ
مسلَّطٌ يَفرِي الأمورَ ويقُدّْ
53. You are around its edges an extending veil.
And its throne and its saddle did not see
٥٣. ولا تَبدَّلْ بسواكم دولةٌ
أنتم على أرجائها سِتر يُمَدّْ
54. Other than you one who rides and one who sits.
And you were remaining accompanying
٥٤. ولا رأى سريرُها وسرجُها
مِن غيركم مَن يمتطِي ويقتَعِدْ
55. His age and honor the sun of eternity.
Charity seizes for you every free woman
٥٥. وكنتَ أنت باقياً مساوِقاً
بعمره وعزِّه شمسَ الأبَدْ
56. If not for your likeness, she would not be worshipped.
The girl of beautiful features in hearts suckled
٥٦. تَسبِي العطايا لك كلَّ حُرّةٍ
لولا نداك لم تكن لتُعتَبَدْ
57. The breast of abstinence and grew from ardor.
She has not been disgraced by an utterance uttered
٥٧. بِنْتِ الخدور في الصدور رضَعتْ
ثديَ النُّهى ونشأتْ من الكَبِدْ
58. From its evil the hearing rejects, nor meaning to be rejected.
A charming sorcerer increases through her
٥٨. لم تُمتَهنْ بلفظةٍ يلفظُها
من شرِّها السمعُ ولا معنىً يُرَدّْ
59. The love of hearts, whatever he wished, dissolved and tied.
Every speaking tongue is associating
٥٩. يَرقِي بها ودَّ القلوبِ ساحرٌ
ما شاء بالنفثةِ حلَّ وعقدْ
60. While for you in his poetry singular absolute.
No speaker has revolved since speech revolved
٦٠. كل لسانٍ ثنويٌّ مشرِكٌ
وهو لكم في شعره فردٌ صمدْ
61. Like it, nor did a hand flow in scriptures.
Every day it sends you a masterpiece
٦١. ما دار مذ دار الكلامُ ناطقٌ
بمثلها ولا جرتْ في الصحْفِ يدْ
62. The choice of what the expert said or analyzed.
He saw you foremost deserving whom
٦٢. تغشاك منها كلَّ يومٍ تحفةٌ
نخبةُ ما قال الخبيرُ أو نقدْ
63. He exaggerated in praise and exerted.
No flattering praised you, and no poetry said
٦٣. رآك دون الناس أولى بالذي
بالغ فيهِ من ثناء واجتهدْ
64. In you the excess of poetry except what was believed.
٦٤. ما نافقتْك مِدحةٌ ولم يَقلْ
فيك غلوَّ الشعرِ إلا ما اعتقدْ